• How do I set the HTTPContext so ArquillianServletRunner can be found?

    I'm looking for guidance to get the needed metadata into my deployed war.  I can see from the source an exception is thrown when the servlet ArquillianServletRunner is not found in the HTTPContext object.  T...
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    last modified by billm
  • Creating a presentation material repository

    I was watching videos @ http://arquillian.org/invasion/videos/ and want to get the slide of Testable Enterprise Development with Arquillian by Aslak Knutsen, Andrew Lee Rubinger. i found one in Andrw slideshare profil...
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    last modified by rajonjava
  • Persistence Extension Object-Oriented DataSets ideas

    Hi Arquillian Community,     as part of the GSoC I was working on the Object-Oriented DataSet proposal and even though I wasn't officially accepted to the GSoC this year, I spent quite much time with the pr...
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    last modified by crazyjavahacking
  • arquillian.org The Showcase

    I've hacked up a little Showcase view for arquillian.org based on the arquillian-showcase examples.   In short what the Extension do:   * Run through all Examples in the Showcase * Extract metadata from ...
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    last modified by aslak
  • Artifact packager

    I would like to start a discusion on a additional for the Arquillian. There was already a idea for the Seam extension and similary for the Spring one to enable configuring the packaged bundles. I see the need of such...
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    created by jmnarloch
  • On ARQ-337

    (Wrote the previous one in the wrong secion, I think)   Hi there, I looked into ARQ-337 (activating/deactivating scopes) yesterday together with Aslak and here's what we came up with. Feedback expected.  ...
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    last modified by m1ckey
  • Arquillian Twitter Account

    As i am seeing some active talk in IRC on Arq. Twitter account.. thought of staring a discussion here for historical record...   I love to see a twitter account for Arq. which helps Twitter users like me who can...
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    created by rajonjava
  • Rethinking the FAQ

    Now that we've gotten past publishing arquillian.org and getting the introductory guides written and translated, it's time to look at what other information is still in hard to reach places. One of the items on that l...
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    last modified by dan.j.allen
  • Towards Spring Test Enricher Milesone One

    After yesterday discussion with Marius we agreed to prepare the first release of the Spring test enricher (currently held here:https://github.com/jmnarloch/arquillian-container-spring) that will be ready within next 2...
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    last modified by jmnarloch
  • arquillian.org The Reference Dictionary

    I've been playing with something I call the: The Reference Dictionary   Think of it as a Term / Concept Dictionary based on JavaDoc data and not as a JavaDoc replacement. User facing API's in Arquillian are mo...
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    last modified by aslak
  • Graphics workflow for the Arquillian platform

    Hi guys,   I want to create a workflow for the request, creation, evaluation, finalization and storage of graphics created for the Arquillian project. Up until now you've been stuck with images I've created at 3...
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    last modified by graphitefriction
  • Arquillian Extension Seam2 - what's next?

    > I have looked at sources and it looks great. Although I have some > additional questions to implementation as I am not Arquillian > developer: > > 1. We (will) have in Seam 2.3 parallel support o...
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    last modified by aslak
  • Looking for a driver for a declarative REST testing extension

    The JAX-RS EG recently announced that a set of client APIs will be standardized in JAX-RS 2.0 (see example). With that announcement, and the continued industry adoption of REST services, I think the time is right to c...
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    last modified by dan.j.allen
  • Alignment of container configuration property names

    While evaluating and documenting the various container adapters and configuration, I've noticed a large variation in property names for the same attribute. To improve the usability of Arquillian, we should adhere to a...
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    last modified by dan.j.allen
  • Smarter container configuration activation

    Activing container configuration right now is a real pain and, to be honest, pretty brain dead. It requires the user to manually correlate the choice of container adapter with the choice of container configuration. &#...
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    last modified by dan.j.allen
  • Speed up test development

    Hi Guys, Writing tests usually requires tweaking, running, tweeking, runnint, and so on. Having tests run in container increases the turnaround sky high. I've been using JSFUnit for Seam2 application and there I mad...
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    last modified by blabno
  • Results from testing TomEE container adapters

    Upon the release of TomEE 1.0.0, I decide to give the bundled Arquillian container adapters a go.   I began with the project created in the Arquillian Getting Started guide, then added the TomEE container adapte...
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    last modified by dan.j.allen
  • Using Tomcat adapters as foundation for TomEE adapters

    Apache TomEE bills itself as being Apache Tomcat with the web profile baked in. This means that it behaves mostly like Tomcat.   While reviewing the TomEE container adapters, I noticed that there is a lot of ove...
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    created by dan.j.allen
  • Preparing for 1.0.0.Final

    We're preparing for the first final release of Arquillian, 1.0.0.Final! (Hmm, perhaps I should have warned you to sit down first if that caused you to faint). This release showcases the dedicated work of many people a...
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    last modified by dan.j.allen
  • Regarding GSoC Idea-Automate JavaScript tests in an integration environment using Arquillian

    Hi , My name is Malith Dhanushka and I am a final year undergraduate student from University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. I am interested in this idea for my GSOC 2012 project. Currently I am going through the given re...
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