• A4j:support not working in

    Hi, we are developing JSF application uses below distribution jars. ajax4jsf-1.1.1.jar myfaces1.1.5-api.jar myfaces1.1.5-impl.jar tomahawk1.1.6.jar while rending below jsp, we are calling fetchDetail() method of man...
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    created by chintzjboss
  • execute javascript function on page load

    how can i execute a javascript function on page loading? i want to set a default value for an h:inputtext which must be determined on the client ( it's the local user name)
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    last modified by ajanz
  • should rerender happen when errors exist?

    I have a problem where an a4j:commandButton is used to call an actionListener method which does some database updates. The a4j:commandButton tag has a reRender defined. I would like the reRender not to occur if the da...
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    last modified by achildress
  • Question about a4j:include and modalPanel wizards

    In the modalPanel demo, is it possible to get the "X" button to work not only as a close button, but also with the "reset" function? I mean, the next time the panel pops up it will showing the first page of the wizard...
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    created by pedro.pr88
  • focus (highlight problem) after ajax request

    Hi, I am trying to get focus on a inputTextarea after an ajaxRequest as shown below. The problem I get is that all text in the inputTextarea is highlighted afterwards. Anyone know how to fix this? That is to get rid ...
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    last modified by c_ljungblad
  • java.lang.NoSuchMethodError in a4j:form

    Hi, I'm using JDK1.6, myfaces 1.2.2. Getting this error (my helloworld with ajax4jsf) when using <a4j:form> </a4j:form> No code in the form body whatsoever: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.faces.r...
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    last modified by asmedes
  • Firefox update => JS security problems !

    Hi, I just updated from Firefox to, that corrects come security problems. But now, some RichFaces (3.1.6) components seems not to work anymore. Here is a JavaScript error I get : uncaught except...
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    last modified by marinew
  • Problem with container security & session timeout

    I'm having issues getting ajax4jsf working well with container-based authentication and session timeouts. I've done as suggested in the dev guide and have overridden A4J.AJAX.onExpired and this works fine to catch the...
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    last modified by cdollar393
  • HtmlAjaxSupport

    Hi! I try to create some components dynamically. I create a HtmlSelectOneListbox component, and I want to add a HtmlAjaxSupport facet to it. HtmlSelectOneListbox box = new HtmlSelectOneListbox(); box.setId("combo...
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    last modified by gizola
  • Having problem in accessing EJB from JSF

    Hello all, I am trying to access EJB from the JSF controller class. The method in EJB is not called. Please Suggest me. what to do.? how to make it run. The code to access EJB is as follows Properties props = new...
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    created by mabimal
  • a4j re render breaks t:commandSortHeader

    If I re render a div containing a t:commandSortHeader, I can not execute the sorting by clicking on the header text anymore. I get the following java script error: Error: form is undefined Source: http://localhost:80...
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    last modified by roku
  • Mixing events on an eventsQueue

    Hello Forum, I understand how an eventsQueue and requestDelay can be used to remove duplicate requests. I wanted to know how this mechanism would behave if the same eventsQueue was shared by different components. A...
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    last modified by pdpantages
  • a4j:push and timeout attribute

    I'm not sure this is in the right place, but here'goes anyway... According to the Richfaces devguide: The example shows how date is updated on a page in compliance with data taken from a server. In the example "in...
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    last modified by digitalseraphim
  • a4j:supprt actionListener not getting invoked

    Hi, I have a jsp page which contains a datatable. Each row of that datatable should be associated with a radio button. I want to call a listener method with selection of any radio button. Code is : <t:dataTable id...
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    last modified by akansha
  • A4J not defined

    I was getting an A4J not defined javascript error on a page I navigated to from a page where the ajax calls were working. The problem with the navigated to page was that the necessary ajax javascript was not being dy...
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    created by greenthumb
  • suggestionbox performance

    hi, what can i do to tune up a suggestionbox? i got a litte example like on the the demo page. the bean method only delivers a list of objects no database access or something else. but it isn't really fast...it ta...
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    last modified by ajanz
  • ajax keep alive component doestn work

    Hi about this issue I saw some post on this form but all post are without answered.So I hope can somebody answer me. My problem that when I use the keep alive componenent on my application I have that error. javax...
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    last modified by btl_ayd
  • a4j:form does not submit with enter key in IE6/7, works fine

    Hi, I've got a form that takes input from one field and then re-renders itself. In FireFox this works fine, the user can press return in the input box or click the submit button and all ajax events work fine... but i...
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    last modified by lincolnthree
  • How to prevent double submit when using a4j

    How to handle double submit,back buttom,and "F5"buttom?
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    created by lee64
  • <a4j:jsFunction>question

    Hello, I have this code: <a4j:form> <a4j:jsFunction id="disSession" action="#{user.logoutAction}"/> </a4j:form> How to invoke when event "window.onunload" occors?
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    last modified by lee64