• Errai 3.2.0-snapshot and Keycloak 1.2.0.Final - coninued pains

    Hi all. I am stuck and I wonder if someone has been through the same issues I am facing with Errai 3.2.0-SNAPSHOT and Keycloak 1.2.0.Final (I have the same issues with older versions too). Ant clue? I am completely o...
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    last modified by hr.stoyanov
  • Annotation with String[] value fails

    Hi ... trying to use a qualifier annotation with a String[] value, errai fails at compile time. It happened when tries to create a java class with equals methods for the annotations (QualifierEqualityFactoryGenerator...
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    last modified by jmbarone
  • JPA blacklist not working

    Hello   I am trying to use Errai JPA, however when I attempt to enable this my project does not compile.   I get the following error:   [INFO]    Tracing compile failure path for type ...
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    last modified by magick93
  • Errai CDI - client side extensions

    Hello,   Is it possible to create client side CDI extensions using Errai? I mean an extension similar to this: http://piotrnowicki.com/2012/06/inject-java-properties-in-java-ee-using-cdi/   Thanks, Norbi
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    last modified by snorbii
  • [3.2.0.Final] Compiler warings

    Hi, I started seeing these during compilation - is this me or the generated code is obsolete?   ... Adding '1' new generated units       [WARN] Warnings in '.../BootstrapperImpl.java'...
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    last modified by hr.stoyanov
  • Error when trying to use SDM - seems to be trying to use gwt maven 2.8

    Hi   When I try to debug in Errai 3.2.0-Final, I get the following. Notice that it is trying to use gwt-maven-plugin: - yet in my pom I have clearly specified that it should 2.7.   [INFO] --...
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    last modified by magick93
  • Server-side (dynamic) Errai UI templates

    Hi Christian   Is there any documentation on how to use the forthcoming server-side (dynamic) Errai UI templates?   Thanks and regards
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    last modified by magick93
  • Recommend AS?

    Hi @csa   We are looking to upgade our Errai based web app when Errai 3.2 final is released.   We would also like to upgrade the application server that we use. Currently we are using Jboss 7.1x.   I...
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    last modified by magick93
  • Where is errai-3.2.0.CR1 version in Errai Issue tracker?

    I'm confused, when I tried to update my project to Errai 3.2.0.Final (due date 15-Jun-2015), I found that it has not been released. Thats fine. So checking Maven central I see that 3.2.0.CR1 was released on 4-Jul-201...
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    last modified by pmwqld
  • Errai Getting Started Guide and Polymer 1.0

    I recently forked the Errai Getting Started Guide and started experimenting with it using Polymer 1.0 components. I was able to move the navigation bar into a paper-header-panel and wrapped the sidebar menu inside a c...
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    last modified by protoss78
  • Errai 3.2.0-SNAPSHOT Security Demo + Keycloak 1.2.0.Final = logout discrepancies issue ?

    Hi Christian and Divya, I took the security demo in Errai 3.2.0-SHNAPSHOT for a spin and ran it against a Keycloak 1.2.0, after I noticed the fixes for ERRAI-855  (thanks, by the way!).   I noticed someth...
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    last modified by hr.stoyanov
  • Errai messaging and JMS integration

    A number of years ago (2011) I looked at Errai for responsive web apps and at the time it was in its early development phases. I had thought even then there was integration with JMS, so that some backend server could ...
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    last modified by david.grigglestone
  • Errai and Polymer 1.0 and databinding

    Hi all, I was looking at code snippets from the just-released Polymer 1.0: https://www.polymer-project.org/1.0/docs/devguide/data-binding.html ... <dom-module id="host-element">    <template> ...
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    last modified by hr.stoyanov
  • Strange WF 8.2+RestEasy/JAXRS+Errai 3.1.1+KeyCloak 1.2.Final FAILURE

    Hi guys, I posted an issue to the WildFly forum, but it might belong here ... no idea where it belongs. Any help is appreciated! Thanks.   Strange WF 8.2+RestEasy/JAXRS+Errai 3.1.1+KeyCloak 1.2.Final FAILURE
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    last modified by hr.stoyanov
  • Code examples of HTML5 push state use in and Errai 3.1.2

    Hi all, I need to manipulate the browser URL of an Errai single page application (SPA) without causing  page refresh, so that the browser has correct page state history. From my research, this is exactly what HT...
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    last modified by hr.stoyanov
  • Trying to debug - eclipse unable to find errai-bus

    Hi   I'm trying to debug in external web application (having been developing for so long without the ability to - now have to figure out how to do it) but I am getting the following strange error. I do have er...
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    last modified by magick93
  • Advanced CDI Event Support

    Hi,   I have a composite that needs to support quite a few CDI event generators and observer methods. I would like to minimize the number of injected Event fields and dynamically fire events using the Event.sele...
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    last modified by aanderson1776
  • Errai navigation broken on CordovaWebView

    Tried the Errai tutorial after checkout from github. There is no deployed 3.2.0 SNAPSHOT of the cordova-maven-plugin. I've changed this to 3.1.2, probably won't make a difference. It would be nice if the tutorial was ...
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    last modified by christian.bauer
  • 3.2.0 snapshot - could not create Vfs.Dir from url

    Hi   I'm getting the following error when trying to use Errai 3.2.0 Snapshot. I do have the errai-jboss-as-support added as a maven dependency. Any ideas what I am doing wrong? Or is this a bug?   Thanks...
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    created by magick93
  • Errai marshalling doesn't work

    Hi, I have a basic POJO object, which I want to send from server to client. I addded @Portable and @MapsTo annotations.   User.java   package gwt.user.model; import org.jboss.errai.common.client.api.annot...
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    created by sarge23