• Errai 4.0 Beta1 Polymer rendering problem with Chrome 49

    Hi,   I am trying to use Errai 4.0 Beta1 to render the Polyer App Layout https://polymerlabs.github.io/app-layout/ demo #6. I was able to get the page to render but the menu items are not rendering correctly in ...
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    last modified by aanderson1776
  • [Errai 4] Obscure stack traces

    Hi all, I am getting some weird stack traces in Chrome console, which I thought were due to GWT compiler configuration, but it seems like the issue might be with Errai 4. I use org.jboss.errai.common.client.logging.u...
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    created by hr.stoyanov
  • [Erai 4] ListComponent questions

    Hi all, I am trying to iterate over all components in an instance of org.jboss.errai.databinding.client.components.ListComponent. After all, this is a list of components, so it should be easy ... but is not. There i...
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    last modified by hr.stoyanov
  • [Errai 4] Runtime exception

    Got a little service and a runtime exception. Similar issues have been reported when the ErraiApp.properties maker was missing . This is not the case here - I put it in every module, just in case. Still the same run-t...
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    created by hr.stoyanov
  • [4.0.0-SNAPSHOT] I18N conflict with logging?

    Trying this demo code: https://github.com/errai/errai/tree/e1f27acd0fc18772ea486e9f8bcfeff2d8267f1b/errai-demos/errai-ui-demo-i18n   I've copied the code and used my own gwt.xml:   <module rename-to="My...
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    last modified by christian.bauer
  • Disappearing nested templates in 4 beta

    I'm trying this example in 4 beta:   Errai Reference Guide   It seems you'll have a different result (and various "no data field or id or class found" errors) depending on the visibility of fields in the s...
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    last modified by christian.bauer
  • [4.0.0-SNAPSHOT] Cache update IllegalArgumentException when editing templates

    I've renamed a package that contains a bunch of @Templated components and see this exception in SDM: https://gist.github.com/christianbauer/fd1f0b9b7a0e44f3e1b82abde7178fa4   Restarting SDM fixed this.
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    created by christian.bauer
  • [4.0.0-SNAPSHOT] StyleBinding problems

    Trying the example: http://docs.jboss.org/errai/latest/errai/reference/html_single/#sid-51806600_ErraiUI-Stylesheetbinding   When the @Admin style binding method is private visibility as in the documentation (th...
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    last modified by christian.bauer
  • [Errai 4] Obscure messages

    In the Chrome console I am getting warings and errors like these: WARNING [TemplateUtil] WARNING: Replacing Element type [H2] with type [H3] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Element to be wrapped must not be null...
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    last modified by hr.stoyanov
  • [4.0.0] Generated java files goes into wrong folder?

    Hi I am building a "myapp" errai 4 project with standard maven/gradle WAR structure. I noticed that Errai generated a lot of *.java classes back into my sources webapp folder: web-app/src/webapp/classes     ...
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    created by hr.stoyanov
  • [4.0.0-SNAPSHOT] Is this Errai 4 or GWT 2.8 compiler issue?

    I am using the latest 4/13 snapshots for both Errai 4 and GWT 2.8, and I obeserve a bizare issue, which could be Errai generated proxy problem, or GWT compiler issue - not sure. Here are a couple of classes, hopefully...
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    last modified by hr.stoyanov
  • MarshallerGenerator exception appears randomly with 4 beta and superdevmode

    Hi   I'm trying the new Errai 4 beta and I've been struggling for a while with random exceptions. The stack looks like this: https://gist.github.com/christianbauer/14af2c145d394e9b315252cf7ba4700d   There ...
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    last modified by christian.bauer
  • [4.0.0-SNAPSHOT] Element interoperability

    The new Errai 4 uses an entirely different Node->Element->HTMLElement class hierarchy, which is not compatible with the GWT's Node->Elelment. How can one bridge the gap? The problem I have is with org.jboss....
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    last modified by hr.stoyanov
  • Exclude file from initial scanning

    Is it possibile to exclude class or path from the initial vfs scanning?   I have a project with thousand of classes used to perform batch operation that are not related in any way to errai, . When i start i ge...
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    last modified by zime
  • [3.2.3.Final] Issues with @RestrictedAccess

    Hi all When I place security restriction on a page, unauthenticated user should not be able to access it, e.g:   ... @ApplicationScoped @Page(path = "plan") @Templated("#content") @RestrictedAccess(roles = ...
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    last modified by hr.stoyanov
  • [4.0.0.-SNAPSHOT] Migration problems

    The following code starts causing compile errors when moving from 3.2.3.Final to 4.0.0.-SNAPSHOT:   @Templated("Skeleton.html#pusher") @ApplicationScoped public class Pusher extends Composite {   &#...
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    last modified by hr.stoyanov
  • Errai security - user's roles refresh from Keycloack

    Hi all, Question: How can one refresh the set of security roles in Errai, without forcing logount/login? I am particularly interested in the Keycloak implementation. The user's set of roles can change outside the E...
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    created by hr.stoyanov
  • GWT 2.8 and the future of Errai

    Hi all, I have a few question about the future of Errai in light of the design guidelines Google provided for GWT 2.8 and beyond: 1. Google said they will drop Widget class and use only DOM elements. How is GWT goin...
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    last modified by hr.stoyanov
  • Compiler failure in ERRAI 3.2.3-SNAPSHOT

    Came across strange failure with the following piece of code related to client security. It seems related to @RestrictedAccess, since the issue goes away without it.       @DataField   ...
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    last modified by hr.stoyanov
  • Gitter on github

    Hi all, As Errai is already on Gitgub, would it be possible to start gitter channel for chatting there? Lot's of projects are doing it.  IRC is kind of old, and this forum is not very lively.
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    created by hr.stoyanov