production mode javascript issuesHi .. i am using gate in 3.2 for my web application. i get an issue in the production mode of gatein when all javascripts in the gatein resources.xml is merged. the issue popped up when i migrated from Exj js library ...
Thread Portlets are not rendering on GateIn Startup
Portlets are not rendering on GateIn StartupHi all I deployed a war file (say myimpl.war) on GateIn 3.6 with JBOSS AS7 as server. After when i start my server there is an exception comes out and which looks like follows. Also i am not using maven for dependenc...
Locate GateIn 3.6I am trying to locate the section Services Management into Russian. So I added a file "ru_all.xml" to folder "gadgets\eXoGadgets\src\main\webapp\gadgets\ServicesManagement\locale and added in ServicesManagement.xml s...
Shows some warning when i start the serverI deployed my war in GateIn 3.6 JBoss AS7 server. But shows some warning logs is it ignorable? 16:48:44,693 WARN [] (MSC service thread 1-7) JBAS015893: Encountered invalid ...
Thread Cannot shows portlet in GateIn 3.6 (JBoss AS7)
Cannot shows portlet in GateIn 3.6 (JBoss AS7)Hi all I migrated my working portal application from GateIn 3.2 (JBoss 6) to GateIn 3.6 (JBoss AS7). But in JBoss AS7 the portlets are not displaying. When i am going to start server there is an exception looks like ...
Thread GateIn connection with oracle gets dropped off
GateIn connection with oracle gets dropped offHi All, I have a web application deployed in GateIn 3.2 which is connected to Oracle 10g hosted in another machine. It is working fine.The issue happens when the oracle machine is down and even after machine i...
Thread WSRP SOAPFaultException: no SOAPAction header!
WSRP SOAPFaultException: no SOAPAction header!Hi, i'm trying to work with GateIn Portal and Liferay Portal with WSRP. Liferay Portal is the producer and GateInPortal is the consumer. The URL for wsdl can be found by GateIn Configuration Portlet for WSRP. ...
Thread Is it possible to create userbased page in GateIn
Is it possible to create userbased page in GateInHi all My requirement is follows In GateIn in there is a navigation menu which called My Page . If a user click on this page he/she will become redirected into his own page. which means every user will have s...
Thread There is no page redirection happens when i click on a navigation
There is no page redirection happens when i click on a navigationHi I created a Gatein navigation (in GateIn3.6) programatically using following code Navigation navigation = PortalRequest.getInstance().getNavigation(); Node home = navigation.getNode(NodePath.path("home"...
OrganizationServiceImplHi we have a custom OrganizationServiceImpl hat works fine with the old version of gatein (installed on jboss 5xxx), but on the new version gatein3.4 it doesn't work. I receive two errors: One during...
Thread User specific navigation using navigation.xml
User specific navigation using navigation.xmlHi All, I created a GateIn Portal application deployed in Gatein 3.2. Is it possible to create user based navigation in my portal by using navigation.xml. Here is my problem I created some us...
Thread Cannot deploy sample-portal.ear in GateIn 3.6
Cannot deploy sample-portal.ear in GateIn 3.6Hi all I created a sample-portal.ear from the following code and i deployed the ear into my gateIn 3.6 (with jobss as 7). Ear location is Gat...
Thread How to get current portlet information programatically
How to get current portlet information programaticallyHi all how can i get the portlet information programatically, upon edit or viewing of the portlet.. my requirement is to get the portlet id to identify the portlet and dynamically set values on viewing and edit...
Migrating from 2.7.2We have a project with JBoss Portal 2.7.2. The portlets are developed with JSF and Richfaces. Database is Oracle and we use JPA. Is there any guide or document to migrate from JBoss Portal 2.7.2 to Gatein and ...
How to share portlet headersHi, In the screenshot below (Gatein Tomcat 7 bundle), there are 4 portlet windows: - 3 portlet windows to enter a parameter - 1 portlet window to display a BIRT report. - Both report and par...
User sessions in GateIn 3.6Hi. Ask the community for help. Prompt, where GateIn keeps information about current user sessions? I can not find anywhere it