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Thread _ah/admin does not work with Openshift?
_ah/admin does not work with Openshift?I just managed to deploy a CD app using the template in Openshift, however when I try to access _ah/admin it asks for OpenID but throws this error anyway: "OpenID auth request contains an unregistered domain: ...
/_ah/login causes 404While first playing with CD I wanted to test the todolist applcation, but the userService.createLoginURL returns /_ah/login ( which is not ...
Building and testing CapeDwarf(1) JBossAS7 upstream master * https://github.com/jbossas/jboss-as (2) CD Blue * https://github.com/capedwarf/capedwarf-blue (3) CD AS7 integration * https://github.com/capedwarf/capedwarf-jboss-as ...
DataStore and Cluster ScalabilityCapeDwarf is really a great system. It works amazingly. But I'm very concerned about its data store and scalability in a cluster. Could someone give some info on that? 1) CapeDwarf uses infinispan as the data ...
Thread Capedwarf WildFly cannot log to the console
Capedwarf WildFly cannot log to the consoleHi, I am using CapeDwarf 2.0.0.CR2 WildFly complete bundle to host my GAE application. On the server side, I am logging directly to java.util.logging.logger. The application works fine and I can see the log in...
CapeDwarf https listenerHi, I'm a new user of CapeDwarf and I'm now migrating my GAE application to CapeDwarf. But it seems that CapeDwarf will not set up https listener. It will just start http listener. Does someone happen to know ...
Context listener issuesWhy would the following not work? <listener> <listener-class>org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener</listener-class> </listener> <listener> <listener-class...
Article نتيجة الصف الثالث الابتدائى الترم الثانى 2014 محافظة القاهرة
نتيجة الصف الثالث الابتدائى الترم الثانى 2014 محافظة القاهرةنتيجة امتحانات الترم الثانى للصف الثالث الابتدائى نتائج الثالث الابتدائى فى القاهره نتيجة ثالثه ابتدائى فى الترم الثانى فى القاهره نتائج الامتحانات نقدمها الى جميع الطلاب فى الترم الثانى نقدمها اليكم الان عبر موقعنا ا...
HornetQNotConnectedExceptionIs this error normal? How to avoid it? ssionFactoryImpl.java:427) [hornetq-core-client-2.4.1.Final.jar:] WARN [org.hornetq.core.server] (hornetq-failure-check-thread) HQ22 2107: Cleared up resources for sessi...
StackOverflowErrorHi, How do we troubleshoot stackoverflow error? Is there a way to increase the memory settings? 17:04:09,886 INFO [org.jboss.as] (Controller Boot Thread) JBAS015951: Admin con sole listening on ...
applicationContext.xml not foundWe got the following error: thread 1-7) Context initialization failed: org.springframework.beans.factory.Bea nDefinitionStoreException: IOException parsing XML document from ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF...
Dispatcher IssueWhat is this dispatcher error? Caused by: javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException: ParseError at [row,col]:[200,3] Message: Unexpected element '{http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee}dispatcher' enco untered ...
cannot display any pageHi, I've deployed my GAE application. When I try to display a page Whatever I type, I get a white page as output here is the log: gafal@gafal-desktop:/media/04fe2007-d002-4...
Deployment doesn't see the web.xml entriesHi, I downloaded 2.0.0.Beta1 and copied our war directory from the our GAE app within Eclipse into the standalone deployment directory as ROOT.war. I created a ROOT.war.deployed file and it seemed to work correctly...
Servlet not foundHello again, I'm coming with the next trouble, caused me a sleepless night: The attached war contains a very simple Hello World servlet. After deploying on CP the /hello servlet is visible in the admin...
NPE on productionHello, I have a development environment and a production environment based on Ubuntu and OpenStack. I'm testing CD with the todolist. It works fine on development env, (if deployed as ROOT.war), but on product...
Demo projectHello CapeDwarf Team! I would like to create a demo project and run it on CapeDwarf. Is it possible to use the Google Plugin for Eclipse? How to deploy? Thanks!
CapeDwarf and WildFlyHi, I have an app which is deployed on appengine-1.8. This app is very simple and it uses the Cloud Endpoint API, the Datastore API (with Objectify v4), the OAuth API and Search API. I want to test it under W...