• Custom Navigations in Portlet

    I have to develop vertical navigation menu for the left side of page. So i decided to customize the exiting menu. For this purpose i have created a portlet then downloaded the code from https://github.com/gatein/gatei...
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    last modified by abdulbasitmughal
  • ExtJs not running on GateIn 3.6

    Hi all I am using Extjs 3.2 in GateIn 3.6. Here i follows my gatein-resources.xml file   <module>             <name>ext-base</name> &...
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    last modified by anishantony
  • Javascripts are not loading on GateIn 3.6

    Hi all, I migrated my GateIn 3.2 working portal application into GateIn 3.6 (JBoss AS7). I think on GateIn 3.6 there is a some tag changes happens for  adding javascripts in gatein-resources.xml file (according ...
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    last modified by anishantony
  • Javascripts are not loading on GateIn startup

    Hi I migrated my GateIn 3.2 application to 3.6. Now  GateIn not loading the any javascript from gatein-resource.xml also i got a following exception when GateIn startup   14:19:33,903 ERROR [org.gatein.po...
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    last modified by anishantony
  • Problem with js files while migrating from gatein 3.2 to 3.6

    Hi I have deployed my application in Gatein3.6 (actually i am migrating from gatein 3.2 to 3.6). But while login into my application the portlets are displayed without contents.While inspecting application with mo...
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    last modified by saumya
  • gatein 3.6 portal about Mysql configuaration

    我的配置 : # # Copyright (C) 2009 eXo Platform SAS. # # This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as # published by the Free Software ...
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    last modified by wanggn
  • WCMS in GateIn

    Hi everybody, I need to provide features to my GateIn portal users, to let them to make folders and sub-folders and put contents and create links to other resources. I was thinking about integrating eXo WCM with Gat...
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    last modified by ivandl
  • Fine grained authorization within the content of portlet in a portlet application

    Can anyone please guide me how to do fine grained authorization of the content of a portlet. I mean certain portions within the portlet should be visible to certain users/roles. I would like to have this authorization...
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    last modified by deepak.sambrani
  • Portlets are not rendering on GateIn Startup

    Hi all I deployed a war file (say myimpl.war) on GateIn 3.6 with JBOSS AS7 as server. After when i start my server there is an exception comes out and which looks like follows. Also i am not using maven for dependenc...
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    last modified by anishantony
  • Locate GateIn 3.6

    I am trying to locate the section Services Management into Russian. So I added a file "ru_all.xml" to folder "gadgets\eXoGadgets\src\main\webapp\gadgets\ServicesManagement\locale and added in ServicesManagement.xml s...
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    last modified by bigsmall
  • Shows some warning when i start the server

    I deployed my war in GateIn 3.6 JBoss AS7 server. But shows some warning logs is it ignorable?   16:48:44,693 WARN  [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-7) JBAS015893: Encountered invalid ...
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    created by anishantony
  • Cannot shows portlet in GateIn 3.6 (JBoss AS7)

    Hi all I migrated my working portal application from GateIn 3.2 (JBoss 6) to GateIn 3.6 (JBoss AS7). But in JBoss AS7 the portlets are not displaying. When i am going to start server there is an exception looks like ...
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    created by anishantony
  • WSRP SOAPFaultException: no SOAPAction header!

    Hi,   i'm trying to work with GateIn Portal and Liferay Portal with WSRP. Liferay Portal is the producer and GateInPortal is the consumer. The URL for wsdl can be found by GateIn Configuration Portlet for WSRP. ...
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    created by plucker
  • Is it possible to create userbased page in GateIn

    Hi all   My requirement is follows In GateIn in there is a navigation menu which called My Page . If a user click on this page he/she will become redirected into his own page. which means every user will have s...
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    last modified by anishantony
  • There is no page redirection happens when i click on a navigation

    Hi I created a Gatein navigation (in GateIn3.6) programatically using following code   Navigation navigation = PortalRequest.getInstance().getNavigation(); Node home = navigation.getNode(NodePath.path("home"...
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    last modified by anishantony
  • Is it possible to create a page in gateIn using public API

    Hi all Is it possible to create a page in gateIn 3.6 using public API. Is there is any sample code available to create a page from public api?   regards   Anish Antony
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    last modified by anishantony
  • Got exception when i deploy sample-portal.ear in GateIn3.6

    Hi   Got following exception when i am going to deploy sample-portal in GateIn3.6   JBAS014775:    New missing/unsatisfied dependencies:       service jboss.securit...
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    last modified by anishantony
  • Cannot deploy sample-portal.ear in GateIn 3.6

    Hi all   I created a sample-portal.ear from the following code https://github.com/gatein/gatein-portal/tree/master/examples/portal and i deployed the ear into my gateIn 3.6 (with jobss as 7). Ear location is Gat...
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    last modified by anishantony
  • Custom JS and CSS for portlet

    I want to change the display of content in portlet through custom CSS and JQuery in portlet pages using GateIn 3.6. I have tried two ways to achive this   1st: I have tried the help avaiable at https://communi...
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    last modified by abdulbasitmughal
  • Setup GateIn with Eclipse Kepler Release for the Debugging of Portlets

    Can anyone please guide me that how i can integrate GateIn 3.6 as server into Eclipse (Kepler Release) for the debugging of Portlets. Currently i have installed JBoss tool for kepler through market place. Whenever i a...
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    last modified by abdulbasitmughal