• Unexpected behavior while tracing output

    Hello,   This one is very odd to me, and likely it's something I am doing incorrectly.  It just seems odd that the behavior is so different.   I have the following statement:   traceln("a"," dis...
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    last modified by purringpigeon
  • How to log output to a file

    Hello,   I have attempted to use byteman to log out information to assist in troubleshooting an issue.   My concern is that I am not able to get this to log to a file - and all the output to the console wi...
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    last modified by purringpigeon
  • Trigger Load/Unload of Rules?

    Hello, I am working on a hosting environment that will use Byteman as an AOP tool to report metrics from the JVM. One of the features of Byteman we would like to take advantage of is the live loading of new Byte...
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    last modified by damcelligott
  • Helper hits "argument type mismatch" on EAP

    Hi, I'm struggling to use Byteman with my helper class on EAP. I hit two problems:   All of jars helper class depends on must be listed in -javaagent argument with sys: prefix For example, when your rule introsp...
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    last modified by igarashitm
  • Does performance issue for each request getting the session and close the session?

    Team, I need a clarification about session performance. I have created session pool(LocalSessionFactoryBean). I mean for each thread request I am getting a session(not created new one) from pool. For each request(fro...
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    created by stsivaraj
  • AT EXIT behavior

    I'm trying to run some concurrency tx tests for GAE TCK. With GAE you're only allowed that one tx handles same entity group. (think of entity group as a table, for now)   I have this rules:   @BMRules({ ...
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    last modified by alesj
  • ExecuteException: MethodExpression.interpret when referencing Entity EJB

    I am struggling with a very strange Byteman exception that I just can't understand. My rule is simple but I have to use a custom helper method so that I can extract the specific elements from a Map:   RULE trace...
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    created by loleary
  • java.lang.VerifyError when using byteman in latest HDFS 2.2.0

    Hi folks,   I have been using Byteman in HDFS fault injection test for some time. However since our HDFS bytecode version is targeted to 1.7, I always hit "java.lang.VerifyError" when submitting a rule.   ...
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    last modified by sztao1987
  • @Test annotation and Byteman

    I am trying to use Byteman with on a WS testsuite run within maven.  Byteman requires the @Test annotation.  When I use this annotation the JUnit startup method is never called and if I don't use the annotat...
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    last modified by rsearls
  • RULE execution based on triggering method field

    Hi, I have a class that I test and I want to instrument with Byteman, in order to do some action depending on some field in my test so I have a test like   @BMScript(value = "byteman/stop.btm") public class S...
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    last modified by abroszni
  • Dynamic submission : pb when re-submitting new byteman rule

    All operations described below are done without stopping the JVM. Tested with JVM HotSpot 1.6 and 1.7 and JBOSS 7.2, I  set correctly the param :  JBOSS_MODULES_SYSTEM_PKGS="org.jboss.byteman,jlp.byteman....
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    last modified by pasturel
  • Testing multi-threaded code with Byteman

    I've gotten the advice that Byteman can help to test multithread code. I am looking for an easy, straightforward way to write a unit test that a number of events on different threads happen in a certain order.  ...
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    last modified by ge0ffrey
  • Does Byteman work with Jboss AS 7.1.1?

    Hi all,   Long time listener, first time caller! The arquillian/byteman combo has saved my rear-end numerous times in the last couple months. Thank you both.   I have the following setup: - jboss as 7.1...
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    last modified by marco.rietveld
  • Starting byteman without listening on port for commands

    Hi,   Is it possible to include byteman as a javaagent, without it listening on any port for commands?   My current use case is;   I have a java process that forks multiple child java processes. I c...
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    last modified by johara
  • How can we set a delay time to do the action after the triggering

    public class myTest {     public static void main(String[] args) {         myFun();     }         public static void myFu...
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    last modified by flyaway_921
  • $@ help.

    Using rule [1] and verifying [2]... I'm thinking I'm ok.  But whenever I submit [3].  Am I just doing something wrong (using 2.1.3)?   Thanks, JLee   [1] RULE 3 CLASS com.arjuna.ats.internal.j...
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    last modified by jolee
  • Clarification needed about AT INVOKE Location and DO statement.

    For example, if I write this rule : RULE mock javax.mail.Transport.send         CLASS mypackage.MyClass         METHOD sendAMessage   &#...
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    last modified by pasturel
  • byteman - traceing internal value of thread class

    Hi, there? I am a newbie to the byteman.  I have a question. 1) Is it possible monitoring body of run() method, only using byteman, without System.out.println() statement?    In particular, conside...
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    last modified by amoebamach
  • [announce] BytemanPkg Version

      I delivered BytemanPkg on Github site : https://github.com/PASTJL/bytemanPkg Take a look at the readme file : https://github.com/PASTJL/bytemanPkg/blob/master/README.md I give some tips to use BytemanPkg ( ...
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    last modified by pasturel
  • how to use/install byteman with JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform(JBoss SOA-P)?

    I'm planning to use Byteman for the purpose of error logging with JBoss ESB ,I just wanted to know how to use byteman on server JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform.Please help @Andrew Dinn
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    created by sowkyareddy