• Can't get a4j and rich on JBossAS5

    Hi Guys, I am using JBoss 4.2.2 in my lectures (see: www.hsr.ch) on JEE. I want to create a new, cooler App with state of the art technology. Only I consistently fail to identify any working combination of JDK5 or 6,...
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    last modified by wgiersche
  • AjaxValidator on radio or select - how to?

    I am getting ajaxValidator to work for inputText via the onBlur event, but, can the rich:ajaxValidator be used on h:selectOneMenu or h:selectOneRadio? For example, 1) enter a wizard page with a radio on it, but no ra...
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    last modified by x490812
  • JAAS with Ajax4JSF

    I am using JAAS authentication for the application. I have a Ajax4JSF enabled page which needs authentication to be viewed. My URL looks like this: http://localhost:8080/Test/pages/TestMain.jsf This is a tiles page w...
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    last modified by jbossvarun
  • a4j:repeat not working

    Hi: I am using a4j in a project. I am trying to dinamically build a list of entries using a4j:repeater but i dont seem to be able to make it work This is my jsp: <a4j:form id="headForm" ajaxSubmit="true"> &...
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    last modified by jmiguel77
  • A4J 1.1.1 Snapshot on Oracle Portal 1.4

    I've been working on getting yesterday's snapshot to work on Oracle Portal. I've not succeeded yet, but have a number of observations to make: Oracle Portal only supports WSRP portlets. When client code calls renderR...
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    last modified by jgrangethales
  • Prblem with rich:ajaxValidator

    hello, I work with Netbeans 6.5 and jsf I wanted to add controls to the fields of my form : <h:inputText id="name" required="true" > <f:validateLength maximum="10" minimum="3"/> <rich:ajaxValidator ...
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    created by wajdopovitch
  • Issue with Jboss Richfaces 3.1.0 with JSF 1.1 jars and IBM J

    I am using JSF1.1 jars with Richafaces 3.1.0 jars and IBM jars in our application. The application server is Webshere 6.1 When I add the "aj4" components in our application the other pages are not displayed whcih are ...
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    last modified by raghupattar
  • selected item always jumps to the last position

    I created two selectManyListboxes (size=5). The first one updates and reRenders the second one with the help of a4j:support. The Functionality is working, but if i select one listitem above the defined size of 5 the s...
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    last modified by ntrepper
  • Ajax4JSF Development Forum is locked

    The Ajax4JSF Development Forum is locked, and is no longer open for posting. Please use: Design of RichFaces - for development/design related topics RichFaces User - for all user questions and inquiries
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    created by jbalunas
  • Ajax4JSF configuration issue

    Hi, We are developing JSF application which uses ajax4jsf. Following version of jars distribution we are using. ajax4jsf-1.1.1.jar myfaces-api-1.1.5.jar myfaces-impl-1.1.5.jar tomahawk-1.1.6.jar Development environ...
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    last modified by chintzjboss
  • A4J is not defined

    Hi Everyone ! At the beginning I want to say that I'm a newbie to ajax4jsf framework. During the last days I tried to develop a JSF Portlet in the Bea Weblogic Platform 10.0 using the ajax4jsf framework. The source ...
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    last modified by it_assistant
  • Problem to display PDF

    Hi, I'm trying to download a PDF that is generated on the fly by my webapp. When I use the h:commandButton tag to call the generator method, the PDF is displayed correctly, but when I use the a4j:commandButton tag, t...
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    created by alfredozn
  • Problem with Rich Data scroller

    Hi Friends, I have encounter a problem with rich data scroller. The code: <rich:datascroller id="contentViewScroller" for="contentView" maxPages="#{categoryFormBean.noOfPage}" page="#{categoryFormBean.pageIndex}...
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    last modified by manas123
  • Class AjaxStateHolder is not cluster friendly

    Hi, I am now using memcache to store all session data with Richface, Facelet, JSF 1.2 and Tomcat 6 with state saving = server After hours and hours of digging, I finally drill down to this AjaxStateHolder class and ...
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    last modified by koonyue
  • AjaxStateManager duplicate Id for a component exception

    I posted this on the users forum, but I need to talk to someone technical. We have an existing application that's roughly a year and a half old built using myFaces, Tomahawk, JSPs, tiles, and other open source compon...
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    last modified by bek816
  • Plans for GWTJSF

    Hello, I am interested to use GWT with Seam and JSF/RichFaces. So far I use Seam and RichFaces and would like to combine this with GQuery (GWT equivalent for jQuery). The combination between the three programming mo...
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    created by nvintila
  • Problem with navigation.

    I use richfaces 3.2.0 and jsf-ri 1.2. I have two pages: first.jsp and second jsp and when i make action and go from first.jsp to second.jsp then second.jsp is displayed below first.jsp. This situation takes place in ...
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    last modified by lukep1984
  • <a4j:poll or <a4j:push  SEND PARAMETER

    User opens jsf page. <a4j:poll or <a4j:push ask bean : Do you have new data ? It is ok and very easy. But I want to sent parameter #{player.id} that found on jsp How can I send parameter use <a4j:poll or <...
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    created by iv_va
  • ajax4jsf for Websphere portal environment

    Hi All, I am using ajax4jsf in Websphere Portal .I got error like response content type is not xml .So Could anyone give soultion for the same? Thank You, Selva
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    last modified by selvabalajii
  • JSF Response Problem

    Hi ... I am using MyFaces and JBoss 4.2.. To disabled the jsf implementation .. i used the <context-param> <param-name>org.jboss.jbossfaces.WAR_BUNDLES_JSF_IMPL</param-name> <param-value>t...
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    last modified by bill78b