• Starting a route conditionally - Only when another finishes

    Hello all,   I am trying to orchestrate a file exchange process that requires that file B only be transmitted if file A has been transmitted successfully. I am using FTP consumers to do the job, but I need that ...
  • MOTOM not working as expected

    Hi All   I have a service that sends MTOM attachment as a response to the client. I want this attachment outside the SOAP Body and not as in lined inside the SOAP Body.   Below is the configuration for th...
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    created by mpalvankar
  • Invoking external REST service

    I need to write a consumer for external REST service using CXF http centric client API. Listing down the below configuration for the same.         Do I have define serviceClass for cxf:rsClient? ...
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    last modified by mpalvankar
  • Java DSL vs. Spring DSL

    Hello,   I got a problem converting a route from spring dsl into java dsl.   <camelContext xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring">     <route>     ...
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    last modified by labo32_delaboe
  • Typo in documentation

    It looks like there is a type on the web page http://camel.apache.org/spring.html under the "Using camel namespace" section. It says:   Or you can refer to camel XSD in the XML declaration: xmlns:camel="http://...
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    last modified by jamie3_james.archibald
  • Camel and HornetQ  ?

    Hello,   I want to deploy some camel routes in a JBoss AS 7 and therefore I want to ask how to use the HornetQ JMS implementation provided by JBoss with camel.   Thanks labo
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    last modified by labo32_delaboe
  • secureXML

    Hi everybody,   First of all "Merry Chrismas".   I need your help, I need to work with security in apache camel and I have problems to configure it.   I have the folow:   [Marshal[org.apac... ...
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    last modified by snatera
  • Could not deploy xbean service unit

    Hi,   I have the problem about "Error creating bean with name 'camel-1:beanPostProcessor': Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.cxf.bus.resource.ResourceMan...
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    last modified by xiaoqiu
  • Extract camel header as String

    Hi,   Camel version: 2.8.3   The camel route is as below..   from("direct:start")                   ...
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    last modified by rchallapalli
  • Proper way to dispose of producer template?

    What is the proper was to dispose of the producer template? I see there is a stop() method, but what exactly does this do?   Say I have a producer template that called requestBody("activemq:queue:foo"), do I nee...
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    last modified by jamie3_james.archibald
  • onException(Exception.class). Can't go through full exception route.

    I get e-mail and do some processing using web-service. If error occurs (for example in web-service ), I need to send e-mail . But it can't go through full exception route:   onException(Exception.class) .useO...
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    last modified by isakoves
  • Setting log name for all routes in a RouteBuilder

    I have a route as follows   public class MyRoute extends RouteBuilder {      public void configure() {       from(...)       .log(LoggingLevel....
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    last modified by jamie3_james.archibald
  • cxfEndPoint use values from properties in attributes serviceName tc.

    Dear Forum,   regretfully, I cannot provide values from properties to all attributes necessary to configure an cxfEndpoint via Spring DSL:     &lt;cxf:cxfEndpoint     ...
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    last modified by uio100
  • camel-cache cacheManagerFactory option fails - camel 2.8.3

    Hi,       I get the following exception when configuring ehcache using cacheManagerFactory.   Versions: Camel/camel-cache/blueprint 2.8.3, servicemix-4.4.1-fuse-01-06   I tried providing th...
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    last modified by rchallapalli
  • Streaming mode with custom splitter

    I have written a customer split method to process an incoming message body then split the payload into fixed sized byte arrays. In attempt to process large incoming files, I implemented the streaming option of the Spl...
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    last modified by dekk11
  • how to properly suppress WARNs for webfaults

    I tried to describe the problem in detail in  a services framework thread , but more and more have an impression the the issue source is indeed in either my error handling or the endpoint setup.   Can anyon...
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    created by maxvar
  • Retain camel exchange.attachments

    Hi, I wrote a custom unmarshaler/marshamler for multipart messages that are received over a jetty endpoint. One of the attachments is set as body of the exchange and rest are added to the exchange as belows ... exc...
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    last modified by rchallapalli
  • Duplicated log content ?

    My simple route is as ]
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    created by jyang
  • unit testing camel-web projects

    Hi,     I'm trying to add unit tests as described in the Book and the docs and I can't get anything working.   My projects use the camel-archetype-webconsole artefact and are deployed in Tomcat6. ...
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    last modified by julianc
  • update the routes in an existing CamelContext at runtime

    Hello,   I'm trying to update the routes in an existing CamelContext at runtime, without having to restart the bundle / the entire CamelContext.   Apache camel 2.6 and onward supports dynamic loading of c...
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    last modified by mayank27