• Roaster - Performance issues with NestedTypes

    Hi, I'm generating code with Roaster.   It's an unusual case of a class with hundreds of Fields and NestedTypes.   The issue I have is that the more fields and types I add, the slower the add or get operat...
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    last modified by gegefr
  • Why my wizard with some steps returns the same step?

    I have a three steps Wizard, but when i make a test BOOM!! it fails, and fails because when the wizard passes to a second step (don't talk about the third) it looks for a parameter of the first step. Now some code: &...
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    last modified by n3k0
  • uiselectmany on command line?

    I don't understand UISelectMany with class names.   My addon defines a ui component for a class selection as such:   @Inject @WithAttributes(label = "targets", required = true, type = InputType.JAVA_CLASS...
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    last modified by jjfraney
  • Example of wizard addon.

    How can i implement a wizard addon? i mean, like the jpa addon when you generate entities from tables, the addon asks for information like url, user password, Hibernate Dialect (and shows the dialects) and some more q...
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    last modified by n3k0
  • jpa new entity extension: alternate names for @Id and @Version properties

    Forge 3.1.0:   What paths for extension are available to get forge to generate different names for @Id and @Version properties?  In our development shop, we use a surrogate key for @Id and use the name 'sid...
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    last modified by jjfraney
  • how can we modify "rest-generate-endpoints-from-entities --targets org.cdbookstore.model.*" dependent project path

    Hi there,   I have created forge new project. Lets called it as MainWeb and i have dependency for models project from the MainWeb. I am try to run "rest-generate-endpoints-from-entities --targets packageStructur...
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    last modified by nipuna
  • Error using jpa-generate-entities-from-tables

    Im getting "At least one database table must be specified" when I try to execute jpa-generate-entities-from-tables. I've tried to specify tables in many ways but I can't find any updated documentation (I'm using jfor...
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    last modified by misterdee
  • How to "report" to the user in an add-on ?

    Hello,   I'm building an add-on and I would like to know what's the best way to "report" to the user. Report in the sense of notifying the user of what's going on. Right know I'm using System.out, but I'm not su...
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    last modified by clement.escoffier
  • What is the best way to installing multiple addons?

    I have created a number of addons.  I'd like to make them easy to install.  I created a command that installs them iteratively.  It works, but is is very very slow.   Is there a way to load ad...
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    last modified by jim.riley
  • Roaster: how to add a list of annotations as annotation value?

    I am trying to attach the following annotation to a class:   @MatrixMix (     operations = {"op1", "op2", "op3", "op4", "op5" },     mix = { @Row({ 50, 50, 50, 50 ,50 }),  &...
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    last modified by linkmone
  • How to debug the "starting" of jboss forge tools UI.

    I have an issue while developing an addon.   In 8 of 10 runs I got an error when I try to start the jboss tools UI in eclipse saying: "An internal error occurred during: "Starting JBoss Forge 3.0.0.Alpha3". Fai...
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    last modified by gochev
  • Is it possible to prompt for user input/selection from list of options like Yeoman generators?

    As stated, is there current functionality to present the user with a list of options or allow user input and then use that input to conditionally generate items etc.
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    last modified by donovan_muller
  • Roaster: How do you retrieve fields and methods of an inner class

    I am trying to alter some jaxb generated source code so that it will also follow the conventions of an ORM mapper.  One task in that process is to add setter methods to expose the list to any class that contains ...
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    last modified by johnc_thatsme
  • forge commands referencing to resources (classes , persistence) of other project (on local maven repo)

    Hy all I'm creating a project with jboss forge (2.20.2 Final), type war, that will be included in an ear. In this project I have a reference to a jar project with ejb, entities and persistence unit. This is included a...
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    last modified by antonello.iovino
  • Roaster - possible bug with JavaClassSource.implementInterface

    I have an interface   public interface IPersonLookup {   Person lookupRequest(String name, boolean enveloped);   Person lookupRequest(int et, boolean enveloped); }   which I want to implement ...
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    last modified by mrjazzy
  • AS can't be found in Forge wizard

    I followed the steps of Hands-on-Lab in JBoss Forge with JBDS and Forge wizard. Everything works until I completed "Install an add-on from GIT. The installation is successful, I was able to perform "AS Set Up". And I ...
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    last modified by pzhang_1
  • Unit test AngularJs

    I want to know if can I do unit testing on angularJS views with JBoss Forge 2.
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    last modified by hana.chebil
  • Is there somewhere some more documentation than the tutorial I can find on the Forge website?

    I am new to JBoss Forge and I am looking for some document which describes all the commands and maybe some tips and tricks in detail. Is there somewhere such a document or book?
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    last modified by rdmueller
  • Error resolving facet type using gradle

    Hi, I have installed the gradle addon but am getting the following error when trying to create a "war" project:   [forge]$ project-new --named example --topLevelPackage org.test --type war --buildSystem gradle ...
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    last modified by cwalker67
  • testing an addon having org.eclipse:osgi dependecy failed

    Hi there,   I have implemented an Forge2 addon with org.eclipse:osgi as dependency. I have written a simple test with Arquillian : it fails. If I remove osgi dependency, test pass. But my relevant test need th...
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    last modified by neoludo