• Centos57 on EBS partitions bugs

    Hello   I'm try build Centos 5.7 for EC2 and have some problems. Partitions ignore type Not work post installation   I'm use this config:     name: centos-5.7-scalr os:     ...
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    last modified by gigimon
  • Swap partition not created on CentOS 5.7

    Hi,   First off thanks to all, especially, Marek for writing boxgrinder.   I'm using appliance   ami-b4f9c8c 601083040030/boxgrinder-meta/fedora/15/1.6/x86_64   to build a Centos 5.7 AMI ...
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    last modified by shaunmcc
  • Ruby Enterprise, Chef

    I'm trying to bake a CentOS 5 appliance with Ruby Enterprise and Chef gems pre-installed.  I tried installing REE from source but the compilation takes ~10 minutes and there's some kind of timeout on guestfs....
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    last modified by pchambers
  • CentOS 5 / grub / EC2

    I'm trying to build with CentOS 5 on EC2 and get the following.  I'm guessing /sysroot/boot not existing is related to grub not liking /dev/loop3.  Beyond that I have no idea.  Suggestions or workaround...
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    last modified by pchambers
  • EC2 EBS AMI for US-west (not there)

    Hi all,   Does anyone here know what has happened to the EBS AMI for BoxGrinder Build Meta appliance in EC2 us-west region ?   The AMI was announced here:   http://boxgrinder.org/download/boxgrinder...
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    last modified by andreah
  • is boxgrinder the right tool for this job?

    Hi all,   Aplogies for the less technical and more throrectical question .   I want to convert our RHEL 5 SOE into AMI instances. It has to be built as we do it internally but our tools can't be reached vi...
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    last modified by augustsimonelli
  • Unable to publish EBS AMI

    HI,   I'm unable to publish a Centos 5.6 EBS AMI at present.   I'm using the EBS Meta image in us-east-1 which has been updated to the latest version by using "yum update" and "gem update"   I can d...
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    last modified by zindello
  • Create CentOS6 BoxGrinder

    First, great application!  Thank you.   Second, has anyone been successfull at launching CentOS6? ( on EC2 )   Third. What is the best approach; make an new CentOS6 plugin, or extend the existing Cent...
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    last modified by pdoyley
  • pae trigger not working in 0.9.2

    Here is what I get when I try to build my appliance after the upgrade:   Error: [line 8, col 3] [/os/pae] key 'pae:' is undefined.
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    last modified by t3d
  • Cannot deliver Fedora 15 appliance to EC2 with EBS or S3 plugins (eu-west-1 availability zone)

    Hi,   I've recently been trying BoxGrinder because I need to create a new Fedora-powered server on Amazon EC2 for each new release of Fedora. I'm currently trying to create an appliance for Fedora 15.   Al...
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    last modified by unknow
  • Building EBS on micro AMI, does not finish, ideas?

    I read comments about failing atempts building and ebs VM on Amazon. I'm not having having problems with the first steps though, After it has finished the ec2 format the application (the latest) simply doesn't finish ...
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    last modified by antonvank
  • Feature Request: EBS Plugin Support for CentOS v5.5

    Hi,   I see that there are a number of CentOS 5.5 community AMI's where the root device is EBS. Would it possible for Boxgrinder to support EBS root device for CentOS 5.5 x64 at some point in the future?   ...
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    last modified by shaunmcc
  • Running AWS EC2 m2.4xlarge image

    I am attempting to deploy a Fedora 14 AMI built with BoxGrinder (Build 0.9.1) using the Amazon m2.4xlarge instance.   The specifications for the m2.4xlarge image include 68.4 GB of memory.  However, upo...
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    last modified by kbrackney
  • New Feature request: Support for Amazon Linux

    Hi Marek,   Would it be possible to introduce support for Amazon Linux?   Many thanks.   Shaun
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    last modified by shaunmcc
  • Cannot build Fedora 14 with meta appliance for EC2 with EBS delivery

    Hi, I've been trying BoxGrinder for the last two weeks as I need to create CentOS servers to run on Amazon EC2. I already tried with different Fedora and CentOS public AMIs with no success. Now I'm trying with an inst...
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    last modified by jarocca
  • How can I create an appliance in a different region such as ap.northeast-1

    Hello All,   I am trying to build appliances for the ap-notheast-1 region with boxgrinder.  It seems to default to us-east-1?    How can I build for the ap-notheast-1 reagion?   I t...
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    last modified by nishiroha
  • Small issues with building CentOS 5.5 64bit AMI

    Hi,   I built a JEOS CentOS 5.5 64bit AMI this afternoon using Appliance boxgrinder-meta/fedora/14/1.5/x86_64   Boxgrinder seem to work flawlessly but the resulting AMI can only be run on instance types m1...
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    last modified by shaunmcc
  • Help with: How to make an appliance with custom build included

    Hi All,   I have installed Boxgrinder and now I am able to build basic Appliances (fedora image) with the OS and  1 or 2 partitions and some packages.   Now I need your help with the following:  ...
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    last modified by praveenfelix
  • inheriting root password

    Hello,   It looks like the password setting from 'os' section is not inherited in child appliances. When I run the appliance, the root password is 'boxgrinder' instead of what was set in the parent appliance def...
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    last modified by t3d
  • Missing dependencies in rubygem-boxgrinder-build

    I just installed a fresh copy of Fedora 14. I chose the minimal install because I only wanted to use this machine to develop VM's. The first problem I had with this setup is that eth0 doesn't start. The fix for this ...
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    last modified by martinborgman