• Where can I find an example and complete Arquillian Dependencies Comaptible to JDK 1.6.0_35 & Websphere

    Currently, I  am trying to do integration testing in  a EJB project but couldn't find compatible jars to run with jdk 1.6 build 35 & Websphere, How to add Websphere remote to work with Websphere ...
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    last modified by balaajichander
  • Artifact metadata on Maven central not up to date

    Hi,   It seems the maven-metadata.xml files on Maven central are not updated correctly for most (if not all) arquillian related artifacts. For example, https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/jboss/shrinkwrap/resolve...
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    last modified by papegaaij
  • Adding Libraries to JavaArchive

    Hi   org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.spec.JavaArchive does have a method like org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.spec.WebArchive.addAsLibraries()       What is the workaround for this with Java Archive?   ...
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    last modified by sharkbite
  • @ArquillianResource always injects localhost:8080

    Hi,   we are using Arquillian with version of BOM from org.jboss.bom:jboss-eap-javaee7-with-tools:7.0.4.GA for remotely running integration tests on an EAP 7.0.4 standalone environment (lets say on http://my-rem...
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    last modified by a-st
  • Using Drone with Appium

    Hi there! I'm from the Keycloak QE team and we'd like to use the Appium project for our mobile testing. We need to test both Android and iOS so Droidium is not an option for us, unfortunately. Our testsuite is buil...
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    last modified by vmuzikar
  • Arquillian Wildfly Embedded - No logging in console etc.

    Using Arquillian Wildfly embedded container (9.0.1) there is no logging in neither console (stdout), log files etc.   contrary to managed container   but direct server side debugging is only achievable wit...
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    last modified by eliasbalasis1
  • Precedence on @Observes

    Hi folks.   I have an Arquillian extension that registers (a) an observer and (b) an enricher service.   Here's the skeleton of the observer:   public class Initializer {     @Inject &#...
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    last modified by jonh.wendell
  • Adding CDI and / or EJB to embedded IronJacamar Arquillian tests

    Dear community,   i started off with a JCA project generated by the IronJacamar Eclipse plugin and progress is demanding CDI and / or EJB to do some interaction testing, like suspend and resume, with the transac...
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    last modified by embee71
  • Arquillian customize standalone.xml

    Hi,   is it possible to change the standalone.xml file in JBoss before tests are started?
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    last modified by aqtwrdnr
  • Arquillian Container for Atlassian Applications

    Hi, firstly let me introduce myself, I'm a senior software engineer for Adaptavist - we provide consultancy around Atlassian products (eg. JIRA, Confluence, Bitbucket), and also produce Atlassian Marketplace add-ons. ...
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    last modified by jollytoad
  • Arquillian Persistence Extension - Using DBUnit Table Filter

    Hi,   I wonder how (or if) I can define an DBUnit ITableFilter instance for my Arquillian test that uses the persistence extension?   What I want to achieve: pass an instance of SequenceTableFilter (implem...
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    last modified by jhasenbe
  • Setting up a Caller Principal in an Arquillian test

    Hi,   we are using Arquillian to test our business layer. It works pretty well. Thanks for that great framework   Currently I am writing some permission tests where I want to ensure that certain business ...
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    last modified by woelfle
  • JAX-RS 2.0 client works properly but returns HTTP 404 when executing with Arquillian

    Hello,   I'm deplying some JAX-RS 2.0 (Apache CXF 3.0) services on WebSphere AS I run a JAX-RS program which uses javax.ws.rs.client.Client to connect to the services to perform some GET/POST operations...
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    last modified by simplex-software
  • arquillian XSD suddenly changed its name !

    Hi,   Since yesterday, the 10th of May at about 5 PM CET, all my projects using Arquillian started to display red stuff in Eclipse. The error was: "Referenced file contains errors https://jboss.org/schema/arquil...
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    last modified by simplex-software
  • arquillian-wls-remote-12.1.2 failing with Arquillian 1.1.9.Final

    Hi All   Running arquillian-wls-remote-12.1.2 with Arquillian 1.0.3.Final seems OK but if I upgrade arquillian-bom and arquillian-junit-container to 1.1.9.Final then I get this error:   java.lang.NoSuchMet...
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    last modified by meselfe
  • Arquillian + managed Tomcat 7 test fails with "invalid stream header: 0D0A3C21"

    Hello!   I want to run arquillian tests with our software. But I constantly fail to run a single test.   Sympton: I get an exception like this :   java.io.StreamCorruptedException: invalid stream hea...
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    last modified by gorefest
  • Unable to run Arquillian test using wildfly-javaee7-webapp-archetype maven project

    I'm using IntelliJIdea Ultimate 2016.3.4. I have built a new project using the above maven archetype (latest version), but I cannot get the arquillian test to run. I have Wildfly 10.1 running as a local server. I hav...
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    last modified by stravcode
  • arquillian-wls-embedded vs arquillian-wls-remote

    Hi All   I tried running a test with the wls-remote adapter but although the war is deployed immediately the test itself (which is a very simple cdi injection test) doesnt run until after several minutes and it s...
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    last modified by meselfe
  • Cannot use Arquillian REST client Extension with external URL

    I would like to use the Arquillian Restclient extension to run tests on the restinterface. When deploying the whole EAR, everything works find, but i would like to have a test-war that only contains the REST Interfac...
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    created by malcomtom
  • Issues with Arquillian for Kubernetes container

    Hi,   I was using fabric8-arquilIian initially where I was getting exception mentioned below.   org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.impl.client.deployment.ValidationException: DeploymentScenario contains a ...
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    last modified by pankaj-gem