• Mail Store Error

    So, I have a jbms M5_pre1 running (mostly) fine. I'm using mysql for jbms mail storage, as well as for jms (I know that's not preferable...). I have the correct alias's set in the alias table, and my jms users/roles a...
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    last modified by sappenin
  • MailListener should return null or a message?

    I'm working on a mail listener. Using the ones provided, it been pretty easy to create one that's dynamically added and removed from the chain when our app is deployed/removed - really great work guys! But the issue i...
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    last modified by osterday
  • POP --> isDeleted

    After a mail is fetched by the POP client, the mail will first be marked as "deleted" and will then be physically deleted. First MailService.markDeleted will be called and then MailService.deleteMarked will be called....
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    last modified by esriram
  • How to configure mail store to use MS SQL Server?

    Would you please give me some examples which show how to configure mail store to use MS SQL Server? Thanks.
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    last modified by lilili
  • how to create a user in calendar

    How do you create the initial users as specified in the install doc. I can't find it anywhere ie: They write: Get started Follow the install instructions to create a few users to get started. For this guide I create...
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    last modified by rgjawanda
  • LocalDelivery: javax.jms.JMSSecurityException: User: null is

    Hi, I've followed the steps in "Volunteers wanted" but there is one issue wich stops the mail-part of the collaboration. It's an JMSSecurityException, wich misses an user (null) ... 23:14:07,187 INFO [JMSContainer...
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    last modified by meme
  • Training and Vacation

    Hi Guys, I'm going to SF for a couple of days for some Flex training and then am on vacation for about a week. So mostly I'll see you in July. -Andy
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    last modified by acoliver
  • Do you really use 3.2.5 version for compiling JBOSS_CS_1_0_M

    I read the section for building the source for collab server This is to build the JBOSS_CS_1_0_M5 revision It says point JBOSS_HOME to a version 3.2.5.RC2 build. Can this be correct? Thanks Ron
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    last modified by rgjawanda
  • Oracle XAConnectionFactory not bound

    Hi everybody, I'm testing JBCS 1.0M5 that I've obtained through CVS on th 17th of June (yesturday). My configuration is the following: . OS: OpenSUSE Linux 10.0 . JBoss 4.0.3 SP1 patched with EJB3 . Oracle 10.2.0 (r...
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    last modified by joao.jacob
  • How to receive a mail message and send it right back to the

    How can I setup the system to receive an incoming message and then send it right back to the user with a different message. I tried creating a Listener and then decided that it might not be the best way. I simply want...
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    last modified by rgjawanda
  • Error building source

    I asked this in another thread. I tried JBOSS_HOME=3.2.5 and now 4.0.4 versions Both failed near the middle with BUILD FAILED C:\jboss-mail\build.xml:212: C:\jbossas4\jboss-4.0.4.GA\server\default\deploy\ej b3.deploy...
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    last modified by rgjawanda
  • JBMS fails on first start-up...multiple errors

    Greetings. I'm new to JBoss as a whole, though I've been using Tomcat and other Java technologies for a while now. I found JBoss Mail Server recently, and it looks to be a great fit for my company if we can get it to ...
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    last modified by danaris
  • Can only find M4 source code

    First I read the docs. I downloaded source jboss-mail and I get M4 I can seem to find JBOSS_CS_1_0_M5 anywhere other than the fisheye web Can I use wincvs :pserver to get the source from somewhere. Sorry but it is ...
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    last modified by rgjawanda
  • Can we install JBoss Mail Server with java below JDK5?

    Hello, I would like to try to install the JBoss Mail Server but i do not want to upgrade to JDK5 just yet. I am currently using Mac OSX 10.3.9 and Fedora 4. Any recommendations? If this has already been discussed al...
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    last modified by enazareno
  • How to create a mail listener

    Does anyone know how I would go about making a mail listener. Do I need source? Is there a template somewhere or a small sample. I want to do send e-mail out when I receive a mail message. ie: mail comes in to jboss-m...
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    last modified by rgjawanda
  • Mail class refactoring

    I have commited a new version of the Mail class. I have moved all of the construction out into seperate static methods. I have also added tests for the messageSize. The value returned from getMessageSize() is the same...
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    last modified by mikezzz
  • MailHeadersImpl refactoring

    I have created a new version of MailHeadersImpl, which seems to be working ok. I am a little hesitent to commit it right now as M5 is imminent and it could destablise JBMS a little. It also needs more testing (especia...
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    last modified by mikezzz
  • Null Pointer in MessageData class

    In org.jboss.mail.mailbox.MessageData.getHeader(String key), a null pointer exception is thrown if an attempt to retrieve an empty header is made. Retrieving non-empty headers is fine. Here's the original code, and my...
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    last modified by sappenin
  • Plus addressing?

    From looking at the local delivery code and the MailAddress code, it seems JBCS doesn't support plus addressing that some mail systems support. I added some simple code to support this for our use, but was wondering i...
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    last modified by osterday
  • Brief statement of JBMS design goals

    JBoss Mail Server is a central compoent in the JBoss Collaboration Server suite. The mail server has some general principles for which its design adheres: 1. open protocol support 2. reutlization of appserver feature...
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    last modified by acoliver