• fix for nukes-installer.war and mysql database

    The release candidate nukes-installer.war fails for mysql because there are semicolons at the end of the mysql commands in the /WEB-INF/setup/mysql.xml file. It gives the error java.sql.SQLException: Syntax error or ...
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    last modified by thorntond
  • jboss mambo clone

    Has anyone considered a jboss clone of mambo? http://www.mamboserver.com
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    created by bmedwar
  • A few HOWTO questions

    How do I make the Disable HTML in this post and Notify me when a reply is posted options selected by default? How do I edit the default(server) timezone? How do I appoint a moderator for a forum?
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    last modified by k-dub
  • Setting up Nukes in Sun App Server

    Hi, I am currently doing an academic project and is wondering if i am able to deploy Nukes in the Sun App Server 8.0 by means of a migration tool? Or is there any other way? I am currently very new with J2EE so plea...
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    last modified by xhienider
  • [Nukes] Theme deployment question

    Hello- I am working on creating my first theme for JBoss nukes and have deployed the theme that I have created so far. Once I apply the theme to my site all the graphics show up as broken links, but the scripts and s...
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    last modified by rgimbel
  • Jboss team must provide a doc on nukes

    Hi all, I am very new to nukes and jboss. Since last 7 days i was busy try to set Nukes with Jboss and Eclipse. At last today i got succedded to setup and no error was shown. Now i want to build my website using n...
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    last modified by vebs
  • Problem with classpath when cuztomizing Nukes Modules to use

    Hi All, I have this module GetAttrs that extends ModuleSupport; it's been successfully deployed. The compilation is done using the build.xml provided by the source, "nukes-1.1.0-RC3-src/nukes/build.xml". Nukes |-nuk...
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    last modified by dontrango
  • managing picture (and other binary) files

    What's the recommended strategy for managing pictures and other binary files (presentations, etc.) in nukes? Do folks store them as static content on the webserver and just link to them (outside of nukes)? Or do you u...
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    last modified by cuoz
  • want to create hello world example using eclipse+Jboss+Nuke

    Hi, I am very much new to eclipse, jboss nad nukes. I just want to create hello world page using Eclipse+jboss+nukes using j2ee. I tried on net al ways but i didn't find any topic how to start working on nukes . Wha...
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    last modified by vebs
  • active directory authentication

    Is there a way to get nukes to authenicate with AD? I user the browseldap module to achieve this with other application in jboss. Can nukes be integrated as well? If so how?
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    created by lords_diakonos
  • Problem with deploying module

    Hi, I've searched on this forum but none quite answers my problem: I've written modules and compiled them succesfully, however I got the error messages below when I deployed them ( important points are boldened for e...
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    last modified by dontrango
  • The file id is not indicated

    Ciao! I'm getting error The file id is not indicated while trying to download file from the server. Any ideas? Nukes Version: 1.1.0-RC3
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    last modified by sound
  • quotes not handled in post's subject

    Hi, It seems like double quotes are not supported when typed in subject fields. Is there a workaround to this ? thanks, ionel
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    last modified by ionel
  • Security and Permission setting

    Hi I am new to JbossNuke. I read the wiki pages. I am still confused about the security pattern. Who can explain the meaning of the following things? /** * Security description : * READ/core:menu:/$name:: - disp...
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    last modified by yxyang
  • Time out in index writer...

    java.io.IOException: Lock obtain timed out at org.apache.lucene.store.Lock.obtain(Lock.java:97) at org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter.(IndexWriter.java:173) at org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter.(IndexWriter.java...
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    last modified by milesparker
  • How is Resource.properties accessed?

    I'm trying to figure out how to access resource files. In the SeaBreeze files I find "bgcolor=${theme:BGCOLOR1}" that references an entry in the Resource.properties file. I've set up the exact same structure in my jar...
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    last modified by kwhittingham
  • change database location

    hi my database location changed. how do I notify it to nukes? do I have to run again the nuke-installer to change the database URL? :/ thanks
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    last modified by crevette
  • Integrating web application

    Hi, I like to integrate a web application into Nukes. The web application is built using the spring framework. There is a dispatcher servlet running which controls the application flow. What is the best or which solu...
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    last modified by innovate
  • bug in EJBQLToSQL92Compiler

    Bug appears in JBoss 3.2.5: When I create a dynamic query, using EJBQLToSQL92Compiler as the QL copmiler, the LIMIT part of my clause is ignored. The same query works fine with JDBCEJBQLCompiler. Query is as follows...
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    last modified by jbeyer
  • Right side content not displayed

    Hi, Can someone confirm the following behaviour? I choose the theme seabreeze (Code), content on the right side gets not rendered - no output. But If you choose the other themes (all based on a html template), the r...
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    created by innovate