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Thread Does bpm console require jboss server?
Does bpm console require jboss server?I know that jbpm "can run in any Java environment" but what about the jbpm console? I ask because the ReadMe states: "The server module needs to be deployed on a running jboss instance". just checking....
jBPM Form Builder BuildHi, I´m getting this http://pastebin.com/DCqKYdXX when trying to build/install "marianbuenosayres-jbpm-7ccf711" from https://github.com/marianbuenosayres2/jbpm Used command "mvn clean install -DskipTest...
where is the logout button?i plan to add some functions by click "logout",and i want to know where the "logout" button(is it a button?) is ? I find everywhere of the source code,but i can't get it. thanks for answer!
REST methodsI am not able to see anyting when I bring up the URL http://localhost:8080/gwt-console-server/rs/server/resources But I can access the definition directly through the REST call. What could be wrong? Pl...
Thread Failure in Deploying jbpm-gwt-console in 5.2.0
Failure in Deploying jbpm-gwt-console in 5.2.0Hi I am in the process of Building JBPM console from the source distribution "https://github.com/bpmc/bpm-console" and deploying in JBPM 5.2.0 I have followed the below steps ------------------...
Thread How to run gwt console in host mode with JBOSS AS/JBPM ?
How to run gwt console in host mode with JBOSS AS/JBPM ?Hello dear all: i want to modify/test the jbpm console code, and i am not so sure how to run the console in hosted mode so that quick development could be done. If i run mvn gwt:run,jetty show,and there is a...
jBPM console: Build FailureHi, jBoss AS, Guvnor and the Eclipse plugins were installed successfully. Now I'm trying to build jBPM console and getting following message after "mvn clean install": [INFO] Scanning for projects......
Building JBPM Console (revision 1047)Hello! I'm trying to build JBPM Console (last revision 1047)... I'm very newbie (but few month ago i build the console without error), ok, When i run maven i obtain these errors: [E...
Thread Problem compiling jbpm-gwt-console 2.2.2-Final
Problem compiling jbpm-gwt-console 2.2.2-FinalI've downloaded this source: https://github.com/heiko-braun/bpm-console/zipball/2.2.2-Final, and i have this error: [INFO] Reactor Summary: [INFO] [INFO] JBoss BPM - Console ..............................
Thread Connecting to GWT Console by Rest interface, login problem
Connecting to GWT Console by Rest interface, login problemHi everyone, I am trying to request process definitions, and task lists of specific users etc. As it is documented locally,gwt-console-server/rs/server/resources, there are URL(s) to request for particular usage. ...
Thread HTTP Status 404 - Could not find resource for relative....
HTTP Status 404 - Could not find resource for relative....I deploed a process and then able to retrive process information by posting url like "http://localhost:8080/gwt-console-server/rs/process/definitions. the json result is as below: { -definitions:[ ...
Thread How are they get generated in jbpm console ?
How are they get generated in jbpm console ?I am able to change the content in the main panel (center region) but i cannot find how to change the client style inside NORTH and WEST region If you don't know what i am saying, please see the screenshot. ...
Thread How to run gwt console in host mode with JBOSS AS/JBPM ?
How to run gwt console in host mode with JBOSS AS/JBPM ?Hi, i am running jbpm 5.1 and i want to check/test the jbpm console code so i downloaded gwt console 2.1 from here http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/soag/bpm-console/tags/bpm-console-2.1/ depoly m...
GWT-Console with custom wrapped jBPM 4.4Gentlemen, I'm going to try to adapt gwt-console to my custom jbpm 4.4 instance. I need a quick and brief advice on how to do that, since I have a terrible deadline and undfortunatelly have not enough time to reas...
Thread jBPM Console: Process History doesn't show anything
jBPM Console: Process History doesn't show anythingHello! I have a problem with JBPM Console (Version: 2.1-SNAPSHOT build 1047) Each time that I click into: Processes - ProcessHistory and click to one process: process list is empty (and I have a lot o...
Thread Basic authentication for gwt-console-server
Basic authentication for gwt-console-serverI am trying to use rest interface of jbpm server, but due to some technical problems on my side, i cannot login to form based authentication. Is it possible for me to change authentication type of gwt-console-server ...
Erai queue full?I am seeing the following error in the jboss server logs. It shows up about once every 20 seconds. Has anyone seen this before or know what might cause it? A similar error also shows up in the "Messages" area of the j...