• Protecting GateIn from XSS

    Hi, we have a GateIn 3.1 based portal in development, and a scan showed a potential XSS security vulnerability.   For example, with the sample portal, a URL like this:   http://<server>/sample-portal...
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    last modified by amayingenta
  • Problems about deploying JSF based on Tomcat6 with GateIn3.1

    Dear All, Here is one problems confuse me serval days. I just add simple JSF portlet to GateIn3.1 portal following gatein reference documents. It seems that all work perfect except some exceptions list below. &#...
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    last modified by elinor
  • Cannot Build Site Publisher from Source

    I am trying to compile Site Publisher (and ultimately the demo portal) from source, however, I cannot complete my build using Maven. When I do a mvn -D install from any of the directories, I get the below message. Mav...
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    last modified by fredcurry
  • Changing portlet border colors (to red for example)

    How do I change the border colors of a gadget portlet? I am trying to create a 'red' border (gatein coming with blue, green, orange, etc).   I found the stylesheet.css in \eXoResources\skin\PortletThemes\ but I ...
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    last modified by scottymac
  • my GateIn not Have "Portal Templates" tab in the "Create New Portal" window

    hello   my Gatein in the click the Add New Portal button   "Create New Portal" window not have "Portal Templates" tab like GUIDE       my "Create New Portal" window  is :   &...
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    last modified by cooper_lyt
  • Get rid of the default portal (gatein.ear)

    Hi Everyone   I have this issue, I have created my own portal by using the extension mechanism. I took the sample-portal and modify it accordingly to my requirement. At this point I just rename it to KP and now ...
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    last modified by mauss
  • Urgent Help: WSRP 1.0 Plugin for WAS

    Hi All,   Currently I am developing a portal application in Gatin Jboss 3.1.0, I have deployed the WSRP 1.0 plugin in WAS 7.0 successfully and I also deployed a sample portlet in WAS 7.0. Now I am trying to acce...
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    created by rajapandian.j
  • Accessing Metada in Groovy Templates

    Hi,   Can anyone tell me how to access the Portal metadata information inside the Groovy template, when I mean meta data I mean the things like Portal or site name, the current user groups etc.,   Also whe...
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    last modified by kamesh_sampath
  • GateIn-3.1.0.GA on JBoss AS 6

    Hello,   I followed the instructions from this discussion and was able to successfully deploy the Portal, but when I was trying to run the portal its not able to create the default organizations and throwing exc...
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    created by kamesh_sampath
  • Document Library Portlet in GateIn?

    Does anyone know of (or have code for) a document repository portlet for GateIn?   Thanks.
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    last modified by scottymac
  • Gatein Packaging problem with Jboss 6.x

    Hi, I am trying to package Gatein with Jboss 6.x. I have downloaded the Gatein trunk from http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/gatein/portal/trunk and started performing the packaging as per the README.txt using Maven Wh...
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    last modified by meghaattcs
  • Making a Dashboard Portlet Read-Only (not allow adding of gadgets)

    Is there a way of making a dashboard portlet page read-only so the user does not have the ability to had additional gadgets?   I have a page displayed after the user logs in showing a calendar, rss feed, etc. bu...
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    last modified by scottymac
  • Blogs and Forums Integration

    Hi,   Anyone is aware how and what are the tools that can be integrated with JBoss EPP or GateIn inorder to have the Blogs and Forums features in to GateIn Portal .   I am referring to something like what ...
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    last modified by kamesh_sampath
  • Thank you to all community by vote for me in the JBoss Community Recognition Awards, Category: Wiki.

    Thank you to all community by vote for me in the JBoss Community Recognition Awards, Category: Wiki.   This encourages me to continue to make more for JBoss community.   I will like share my codes to the c...
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    last modified by eliasbg
  • Portlet visible before sign in and then disappear after?

    Is there a way to make a portlet visible to everyone before logging in (i.e. an iframe portlet for an initial sign-in image) then after the user logs in (regardless of user permissions) have that portlet become invisi...
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    last modified by scottymac
  • GateIn - WCM Issue

    Hi,   I have deployed the Site Publisher on JBoss EPP 5.1, I was able to create the Web Content, but when I try to add the content to a Page using the "Content Detail" portlet I am always getting the error/warni...
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    created by kamesh_sampath
  • Changing Banner picture and Logo.

    Hi GateIn community,   How do you change the banner portlet to include a different picture?  I've searched the topics (and the provided docs), found a few but none actually tell me how to do it?  I tri...
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    last modified by scottymac
  • Create Multiple Portals With Same Extension

    Hi,   I am a newbie to Gatein and using the JBoss EPP v5.1.0,  I followed the article  and was able to successfully update or override classic portal resources,   the article shows how to cre...
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    last modified by kamesh_sampath
  • Refresh Extension and Skins

    Hi,   I am doing a Gatein Development with JBoss EPP 5.1.0, I am trying to create the portal using extensions and using maven for building EAR and deploying in to JBoss, during this iterative process I am trying...
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    last modified by kamesh_sampath
  • how to deploy gatein in local language?

    I try to deploy gatein 3.1(tomcat) in CHINA, how to edit relative files that the "simple_zh" works as the default language?   thanks!
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    last modified by bjdsqq