• Ant tasks for schema creation and documentation

    Since Hibernate 3.1 you can/should use the following ant tasks:     <taskdef name="hibernatetool" classname="org.hibernate.tool.ant.HibernateToolTask" classpathref="classpath.schema"/>  ...
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    last modified by sebersole
  • HowTo configure the C3P0 connection pool

    ConfigurationHere is a sample of C3P0 configuration. This is an extract of hibernate.cfg.xml: <!-- configuration pool via c3p0--> <property name="c3p0.acquire_increment">1</property> <property n...
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    last modified by sebersole
  • Hibernate in WAS 5.x - fixes possible deadlock problem

    I know that a Hibernate application should use only one Hibernate session in a J2EE transaction (one hibernate session per application transaction). Anyway if you have already built a J2EE application that opens and c...
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    last modified by sebersole
  • Using JNDI-bound SessionFactory with Tomcat 4.1+

    Using JNDI-bound SessionFactory with Tomcat 4.1+It is very useful to bind your SessionFactory to JDNI namespace. In most cases, this is possible to use hibernate.session_factory_name property in your configuration. Bu...
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    last modified by sebersole
  • Dynamically configure an EJB3 EntityManager and its entities.

    In a multi-company, multi-database configuration, it is not desirable to rely on hardcoded, static instances of persistence.xml to specify available EntityManagers. You need to be able to start an EntityManagerFactory...
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    last modified by sannegrinovero
  • Hibernate and Eclipse Integration

    Recently I had the experience of converting a Java project in Eclipse 3.1 to a plugin and RCP. Previously working Hibernate activity failed with errors indicating that the hibernate.cfg.xml file could not be located. ...
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    last modified by anthonyhib
  • Testing with DBUnit

    DBUnit can re-create known datasets for unit test runs. Creating the initial dataset is often a lot of typing, an XSLT stylesheet can transform the Hibernate mapping files into a skeleton dataset definition: <?xml ...
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    last modified by anthonyhib
  • Some Parent-Child Principles

    Getting Parents and Children to Play NiceIf you browse the Hibernate Discussion forum http://forum.hibernate.org you'll notice that about 50% of the questions are answered by RTFM, referencing the Parent/Child example...
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    last modified by anthonyhib
  • iReport HQLFieldsReader and Jasper Reports build-in support for Hibernate

    iReport is a report builder/designer for JasperReports written in java, which allows users to visually edit reports instead of editing raw XML. Hibernate related forums include postings addressing the integration of i...
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    last modified by anthonyhib
  • Using JasperReports with Hibernate

    This section will demonstrate a couple of ways to use the results of a Hibernate query as the datasource of a report in JasperReports. When the Hibernate query returns a simple collection of objects, The  JRBeanC...
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    last modified by anthonyhib
  • Using Hibernate with Tomcat

    If you use Hibernate on Tomcat you don't have to use Tomcat's JNDI-bound JDBC connections. You can let Hibernate manage the JDBC connection pool. This works on all versions of Tomcat and is very easy to configure. ...
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    last modified by anthonyhib
  • Hibernate3 JBoss and XDoclet tips

    Here's a mini-blog from our experiences getting Hibernate 3 working with JBoss 3.2.6, using XDoclet (2.1 or so?). Some of this is basic, some are bugs you are likely to hit, some is undocumented behavior or configurat...
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    last modified by anthonyhib
  • A Short Primer On Fetching Strategies

    Note: All of this is also explained in more detail in the reference documentation. However, some Hibernate users prefer to collect information from Wiki pages or need a pointer if they post on the forum. This page des...
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    last modified by anthonyhib
  • Composite Pattern

    Here's an attempt at implementing the Composite Pattern using Hibernate. http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?CompositePattern Also see this blog entry for an example using Hibernate Annotations: http://www.theresearchkitchen.com...
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    last modified by anthonyhib
  • Delegate

    Several people have asked why Hibernate won't allow a single subclass to be mapped across multiple tables (it is possible to map a single class hierarchy across multiple tables using <joined-subclass>). We consi...
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    last modified by anthonyhib
  • Databases, Performance and Commercial Vendors.

    (lies, damned lies, and benchmarks) Note: Please also read our Performance FAQ.   Gavin KingRecently, a company called Software Tree released a new version of their ORM product, JDX. This release came equipped wi...
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    last modified by anthonyhib
  • Who uses Hibernate (2)

    The information provided below is an acknowledgement from actual developers that Hibernate was used on the projects/applications listed. This information should not be construed as a formal endorsement or backing by t...
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    last modified by anthonyhib
  • UserQuotes

    Recently I've begun to see some comments on Hibernate - both first impressions comments and have used (and still uses) comments. Some of those sounded like real-life commercial taglines and I just thought it would be ...
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    last modified by anthonyhib
  • Lightweight Class

    {{{test}}} Disclamer: While this pattern was and still is a common pattern in Hibernate world, there are alternative ways to solve this problem in Hibernate 3. Suppose I have the following persistent class: public cla...
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    last modified by anthonyhib