• Catching org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault: Connection refused

    Hi,     I am having trouble catching the following exception when calling a web service via CXF: org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault: Connection refused   Here is what I do: I have my route and from th...
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    last modified by minibiti
  • karaf service bundle conflict with 3rd library bundle - split package issue

    In my project. I want to use packages from org.slf4j/slf4j.api/1.64. But the service bundle org.ops4j.pax.logging/pax-logging-api provide the same package as slf4j.api. Both provide packages like: org.slf4j ...
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    last modified by wl880504
  • Camel OSGi Unit Integration test

    I was going through the samples at https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/camel/trunk/tests/camel-itest-osgi/.   I tried to reproduce it, however I kept getting: java.lang.NullPointerException    ...
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    last modified by lekkie_lomotayo
  • Optimum Bundle number in a single ESB instance

    Hi,   I was just wondering how many OSGi bundles is the optimum number to be deployed in a single ESB container? In my workplace we have as many bundles as a hundred and we have all of them in a single ESB. ...
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    last modified by lekkie_lomotayo
  • confusion about dependency declaration and OSGi import - export wire up

    I just hope someone can help me clear my understanding about dependency declaration and OSGi import - export wire up.   Now suppose I have two bundles bar and foo created by Maven. bar denpends on foo . In bar's...
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    last modified by wl880504
  • OSGi services start order in the OSGii service registry

    Hi,   What is the start order of OSGi services in a service registry? Are they started by the bundle id or by alphabetical order?
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    last modified by lekkie_lomotayo
  • Trouble getting the jpa-osgi project example work with MySQL

    Hi everyone!   Well as the title of the issue mention it, i am experiencing serious troubles to get the jpa-osgi project example functionnal by replacing the HSQLDB with MYSQL.   Obvliously ( i hope i am n...
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    last modified by jelramzy_jelramzy
  • Camel TPS

    Dear all, i just learn about Camel to route some files in Fuse ESB. But the result I get from my test is the performance is very low. The TPS i got is very low, i got just about 15-20 tps for routing file from and to ...
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    last modified by mari_yaguchi
  • OSGi uses constraint violation

    I try to start my bundle created by Maven in FUSE ESB OSGi container. But I got error with its three dependencies: 1. libthrift-0.7.0.jar 2. httpclient-4.0.1.jar 3. httpcore-4.0.1.jar   Error executing comman...
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    last modified by wl880504
  • activemq broker ans web console

    Hi, I'm using SMX 4.1.1 and I can not see my queues in web console.   if I execute the command activems:list I get karaf@hermes.1.0.4> activemq:list Connecting to JMX URL: service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://lo...
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    last modified by sekaijin
  • Fuse ESB donwload

    Hi   After Red Hat has acquired FuseSource I could create a Red Hat account (following the url from Fuse Source site) with active subscription for Fuse Source products (e.g. Fuse ESB). After my subscription has ...
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    last modified by sobkowiak
  • multiples addComponent jmsComponentAutoAcknowledge problem.

    I'm using SMX 4.4.1   I have 2activemq brokers. one for persisted exchanges between bundles. another for exchanges with a partner application.   in a bundle A the routebuilder configue are public void c...
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    created by sekaijin
  • Jetty.xml property override not working

    I am using Enterprise ESB 7.1   I set the value   jetty.port=12345   in the etc/system.properties file and restarted karaf.   Jetty always ends up using the default port specified in th...
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    last modified by wayn23
  • Jetty.xml settings causes JAAS realm problem

    I am using Enterprise ESB 7.1   I was using the "karaf" realm and added a user to users.properties and that worked perfectly. I use the Karaf Web Console and it works fine.   This problem started when I tr...
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    last modified by wayn23
  • FTP download ZIP fails

    I have a simple route that downloads a ZIP file and puts it onto my local system. But when i try to read (via code) or open the zip (by double clicking on the file) i get an exception:   java.util.zip.ZipExcepti...
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    last modified by garethahealy
  • KahaDB and jdbc connection failure

    Hello,   can KahaDB be used to prevent message disappearance in case receiving end jdbc connection fails ? E.g. data is transfered from one db to another via Fuse ESB and receiving end stored procedure can not b...
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    created by romasg
  • Intercept the xsd validation and change the response

    I added the following xsd in the spring xml            The problem i am facing is the control immediately return instread of going throught the logOutBoundFault interceptor. &#...
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    last modified by ranajitjana
  • SMX 4.4.1 fuse-03-06: None of the policy alternatives can be satisfied

    I have coded a JaxWS client using CXF and am using it to send a soap request using the JaxWS Dispatch mechanism. When I run it as a standalone project it works fine. But when run within the SMX deployment, it fails wi...
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    last modified by vishp
  • fuse esb cannot start installed OSGi bundle

    I want to create a OSGi bundle which can be deployed with fuse esb from a jar file. I got floodlight.jar in target folder with ant build. I have tested the floodlight.jar with:       ...
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    last modified by wl880504
  • Send email with attachment

    Hello,   I am trying to follow the example here to send an email with an attachment with Fuse. There is a "HELLO.TXT" in the fuse directory.     http://camel.apache.org/mail.html -   import j...
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    last modified by alexcmak