• Is there any addon which creates stateless session beans?

    Hi forge uses extended transaction type and stateful session beans by default, Is there any addon which creates stateless session beans? Im considering to build an addon which generate session beans so that used co...
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    last modified by hosein
  • Jboss Forge scaffolding using JSF: is the number of search criteria limited ?

    When scaffolding using Jboss Forge + Faces, is the number of search criteria limited to five ? I mean if an entity has more than five fields, I noticed that only five of them are used as search criteria in search.xml...
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    last modified by silviupm
  • org.jboss.forge.furnace.exception.ContainerException

    Hello,   I'm using JBDS8.0.2.GA with JBoss Forge 2.13.0.Final plugin installed. After installing windup-2.1.0.Final add-ons through Forge,  re-starting JBDS and starting forge via CRTL-4, the following exc...
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    last modified by jbride
  • Using template files from Jar

    Hi,   I am trying to use a template I put in src/main/resources   BTW,  First, it was not included in the addon Jar built :/ I had to modify the pom like this   <build>   <reso...
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    last modified by alwad
  • Checking if a class is final from JavaClassSource

    Hi,   maybe a dummy question, but I didn't find the way to check is a class is final, using JavaClassSource object ?   I need to check if, and remove final modifier if found.   Thanx for your help Ludo
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    last modified by neoludo
  • How to install a plugin in maven

    Hello, I am trying to install a plugin in maven.So the end application is updating pom.xml something like <plugin> <groupId>br.com.ingenieux</groupId>   <artifactId>jbake-maven-plugin<...
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    created by mani_mylavarapu
  • forge is great but...

    Hello,   I lke to use forge to create applications. The possibility to create addons is the best feature of forge but it is laking of documentation. I recently found some explanation in the forge hol but I stil...
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    last modified by fazertyplus
  • [forge-users] Command faces-set-project-stage is missing in 2.14.0

    Hi all,   I'm pretty sure there was a faces-set-project-stage. No ? There are several JIRAs about this :   https://issues.jboss.org/browse/FORGE-1812 https://issues.jboss.org/browse/FORGE-1173 https://i...
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    created by agoncal
  • [forge-users] Command faces-set-project-stage is missing in 2.14.0

    Hi all,   I'm pretty sure there was a faces-set-project-stage. No ? There are several JIRAs about this :   https://issues.jboss.org/browse/FORGE-1812 https://issues.jboss.org/browse/FORGE-1173 https://i...
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    created by Antonio Goncalves
  • [forge-users] problem with JBoss AS add on

    Hi,   I am trying to run the command;   addon-install-from-git --url https://github.com/jerr/jboss-as-addon.git   and I get an output of;   **INFO** Installing Addon from Git:Removing previous ...
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    last modified by paulmkeogh
  • How to use Forge 2.10.1.Final jpa-generate-entities-from-tables ?

    I'm using jboss developer studio 8 and trying to generate entities with forge 2.10.1.Final  and got the following error:   ***ERROR*** Unable to make JDBC Connection [jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/database] &...
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    last modified by ripper2hl
  • Unable to fully remove addon (forge 2.13.0)

    While developing addon's it is important to constantly redeploying the addon without changing the version number for each deploy. Currently this is not possible without closing/opening eclipse between each redeploy. A...
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    last modified by mikes2221
  • Scaffolding derived classes?

    Using Forge 2.13.0.Final in Jboss Dev. Studio 8.0.2.GA Is it possible to generate AngularJS scaffolding for derived classes?   I have the following base class @Entity @Inheritance @DiscriminatorColumn(name="use...
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    created by thesamim
  • [forge-users] Google Summer of Code 2015

    Hello everyone,   Google Summer of Code 2015 is coming up and we are in the stage of gathering proposal ideas for JBoss Forge. If you have any idea that would be nice for a student to implement it, please le...
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    created by gastaldi
  • automatic rest api documentation

    Hi,   Just to say that I added a command in my example addon to obtain automatically the documentation for the rest api (jbfex-addon/JbfexSwaggerCommand.java at master · Fazerty/jbfex-addon · GitHub). ...
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    last modified by fazertyplus
  • Picketlink addon with angularjs provider

    I would like to ask a new feature: that the picketlink addon works with the angularjs provider. picketlink-scaffold-setup --scaffolds JSF\ Project\ with\ Form-based\ Authentication\ and\ Logout --provider AngularJS d...
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    last modified by fazertyplus
  • At least one database table must be specified

    Hello!   I tried using the following command, but the forge also makes a research on the tables in other schemas and dictionary of the oracle: jpa-generate-entities-from-tables --connectionProfile test --target...
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    last modified by raimundoalves
  • addon creation

    Hi,   I'm trying to create an addon. (Fazerty/jbfex-addon · GitHub) There are 2 commands: - one to create a project and write in this project a fiel readme.txt from a template - one to create a java fi...
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    last modified by fazertyplus
  • Adding JavaDoc comments to a class generated using Roaster API

    Hi,   I'm using Java Roaster to generate quite a large number of java source files (from structured data in a text document).  The API provides methods to retrieve Javadoc comments, but not to add them....
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    last modified by neil.stevens
  • How to create a new scaffold-x provider

    Hi,   I am trying to cerate a new scaffoldx provider like this one: forge/angularjs-scaffoldx-plugin · GitHub   I created a new project and basically copied the code from the one above just to test so...
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    last modified by mathias.supero