• problems deploying sample extension projects in GateIn3.3.0/AS7 environment

    Hi all, We are thinking about leveraging extension mechanism of GateIn to create our own customized portal. As any good developer would do we started by looking at some example code out there in the JBoss community....
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    last modified by drwho
  • Is CommonJS code possible?

    Hi   Is it possible to use JavaScript applications written in the CommonJS module style in a GateIn portlet? I am trying to add the Ace editor (http://ace.ajax.org) to a portlet. According the RequireJS documenta...
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    last modified by gboeve
  • group set up modification

    All, We have a requirement where we need to modify the group set up page. We would like to add our company specific fields like customer id an partner id, customer directory (for customization), customer logo to the...
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    last modified by drwho
  • JBoss Forum on GateIn?

    Has anyone gotten the archived project JBoss Forum to work on GateIn? I tried to deploy it out of the box but it doesn't seem to work. I figured it would work since GateIn uses JBoss's portal. Any suggestions or does ...
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    last modified by nnkfws333
  • GateIn JSF Portlet issue:java.lang.NullPointerException      at org.jboss.portletbridge.lifecycle.PortalPhaseListener.afterPhase

    Hi all,   I'm trying to deploy a simple jsf portlet on GateIn/Jbossas 7. This issue is killing me. I'm using a portletrequestdispatcher in a portlet class (extends GenericFacesPortlet) to display my page. co...
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    last modified by magicyyc
  • Creating a portal page to run in quirks mode

    Hi all, i have just started using JBOSS Enterprise Portal Platform, i have a portlet which renders CSS to be run in quirks mode.   So, my requirement is very basic but i am not able to figure out how to do that....
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    last modified by abhi_iips
  • PortletInitializationException thrown for not implementing javax.portlet.filter.PortletFilter

    Hi all,   I have the following problem since I updated my web-application to the newest version of Tomcat 7.27. I get the following exception when I start up Tomcat from Eclipse (Helios):   ERROR LifeCycle ...
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    last modified by tkerle