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GateIn 3.4.0.Final is out

Posted by bdaw Sep 12, 2012

We are proud to announce GateIn Portal 3.4.0.Final. Most new features included were already discussed for 3.4.0.M01 and are now finalized!



As announced a few months ago (link to blog post) we have been trying to have a good pace and deliver frequently features released to our community and everybody seems happy. There is also ongoing effort to increase transparency in our design process - Please check out our specifications space and enroll yourself in shaping new features!


This release is a bit special as we decided to open a new era with upcoming GateIn 3.5.0 : GateIn Portal 3.4.0.Final is going to be the last release to support Servlet 2.5 containers.


We will focus on supporting JBoss AS7, Tomcat 7, Jetty. Older versions like AS5, AS6 and Tomcat6 are fading away. There are a couple of reasons behind this move. To just name few of them:


  • Optimize our code base and fully leverage Servlet 3.0 new features
  • We can work on new features instead of maintaining the legacy servers
  • Increase the QA on new servers by reducing QA costs on legacy


If you are using such containers and are willing to anticipate the migration, here are a few advices:


  • Tomcat 6 users can use GateIn for Tomcat 7
  • JBoss AS 5 and 6 users can use the GateIn for JBoss AS 7
  • Jetty 6 users should use Jetty 8


In case of migration difficulties be advised to use forums and report your issues.


The GateIn 3.5 roadmap contains the details in our JIRA.


As you can see there is a lot happening in the project and our community. We are also busy working on a new roadmap for the post 3.5 releases, we will communicate soon about it and you can definitely expect a blog update. 

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