• Problems in new modules

    Hello, I wanted to use news modules, but when click in the link news appear the error: Cannot invoke the operation : the module threw an exception. 16:27:23,252 ERROR [news] Cannot invoke operation java.lang.NullPo...
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    last modified by anabela
  • fyi: new build changes checked in

    just as a heads up, i've checked in some new build changes so the next time you do an update against the HEAD, you local.properties file will be overwritten w/ the one from "build/etc". new changes include: - bean s...
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    created by jae77
  • extract index page from hsqldb

    what do i need to do so i can get the content for the index page out of the varbinary column? are there any db clients that can do this, or you have a class already written to handle this?
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    created by jae77
  • Nukes documentation

    Hi everybody, I'm trying to use nukes to build a web site but I've found very little documentation on this site, so I wonder where I could find more. Isn't there any JavaDoc-like documentation on Nukes' classes?. Can...
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    last modified by moixiganga
  • Hello Everyone

    Sorry I have been away for awhile. Been swamped at work trying to get a product done that uses nukes as a front end. Deadline has already passed. Is there a way to upload files using nukes and jboss?
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    last modified by thepriz
  • Deploying a module in a block wich is different from

    Hi, I'd like to deploy a module in a block I've created. May someone tell me the attributes I have to change in the "jboss-service.xml" file? Thanks a lot
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    created by syrio
  • can nukes support use picture at Signature

    php bb can,why here can't?
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    created by hawking

    Some one can help me with this, bucuse i don't undestand at all of the text say me, When I compile the Clien .java file do't send meerrors buy When I tyry to run it the console, display me this lines. Desarrollo:~ # ...
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    last modified by try_yess
  • new user information field

    hi i'm trying to add new user information field (like pn_uname or pn_email...). i changed the UserEJB, add the tags fo Xdoclet, run Xdoclet and packaging, i deploy the module... (i use the jbossIDE tutorial) but my n...
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    last modified by crevette
  • I need your help !

    Someone can tell me how to upload a file and store it in the database with Nukes? It's very important for me !! Thanks a lot !
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    last modified by sysuser1
  • Error deploying News Modul!

    I haven en error deploying the news module on mysql: Created table 'nuke_news_topics' successfully. 2004-06-24 14:00:22,937 INFO [org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.JDBCStartCommand.TopicEJB] Created index 'nuke_news_to...
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    last modified by lcb
  • Problem in upload file

    Hi everyone, I want to do a module where I can upload a file. There is a part of my form : <input type=\"file\" name=\"image\" value=\"\"/> and when I call my method to recover the data : UploadedFile image =...
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    created by sysuser1
  • i18n dev setup

    I've never done any development with i18n, but always thought it interesting. I'd like to play with creating a Nukes module with multiple language files. I'm using RedHat 8.0 / Eclipse 3M8 / Mozilla but i don't think ...
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    last modified by joehobson
  • Set debug on for remote debugging

    How does one set the debug on so that the compiled code can have breakpoints? I tried: -Djavac.debug=on but that creates the same sized EAR file.
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    created by stallion
  • Deploy Nukes

    I have a problem deploying Nukes... I make some alterations in core Nukes and I can't make them visibles in localhost:8080/nukes. I make : cd nukes/nukes build.sh build.sh deploy build.sh deploy-components But...
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    created by anabela
  • Can I deploy Nukes on weblogic

    Hey I am Vivek. One of my custome wants to use Nukes as well as weblogic due to various reasons. Could u plz tell whether it is possible or not? If yes? how, or where I get to know this? Regards Vivek
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    last modified by ciaovivek
  • display my module in a new window

    Hi !! I'd want to know how to display the output of a module or of a JSP in a new window. I don't want that appear in the main content area of Nukes but in a new black window. Thanks a lot for your help !
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    last modified by sysuser1
  • package not found

    Hi !! I have a problem when I want to display my jsp. An error tell me that my package doesn't exist. But I have deploied a module that use this package and it's ok. So, why my jsp doesn't find it? I don't understand...
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    created by sysuser1
  • Bean in session

    Hi ! How to put a bean in session? Because I use a bean in my jsp and I have this error message : jsp.error.useBean.noSession Thanks in advanced
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    created by sysuser1
  • look at this problem when start jboss

    10:49:47,085 INFO [MainDeployer] Starting deployment of package: file:/D:/jboss -3.2.3/server/default/nukes/nukes-jmx.sar 10:49:47,266 ERROR [JDBCPersistenceManager] Cannot sync attribute org.jboss.nukes.utils.Convers...
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    last modified by hawking