• Exceptions observed while running an eip

    Hi,   I have installed the FUSE Integration Designer by following the steps given in the install guide. I have tried creating the an EIP Diagram and run it using the Run configuration.   But, I am not abl...
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    last modified by dinesh_gioe
  • Error in creating Fuse Project

    Hi,   I am have installed 'Fuse Integration Designer' plugin and 'consolidated Fuse Eclipse Tools' plugin in my Eclipse classic 3.3.2, and when I try to create a Fuse project I am getting below error. Could anyo...
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    last modified by fuselearner
  • Error during creation of Fuse project

    Hi,   I am have installed 'Fuse Integration Designer' plugin and 'consolidated Fuse Eclipse Tools' plugin in my Eclipse classic 3.3.2, and when I try to create a Fuse project I am getting below error. Could anyo...
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    created by fuselearner
  • Diagram notation questions

    Hello,   What is the meaning of the input port for a File Endpoint? Same question for the HTTP endpoint output port. The tool is very very nice but I think that explicit error port and response port would grea...
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    last modified by willy.goldgewicht
  • Fuse Integration Designer Demonstration Videos

    I have created a couple of short quick videos demonstrating some of the common scenarios using the Fuse Integration Designer: 1. Shows creating a very simple EIP file. (<2 min) 2. Shows launching the EIP file...
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    created by vineet_vineet
  • Unable to open FUSE Integration Designer Editor - NoClassDefFoundError

    I get the following error attempting to open an EIP file using the new FUSE Integration Designer Editor. Any suggestions?   !ENTRY org.eclipse.ui 4 0 2008-09-23 22:51:53.639 !MESSAGE Unhandled event loop except...
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    last modified by rlg673
  • Screencasts of FUSE Integration Designer Now Available

    There are some new .wmv files available that illustrate the new service creation capabilities in FUSE Integration Designer here http://repo.open.iona.com/videos/service-creation/    These videos are in ....
  • FUSE Integration Designer Preview is now available

    The new FUSE ESB 4.0 Preview 2 and FUSE Integration Designer Preview are both now available.  They are now listed on the Products tab of open.iona.com and on the download page.  The FUSE team looks forward t...
  • getting error while Updating Eclipse from the FUSE Update Site

    I followed the steps as mention in http://open.iona.com/wiki/display/ProdInfo/FUSEEclipseTools.   I have downloaded all the zip files, unzipped it and kept in one folder "eclipse". Now while trying to update the...
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    last modified by guest
  • Another problem running through the Contract First Tutorial

    When I create a class that implements Pricing, it stubs in a method with the following signature:       public BigDecimal getPrice(String ticker, String date, Holder<String> source) ...
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    last modified by louc
  • ActiveMQ Trace View failed to start

    Hi all, When i try to start ActiveMq Trace View under eclipse 3.3.2 i have the following errors :   java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.iona.fuse.activemq.views.TraceView      at jav...
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    last modified by mta38
  • Monitoring port via Eclipse for fuse esb server

    Hi all, How to monitoring a port in Iona FUSE ESB server in Eclipse ? Thanks in advance Mta38
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    created by mta38
  • FUSE Tooling does not support Internet HTTP proxy?

    When creating for example a BC using the FUSE Tooling, a number of Maven tasks seem to be executed. Some of these require download from the Internet. The issue that occured for me was that this connection does not see...
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    last modified by roger
  • File -> New -> JBI selections not available

    Hi all,   After installing the FUSE JBI tooling (and its dependencies according to the IONA tooling web page), I still cannot see the JBI selections under File -> New... The installation otherwise seems f...
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    last modified by roger
  • Apache ODE Service unit in ?

    Hi Fuse team,   I searching the Apache ODE service unit project wizard in IONA Fuse tooling and not find it. I have installed the version, month ago, and Apache ODE SU wizard was here.   Is...
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    last modified by pgodot
  • Problem with JBI Maven Plugin: Cannot generate SA!

      Hi all, I have a rather urgent issue: When I use the Maven archetype for ServiceMix JBI Service Assembly (SA) creation, no ZIP file is being produced! I've really tried out all resources, including debug pri...
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    last modified by roger
  • 1.4.2 tooling and maven

    Hi,           I am trying to use the Fuse tooling and seem to run into different issues with the maven-archetype plugin, when I am trying to create a contract First or camel Ro...
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    last modified by vaidya
  • Problems when installing FUSE Tooling - a few questions

    Hi Everyone,   First of all thanks in advance for the clarity of the documentation you offer on how to install the FUSE Tooling. Such clarity is really something to be truly appreciated in the open source commun...
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    last modified by raulvk
  • Error getting eclipse plugin

    Hi,   I've found some problems when trying to update the eclipse plugin from http://repo.open.iona.com/fuse-update-site. The cause seems to be the missing http://repo.open.iona.com/fuse-update-site/plugins/org....
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    last modified by jcmunuera
  • Problem with first tutorial

    Hey, I've just download Fuse plug-in for eclipse and I'm doing the tutorial here :http://repo.open.iona.com/podcasts/servicemix/contract-first.swf   When I create the projet, I click finished and I got an error ...
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    last modified by fredth_frederic_therrien