• Reredering single dataTable column

    Hello, we use a <h:dataTable> for displaying some items and their internal status. This table gets rerendered every 5 seconds by using the ajax4jsf library. In general it works fine but we would like to achiev...
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    last modified by chkaltepoth
  • question about a4j:include and navigation rules

    hi, In the a4j:include example, we use navigation rules for wizzard. i want to know if it is possible to have a commandbutton to reset the page included to first.xhtml in the page demo.xhtml. something like <a4...
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    last modified by liuliu
  • Filtering h:selectOneMenu using a4j:support - Java Code

    Dears, I have two selectOneMenu(s) country and city. When the User select one country the city combo box should be loaded with corresponding cities in that country. Noticing that I am using Richfaces 3.1.6 (JSF 1.1...
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    last modified by m_w_abdo
  • A4J.AJAX is undefined

    Hi guys, I'm using RichFaces 3.3.1 with JSF 1.2. I'm trying to handle session expiration and Ajax request error redefining the A4J.AJAX.onError and A4J.AJAX.onExpired functions, as it's shown in the developers guide....
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    created by gcholakov
  • When using reRender on a4j:outputPanel, is the whole JSF tre

    Hi developers, we are developing a quite big application. It is similar to "shopping card" application. There are categories and products on the left side of the browser window and a cart on the right side. When user...
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    last modified by plutus78
  • Error page not shown on ajax request to commandButton listen

    Hello, I have a general (and maybe rookie) question regarding ajax requests on click events for a4j:commandButton components. Maybe some answers can help me out of a problem that I have been working on for a while. ...
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    last modified by tuestone
  • a4j:mediaOutput / VLC / Display Videos

    Hello All: Can someone (if possible) provide some code samples to play videos using a4j:mediaOutput and use vlc pluggin.... Thanks in advance..
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    last modified by arunprakash2920
  • Skipping validation for ajax requests

    Hi all, I have a form with some fields for entering a location (name, street, zip, ...) and a button to save it. Next to the form I want to show a list of suggested locations based on the text in the fileds as the u...
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    last modified by straubp
  • [a4j:actionparam] simulate an action event

    hello, Can i simulate an action event to modify an attribute of managed bean without any manuel action? thanks for help
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    last modified by jaljal
  • Proper use of keepAlive

    Hi I was wondering how to use keepAlive in proper way, because I think I do this wrong. Let's say I am at the page where I can manage my account. I have a "account bean", which holds values like id, owner etc. On th...
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    last modified by mglowacki
  • rich:dataTable with rich:columns and ajax-rerender problem

    Hi! I'm currently stuck with a refresh/re-render problem using dynamic number of columns with rich:dataTable/rich:columns. As you can see in the code below, I have an a4j:commandLink in the first colum to allow edit...
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    last modified by cwolters
  • select list updating on every call

    Look at the following code: public class User { private String name; private List<SelectItem> temp_list; ...setter, getter public User() { if(this.getName() == null) { this.populate(); } } public vo...
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    last modified by waq
  • Unable to get refreshed data from datatable

    Hi, I've a list which update datatable using ajax. Now my requirement is to pick the clicked row from the datatable. Everything is working fine but when i click the link it do nothing. .JSP <h:selectOneMenu id="...
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    last modified by waq
  • [a4j:actionparam] mapping from a javascript array to a bean

    Hi everybody, If I map a javascript String to a String property of my backing bean using <a4jactionparam>, there is no problem : <script> var titi = new Array(); titi[0] = 'creationDate'; titi[1] = 'co...
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    last modified by pericoloso
  • action methods not called in <a4j:include>

    Hi there, I've got a working jsp page using jsf which uses a subview instead of a view component so I can include it. The thing now is, that if I use a commandbutton of any sort and use it to invoke a method, I can s...
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    last modified by eldariel
  • When rendering will be done

    Hi All, I am using a4j:commandButton. I have "action" and "reRender" attribute for it. My question is when the components will be re-rendered. (1) when button is pressed (2) when action is complete? The code is as be...
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    last modified by smilind
  • ajax4jsf and tomahawk

    Hi, (sorry, no english) can anybody help me with my problem described here: http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=152479 http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=1...
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    last modified by lier99
  • Cant install richfaces

    Hi guys, I have been tryin to install richfaces for 2 days now. I have an existing project with JSF/Facelets/Myfaces and hopefully I can ajax functions in it. But I can't seem to get it right. If I add richfaces-api,...
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    last modified by brambut
  • Add a4j:include dynamically from java

    Hello, I'm trying to add a4j:include inside a rich tab component dynamically from Java . But the include tag isn't being processed. I'm also trying to use UIinclude. Note adding an inputText Component does work. here...
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    last modified by yandav
  • Element lost focus when ajax completed

    Hi, i'm new Rich user... i have saw that post ajax restore view the component that had the focus, it lost it when reRender come... how i keep it... thx in advance
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    created by andresvargasr