In GateIn 3.6.0.Final we have added possibility to integrate the GateIn portal with Social networks Facebook, Google Plus and Twitter. Portal users will be able to register and login into the GateIn Portal using their 3rd party accounts from these social networks. In addition we have provided a set of quickstart portlets, which allow users to use the data from their social networks. For example we have a portlet for displaying all Facebook friends of a particular user.


This integration is leveraging the OAuth 2.0 protocol (in case of Facebook and Google+), and the OAuth 1.0A protocol (in case of Twitter). The GateIn Portal serves as an OAuth Client while particular social network serves as an OAuth Authorization and Resource server.


More information about the GateIn Portal integration is available in the documentation here and more inforomation about quickstart portlets is here


Before you dive into details in the documentation, you can check our video screencasts and see it in action first!


The first screencast is showing how to register and login into the GateIn Portal using social network accounts:



The second screencast is showing how to import Social portlet quickstarts into Eclipse IDE using JBoss Tools plugin, deploy into the GateIn Portal and then use the portlets to show information from Social network:



Enjoy the screencasts and the music in the background composed by Viliam Rockai.