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Thread Enable SSO?
Enable SSO?I've written a custom ServletFilter that does SSO with a reverse proxy. The filter its self works and when I specify a password when creating the credential I'm able to login to GateIn without an issue: ...
Article Google Chart Tools, jQuery and jQuery UI in GateIn 3.5+
Google Chart Tools, jQuery and jQuery UI in GateIn 3.5+GateIn 3.5 finalized a new javascript module system based on RequireJS/AMD as outlined in the official documentation. This article shows you how to use Google Chart Tools, jQuery and jQuery UI using this new system. ...
Thread GateIn 3.5 portlet with jquery and google chart tools jsapi
GateIn 3.5 portlet with jquery and google chart tools jsapiI'm attempting to write a portlet that uses the google chart tools javascript library but am having problems getting it to work in the new 3.5 way of using javascript. I found a loader plugin for RequireJS th...
Thread Getting Exception in deploying SmartGWT application in Gatein 3.5
Getting Exception in deploying SmartGWT application in Gatein 3.5Hi, I have a SmartGWT3.1 application. This application is successfully deployed on Tomcat 7 and JBoss AS7. However, when I deploy this on Gatein 3.5 JBoss As7 it throws error when URL is hit from browser. Acc...
gatein 3.5 and openam helpHi, I am newbie and trying to setup openam and gatein by using this guide https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/GTNPORTAL35/OpenAM. My setup is openam on tomcat 7 using SSL and gatein 3.5 on jboss as7 ...
Ajax Based IPC in GateIn 3.5 FinalWe have built our portal application using Gate 3.5 Final version with JSF 2.0. We have 2 issues in our implementation We have 3 portlets which does IPC between them. Now the problem is when I click on...
cas gatein3.5 helpHello All, I installation document profile (https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/GTNPORTAL35/Central+Authentication+Service+(CAS))Step-by-step, Now, Cas can works,and use root/gtn passed,when the...
GateIn 3.5 update problem with unit testDear Team, I've project to base work on GateIn and now I move to update from 3.4.10 final to 3.5, I tried to look into the code and did some serveral changes ( dependencies, APIs, configuration .. ) however after a...
Custom Rest ServiceHi all! As we want to use (i.e. expose) Rest services in our portlets along with GateIn we tried the following: - use Resteasy within a portlet war application ...
Juzu 0.6.0-beta5released, rock solid and provide new great stuff for building portlet applications. The greatest feature of 0.6.0 is the servlet mode however I won't talk about it there :-) . However, other great stuf...
GateIn Cookbook now availableIf you haven't already heard through Twitter, the GateIn Cookbook from Packt Publishing was published early November. GateIn Cookbook was co-written by Piergiorgio Lucidi, Luca Stancapiano from Sourcesense and...
GateIn Portal 3.5.0.Final ReleaseWe are proud to announce GateIn Portal 3.5.0.Final release after three months of development. A few blog posts already covered the 3.5 features, nevertheless, allow me do a short recap of most exciting...
Skins for 3.5 on JBoss AS 7.1.xI'm attempting to deploy a skin I made for GateIn 3.3 based on gatein-sample-skin.war. Attempting to do so results in a ClassNotFoundException for ResourceRequestFilter: 16:43:54,605 INFO [org.jboss.as.s...
Session failover in clusteredShould a session that originated from one node in a cluster be replicated to the other so that the session continues if the original node shuts down? I'm attempting to test that and haven't been successful. This is th...
Thread clustered 3.5.0.Beta02 on AS 7.1.1 with MySQL backend problems
clustered 3.5.0.Beta02 on AS 7.1.1 with MySQL backend problemsDetails of installation: Using MySQL for JCR & IDM in 3.5.0.Beta02 on JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final using the standalone-full-ha profile. Two nodes using mod_cluster on apache httpd to frontend. I've had success i...
Thread Oracle DB - ORA-00972: identifier is too long
Oracle DB - ORA-00972: identifier is too longHi All! tried to change the Datasource of GateIn 3.5.0.Beta02 from HSQLDB to Oracle. When starting up for the first time and it tries to initialize the DB it gives me the following error: ; ORA...
Does the MySQL profile do anything?I'm attempting to build 3.5.0.Beta02 for jbossas 7.1.1.Final using the mysql5 profile. It builds OK but there's nothing that has changed from the seemingly default H2 database profile other than I think maven download...
3.5.0.Beta02 on JBoss AS 7.1.1 clusteredI'm attempting to get a cluster using 3.5.0.Beta02 working on JBoss AS 7.1.1. Seems to have problems with the JCR configuration. Attached is my standalone-ha.xml and the startup log. My goal is to have two standalone ...
GateIn Portal 3.5.0.Beta02 ReleaseWe are proud to announce GateIn Portal 3.5.0.Beta02. Following recent 3.5.0.Beta01 release it comes with load of bug fixes and other minor improvements - check out full release notes for more details. Please try out J...
GateIn Portal 3.5.0.Beta01 ReleaseWe are proud to announce GateIn Portal 3.5.0.Beta01. Over past few months we have been working really hard on new features and improvements. Let me quickly list few of them AS7 integration. After discussing differ...