• Memory consumption

    We are using ESB to integrate systems that need intermittent file transfers.  File is usually small (0 - 5Kb) but occasionally large (2 - 4 Mb).  In the route this could transform into a 6Mb message which we...
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    last modified by grahamp
  • Route does not start in JBoss 5.1

    Hello,   I have a camel route as war file which runs fine in jetty and tomcat but when I deploy it to a JBoss server the route does not start   12:34:19,087 INFO  [TomcatDeployment] deploy, ctxPath=/...
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    last modified by labo32_delaboe
  • Persisting a list of entities using jpa endpoint

      Hi Guys,   I am trying to persist a list of entities using a camel route.   So some thing like   exchange.getIn().setBody(BeanToEntityConverter.convertPlanToPlanEntity(plans)); // BeanToEnti...
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    last modified by mohithanda
  • Dynamic Router + Bean + ActiveMQ

    Having a weird issue with a DynamicRouter which is wired to send the exchange to a bean which is defined in my spring context. The input body of the exchange determines the method name on the bean to invoke. The probl...
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    last modified by jamie3_james.archibald
  • Camel+LDAP

    The Camel LDAP component shows how to query LDAP, is there any way to use camel to perform modifications to LDAP? Such as adding new entries?
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    last modified by jamie3_james.archibald
  • activemq request - reply not working

    I have this route: <camel:route > <camel:from uri="activemq:{{amq.request.queue}}" /> <camel:to uri="http://{{esb.host.name}}:{{.esb.port}}?bridgeEndpoint=true"></camel:to>   <!-- ...
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    last modified by gmdavidson62
  • Java DSL and CXF REST

    Hello,   I want to write a simple Route using Java DSL and I want to deploy the route as war file in a jetty/tomcat container.   I defined the following in my applicationContext.xml   <import res...
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    last modified by labo32_delaboe
  • Custom Processor

    I am attempting to convert a SOAP message from one message format to another, and along the way calculating and aggregating data.  At any rate, I am trying to create a custom processor to do this, within which I ...
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    last modified by gt6081a
  • camel-cxf no-pojo consumer

    I want to host a web service in FUSE ESB 4.3.1 using just a WSDL file and the CXF camel component (camel-cxf). Here is my simple XML config file (drop it into deploy/):           &l...
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    last modified by mlabrot
  • How to obtain the  bean statistics from jconsole?

    I use a lot of beans as endpoints in my route. Something like below:     After connecting with org.apache.karaf.main.Main,  I can see many beanProcessor under direcotry of org.apache.came\processor fro...
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    last modified by jyang
  • Camel XSLT performance issue

    Hi, I have a camel-jetty consumer for processing XML messages. Parallely carrying out performance tests. Before adding an XSLT transformation it gave me a throughput of  1286 & CPU shot up to 90..100%.. prio...
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    last modified by rchallapalli
  • Is there a header param for templating files ?

    Hello,   I want to ask if there is the possibility to add files for templating (freemarker, xslt,....) as header information like it is for scripting   .setHeader("CamelLanguageScript", "MYSCRIPT") ...
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    last modified by labo32_delaboe
  • What kind of tools and techniques can be used for route tuning ?

    I would like to measure the camel route performance.   What kind of tools and techniques can be used for route tuning ?   Thanks,   -Jing
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    last modified by jyang
  • Camel exception in Exchange using OSGi:  but OK if run in Camel Context

    Hi , Please see the JAVA DSL Route below. This is working fine when run as mvn camel:run , but when deployed as bundle in OSGI, it throws the exception in Camel Exchange as shown below.     JAVA DSL Route...
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    last modified by sandy2011
  • camel http-mime-soap ?

    Hi, Is there a camel component/dataformat that can handle soap messages with attachments? The camel-http gives the entire http post body as body in the message Exchange whithout any consideration to the content-type ...
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    last modified by rchallapalli
  • CXF Endpoint Creation

    Since the other thread got a wee bit cluttered I figured I would start one anew regarding my current effort towards creating a cxf endpoint to be leveraged by camel in future routes.   I have pretty much taken t...
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    last modified by gt6081a
  • SOAP Fault - no SOAPAction header

    I am routing to an external web service, using Camel routing however I am getting following ierror. The external webservice uses RPC/encoding. - 2011-11-08 11:33:19,705 ERROR EXCEPTIONS,http-9090-6:1018 - Generatin...
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    last modified by mpalvankar
  • "Failed to resolve endpoint"  due to "Cannot find any type converters ..."

    I am getting some errors that I am unable to debug.  I am looking for clues on what it could be.    I am running inside servicemix 4.3.1-fuse-00-00 with camel 2.6.0.fuse-00-00 . Thanks.   I j...
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    last modified by mpone
  • Sources for 2.8 fuse releases

    Is there any particular reason why the source code for the 2.8 release of camel are not available in the FuseSource maven repository?
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    last modified by fhlbdm_travis.klotz
  • Simple Route Question

    Greetings,   I have a fairly simple route setup that is to login to a remote webservice and capture the response from that service.  This webservice will always get the same SOAP message so I have stored it...
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    last modified by gt6081a