• How can I define the min and max number stateless bean instances

    I'm using ejb3.1 and I would like to define the minimum and maximum number of instances of a stateless session bean. How can I do this? Thanks.
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    last modified by manuelfranqueira
  • wildfly-8.0.0.Final: XA END / un-enlist of connection called to early

    While trying to port an EE application from JBoss5 to WF8 the following problem occurred:   EJBs (@Required) using JPA to do some data changes. Some changes get already written to the database, others reside in...
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    last modified by aliebscher
  • Calling remote EJB from another Wildfly

    Hi all, My current problem in general is, that i have two Wildfly 8.2.0Final instances running on my machine. One of them holds a restful application that triggers a stateless session bean SenderBean when it receives ...
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    last modified by urr4
  • about java rapid development framework ?

    I am developing a Enterprise application in JAVA and trying to find any framework for rapid application development . that has some built in feature .   --already i have found one http://www.spagoworld....
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    created by masummymesingh
  • EJB annotations ignored if classes are packaged as JBOSS modules

    Hi everyone,   I have an EJB that writes something to the DB and I have a custom checked exception that is marked as @javax.ejb.ApplicationException(rollback=true), which means that when the exception is thrown,...
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    created by tmescic
  • Error when i  call a EJB session with Widfly 8.2 ... Who can helpe me

    My  EJB package conversion; import javax.ejb.Stateless;   /** * Session Bean implementation class SessionConversion * */   @Stateless(name="BeanConversion") public class SessionConversion imple...
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    created by cricri691
  • On JBoss startup getting Runtime Exception (java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not obtain InvokerLocator from EJB3 Remoting Connector)

    We are using JBoss-5.1 and JDK-1.6.0_21 ..   Every thing works fine when application start. But we are experiencing below error on JBoss startup. (Please give some pointers to solve this issue)   2015-01-2...
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    created by abhishekgupte
  • Why the arquillian gives me that : Could not read active container configuration ?

    Hello every body, I try to integrate the arquillian solution into my maven EJB project which contains juste the EJBs which I uses in other separate projects. I use Jboss EAP6. So i have make it as the following : &...
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    created by akrima
  • Conflict between org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils and thirdparty-all to use the Test unit for the EJBs on JBOSS EAP6

    Hello, i am looking for a solution to test my dataservices project where i have only all my EJBs, and i found Arquillian , Jboss-EJB-Embedded. The first one donsn't works because it gives me an error whitch i can't ...
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    created by akrima
  • Getting deployment error for org.jboss.ejb3.RemotingConnector JBoss 5.1

    Hi, We are getting deployment error for org.jboss.ejb3.RemotingConnector JBoss 5.1 Following is error stacks trace. Please let us know if any one has observed this     2015-01-16 03:33:27,361 ERROR [org.j...
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    created by garry2cool
  • How to get clustered JNDI context with in a servlet to look up an EJB in JBoss 5.0.1 GA cluster ?

    I  have created two nodes in Jboss cluster. I have deployed an EAR containing EJB Jar and a web application WAR. When I try to look up the EJB  from a stand alone client, my request is getting processed by ...
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    created by subbu2015
  • How I migrate from Jboss5 to wildfly?

    Hello , In my organization we will migrate from Jboss 5 to wildfly 8.1. I am using power builder and stateless session bean (ejb). Where i have to put all ejb jars.. etc.. Too many things will be changed. Kindly Hel...
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    created by baseaditi
  • hello , my jBoss server can't start

    Bonsoir, j'ai déployé jboss pour mon application mais il n'arrive pas à demarer j'ai augmenté le timeout j'ai changé le port j'ai meme essayé plusieurs version de jdk d'eclip...
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    created by nezhajarmoune
  • jboss 7 restart remoting subsystem to reload SSL certificates.

    In my deployment scenario I have some instances of Jboss (release 7) talking with each other through @Remote ejb calls, that are secured over a SSL transport. Every Jboss has a "trustore" in his security realm contain...
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    created by dgesino
  • Access simple bean (non-EJB) using JNDI

    I'm not able to access my bean class (not EJB) using a given JNDI name in JBoss 5.0.1, where the same is working in Tommcat 7.0.   META-INF/context.xml     <Context>    ...
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    last modified by srinivas427
  • Group by date from timestapm ejbql

    Hello, I've got query in ejbql, which select date, count of element and owner from the table. The date is stored as timestamp. What I need is to group results by date(day of year, moth,year) and owner, but my query g...
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    last modified by zharenkov
  • How to create an enterprise application client with Netbeans 7.4 and JBoss 7?

    Hi   I try to create an enterprise application client with JBoss by following this official tutorial (based on Glassfish): https://netbeans.org/kb/docs/javaee/entappclient.html but I get this error message: Err...
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    created by gouessej
  • Lookup java:/JmsXA returns null

    Hi I'm newbie to JBoss I'm using JBoss AS 5.1 I'm trying to get the JMS connection factory with the following code but it returns null   <code> Context ctx=new InitialContext(); ConnectionFactory conne...
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    last modified by airplay
  • how to configure aspects in wild fly

    I am quite new to wild fly 8 and don't know much of its changes from JBOSS AS6 (We use JBOSS AS6 currenty) We have written our own aspects and configured in jboss-aop.xml in JBOSS AS 6. As per wild fly documents it is...
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    created by hitts14
  • How , when choose distributed component in server ?

    i have hesitation about choose environment for distributed component ?  which use case use for distributed component in server ? Example : I have one app : bank core , which has 4 module : Loan , Accounting ,...
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    created by masummymesingh