• Use Tomcat JMX

    We have Tomcat 7 running seperate from Fuse ESB on the same Red Hat server.  How can I configure Fuse to use the same JMX broker that Tomcat is using?   Thanks!
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    created by sourjaw57
  • How to resolve dependencies related to hibernate in Fuse ESB.

    I am not able to get the db operations working using hibernate in Fuse ESB. I am using oracle database and reading from the database table in the camel-context route using hibernate.   Actually when I run the c...
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    last modified by sarfarajsayyad
  • Drools with fuse : Getting ClassNotFoundException: for DroolsPolicy

    Hi,   I am trying to use drools with fuse.   below is my camel-context.xml file -     - but on deployment getting the below exception.     FuseESB:karaf@root> Exception in thread...
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    last modified by abhijitpassi
  • wrapper:install doen't create the karaf-service script

    Contrary to the documentation, running wrapper:install on Solaris doesn't create the karaf-service script in the bin directory. This occurred on the 2.2.2-fuse-07-11 distribution. I tried using the wrapper feature fro...
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    created by essiambl
  • DOSGi error on multiple machines with containers

    Hello, I have a very simple dosgi example I built, an interface bundle, a service bundle that implements the interface method (String ping(int size);) and then a client bundle that calls the method. If I execute this...
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    created by hendelc
  • Getting  the BundleContext instance in Soap Web Service class (cxf jaxws)

    Hi All,   I have created soap webservice, auhenticatewebsevice(bundled as jar). I need to invoke the getUsers method of some other bundle ex: security(war bundle).. I have some of the classes of 'security' bu...
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    last modified by shachi_shachisonu
  • Camel Java DSL RouteBuilder weirdness when using "this"

    This may not be the best way to accomplish what we are trying to accomplish, but I came across an odd issue, and we worked around it, but I wanted to put it in front of the Fuse/Camel team.   I've run this on th...
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    last modified by dagobah
  • SSL on Karaf's JMX connector?

    Is there any way to enable SSL on the JMX Connector? I've configured ports in etc/org.apache.karaf.management.cfg but I haven't found any way to secure the connector with SSL. It seems to be a bit of a security issue ...
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    last modified by essiambl
  • Calling RESTful web service from Camel Route

    Hi   Can any one post a sample example of calling RESTful web service from Camel route ?   Thanks
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    last modified by rmahajan
  • Advice on using Axis 1,4...good idea or not?

    Hi All,   I'm developing an integration solution which requires my route to consume an RPC/Encoded web service.  After wrestling with this for some time I've come up with a bundle which allows the developme...
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    last modified by paul.berry
  • How to deploy Custom Dataformat in camel

    I am running Camel inside Karaf. I have created a custom dataformat by implementing DataFormat interface. Now I have my custom class.   In order to make it visible to my camel route inside karaf where to copy th...
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    last modified by nitingautam
  • how to import osgi blueprint xml

    I am trying to import an OSGI blueprint xml file in to another OSGi blueprint xml file.   e.g.: blueprint1.xml:       This works for spring but not for blueprint.   Does anybody know a way ...
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    last modified by jasonnh
  • Urgent Problem Setting Up to Use JMSQueueAppender (logback-classic)

    Hello,   I am trying to get ServiceMix to log to a JMS queue. I have downloaded the logback-classic-0.9.29.jar and I have done the following:   1) Changed the startup.properties as follows (added logback l...
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    last modified by dm020954_dmanley
  • java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: groovy/lang/Script

    Hi people,   I'm trying to use the camel:choice with a groovy condition but I'm getting the follow error:   java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: groovy/lang/Script   I checked and the osgi bundle camel-gr...
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    last modified by baleado
  • Issue with Hibernate dependencies

    Hello everyone,   I'm using apache-servicemix-4.4.1-fuse-07-11 and would like to use Hibernate 4.1.2 in one of my bundles in order to access a relational database.   Since I have added the hibernate-core a...
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    last modified by vmahe
  • Howto avoid features:addUrl ?

    Hello everyone,   Is there any configuration file in $FUSE_HOME/etc/ where I could add my own features URLs ?   Thanks   Regards   Vincent
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    last modified by vmahe
  • Strange comment in org.apache.karaf.features.obr.cfg file

    Hello everyone,   I looked at the org.apache.karaf.features.obr.cfg file in my apache-servicemix-4.4.1-fuse-07-11/etc/ directory and there is a strange comment regarding the resolveOptionalImports property : sa...
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    last modified by vmahe
  • Camel/jetty routing https

    I'm fairly new with https and ssl and I got a couple of questions   How can I camel-route from a https to a https endpoint?   If I add a jetty https consumer, it requires me to have a keystore installed. &...
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    last modified by raulooo_erreauele
  • routing mail with camel

    hello,   i'm using fuse esb 4.4.1.   i would like to do a simple work for send something by mail .   my bundle is correclty started but my probleme come from my endpoint.   this is my class: &#...
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    last modified by mathieuj
  • WS-Notification - Redelivery policy

    Hi, I configured this component in Fuse Servicemix 3.5, so if the subscriber is alive receive the message, but when subscriber (that in my case is an axis service) can not be reached (tomcat is shutdown) the Notifica...
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    created by pierod