• Is there any GateIn Community Portlets/Plugins downloads area?

    I have just joined GateIn portal community and wonder whether GateIn Portal has community area(s) where portlet developers can make their custom (not always open-source) portlets available for downloading by GateIn us...
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    last modified by vzorin
  • Is it possible to plot a user navigation in navigation.xml file

    Is it possible to plot a user navigation in navigation.xml file? I created a navigation.xml which looks like follows   <node-navigation xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"   ...
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    last modified by anishantony
  • Gatein Portal - Track the IP address of logged in users

    Is there any way to track the IP address of logged in users in Gatein Portal?   Thanks in advance.
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    last modified by deepak.sambrani
  • pb session in gatein 3.1

    how to kill a portlet session when user is logged out from portal.
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    last modified by reddas
  • GateIn Portal API

    Everything comes with a public API nowadays, and now so does GateIn Portal. This post introduces the Java API, there's also a REST API which there will be a separate post about.   For this release the main focus...
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    last modified by stianst
  • Gatein Portal login - Display custom error message

    Is it possible to display custom error meggase during Gatein Portal login? Like if I enter wrong password  OR wrong user OR user has already looged on in a session, the same generic message is displayed like "Sig...
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    last modified by deepak.sambrani
  • What is the service class to arrange GateIn navigation

    Hi   I need to create/edit/arrange items on gatein navigation bar  programatticaly, is there is any service class available for that?. Manually i do these operation by changing navigation.xml file in ear &#...
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    last modified by anishantony
  • Is it possible to create userbased dashboard for users under platform/users

    Hi all   I need to create a userbased dashboard for users (who is only under platform/users with member role). How to add permission for those users for accessing userbased dashboard   regards   Anis...
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    created by anishantony
  • @PortletRedisplayScoped for CDI in GateIn 3.6.0.Final

    With the release of GateIn 3.6.0.Final we introduced some new CDI scopes to ease its use within a portlet.  This second blog on CDI scopes for GateIn, will cover @PortletRedisplayScoped. This scope can be used wi...
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    last modified by kenfinni
  • @PortletLifecycleScoped for CDI in GateIn 3.6.0.Final

    With the release of GateIn 3.6.0.Final we introduced some new CDI scopes to ease its use within a portlet.  In this first blog on CDI scopes for GateIn, we will cover @PortletLifecycleScoped. This scope can be us...
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    last modified by kenfinni
  • Gatin portal need to maintain single user id session

    Is it possible to have a single user id session maintainted on the Gatin portal? Right now the same user is able to login from diffrent Browser(s)/ machine(s).
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    last modified by deepak.sambrani
  • JAAS Authenticator from an external web application

    I would use the default security domain in Gatein 3.6 (gatein-domain) from an external web application deployed in a war in the same jboss 7 as.   Here an example of web.xml:     <security-constrai...
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    last modified by sviluppatorefico
  • CDI Injection into Portlets and Filters with GateIn 3.6.0.Final

    With the release of GateIn 3.6.0.Final we now have the ability to inject CDI beans directly into our portlet classes, whether they extend GenericPortlet or implement the Portlet interface, and any class that implement...
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    last modified by kenfinni
  • Can i integrate GateIn into Jboss 5.

    Hello Team,   Can i integrate GateIn into JBoss 5/6. To monitor user login and logout in my deployed Application.   Thanks in advance..
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    created by s_arfat
  • OAuth & FB - custom registration screen and username

    I've made my own integration with FB in the past and I would like to move to GateIn native integration now. And I have two question to FB integration:   1) How can I call my own page/Richfaces popup, when user i...
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    last modified by tomashuryn
  • What are the features expecting  on GateIn 4

    Hi all   Whats new in GateIn 4? Is it only works with Java 7? When it is releases?   I request you to please give me a brief idea about GateIn 4...   regards   Anish Antony
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    last modified by anishantony
  • Screencasts: GateIn's new mobile site

    A couple of screencasts have been created which cover the awesome new mobile (and responsive!) site which is included in GateIn 3.6.   The first one covers a brief overview of the mobile site that shows some of ...
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    last modified by mwringe
  • How to put a portlet into a page programatically

    Hi all   How to add a portlet into a page programmatically?. For adding portlet into a page, the portlet must be in the form of org.exoplatform.portal.config.model.Application.  Is there is any service clas...
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    created by anishantony
  • How to call GateIn service classes inside application my class?

    HI I created a portlet application in GateIn 3.2 using jsf. I need to call different gatein service classes (for getting user information inside GateIn, getting portlets information inside GateIn...etc) inside my cod...
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    last modified by anishantony
  • Add portlet dynamically

    Is it possible to add portlets into a page dynamically or programmatically...
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    last modified by anishantony