• Is schema generation still possible with envers 5.0.0 beta1?

    Up until v4.3.9 there was the org.hibernate.envers.tools.hbm2ddl.EnversSchemaGenerator. However, in the 5.0.0-beta1 artifact (obtained from Maven Repository: org.hibernate » hibernate-envers » 5.0.0.Beta1...
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    created by preston.m.price
  • @OneToMany + @OrderColumn does not work correctly

    I have a Tree structure with a one-to-many relationship of children that are ordered via a list with an @OrderColumn("children_order"). When creating a tree with two children, envers is not writing audit records with ...
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    last modified by matt.wedgwood
  • Gettting java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.hibernate.HibernateException

    Hello,   I am getting java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.hibernate.HibernateException when I deploy my application to Wildfly 8.1.  How is it possible if Hibernate one of the core modules and HibernateExc...
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    created by minoleg
  • Wildfly 8.2 Final with two persistence units?

    Hi. Our company is trying to migrate from jboss 6.1 to Wildfly 8.2. Everything works fine untill we deploy two jar's with two different persistence units (separate persistence.xml files in both ejb-jars). ...
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    last modified by max_vornovskykh
  • Hibernate Envers: Initializing ListProxy of related objects

    I've two entities: User and UserGroup. Relation between them is @ManyToMany and I'm using envers for auditing these entities, class level @Audited annotation is placed on both of them. However, when I try to execute t...
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    last modified by piskantali
  • Forcing batcher resource cleanup on transaction completion

    Hi,   When we trying to complete the task using local human-task, I have found the below exception frequently. Could you please check and advise me.   Versions:- JBoss:- jboss-as-7.0.2 Final Hibenate:- 3...
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    last modified by mariaprabudass
  • How to audit @Modifying @Query of spring-data-jpa by hibernate envers

    @Modifying(clearAutomatically = true) // spring-data-jpa @Query("update TravelArticle f set f.praiseTimes = ? where f.id = ?") public int incPraiseCounter(final long counter, final long id); .......   @Entity...
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    created by zsmszsms
  • transaction is not active

    Hi, I'm using envers 1.2.2, hibernate 3.2.2, seam 2.2.0 on a JBoss 4.2.3. I have a problem when retrieving some of my entities. The structure looks something like this: E1 - onetomany - E2 - manytoone - E3 E2 - ma...
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    last modified by mausbull
  • where can i get the documentation for Envers 1.1.0.GA?

    I want to add Envers to a system using hibernate core 3.2.6.ga. I should be able to use envers 1.1.0.GA but I cannot find any documentation for that version of the Jar file. Could someone please post a link to the doc...
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    last modified by simbo1905
  • How to enable audit in component based application?

    I want to understand that "Is it possible to enable envers audit in component based architecture?" Suppose I have security component which I define dependency(.jar) in my application. In this component no @Audit and...
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    created by akhtar24
  • Generate User defined audit tables with hibernate envers per entity

    I wanted to leverage envers such that it could be plugged with any of the designing approach. How could I generate a audit table which I specify as  entity of an hibernate. Is there any possibility that we ge...
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    created by tejast5
  • Constraint violation when using two schemas and InheritanceType.JOINED

    Hello,   We have the below scenario:   Our abstract superclass, with InheritanceType.JOINED and referenced to the XYZ_SCHEMA. @Entity @Table(name = "MEDIA", schema = SchemaContant.XYZ_SCHEMA) @Inheritance...
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    created by wcomnisky
  • LazyInitializationException in AbstractCollectionMapper

    Hello I've set in persistence.xml: <property name="org.hibernate.envers.global_with_modified_flag" value="true" /> I've started database from scratch. Now my application in some places (when trying to persis...
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    last modified by marx3
  • Can I create Hibernate Envers specific tables using Liquibase

    Hi,   Our Java app is Spring based and we have domain classes and the corresponding schema generated via Liquibase. We are planning to add support for a single domain to be audited. a. We don't have hibernate.xml...
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    created by sivasakthi.t
  • Warning: “On close, shared Session had after transaction actions that have not yet been processed”

    Hi all,   I'm consistently getting that strange Hibernate warning in the logs and I wander what does it actually mean and does it require any fixing. The simple test case for this follows:   def s = openN...
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    created by andy722
  • Multiple Revisions per Transaction

    Hello, Community.   I know I've seen this issue raised at least twice, but I would really like to be able to have multiple revisions per transaction. Why? So that if I perform more than one "step" or "action" wi...
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    last modified by jmferland
  • hibernate plugins are unable to load its classes, project has higher compiler option than running eclipse

    Hi, I am developing a java hibernate application. I have: 1.Eclipse Juno  4.2.2 2.jdk 1.8.0 3.Hibernate-distribution-3.6.10.Final 4.MySQL database When I open the console configuration file in hibernate af...
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    created by babithababu
  • Envers and hbm.xml

    Hi,   We are trying to use Envers with hbm.xml mapping files but we have a problem on a one-to-many relationship:   java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError at com.prodega.dao.EnversTest.init(EnversTest.jav...
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    created by simas_ch
  • Hibernate and jsf setting up with jboss 7

    Hi   In the last week i had different problems about the configurations of hibernate... I created a  maven project in eclipse, this is my pom.xml     <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/PO...
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    created by match4787
  • Traversing relations with envers?

    Hello!   We use hibernate envers for auditing. I am currently developing the reading part of historic data. While most of our requirements are fullfilled by envers, one thing could not be achieved: The traversin...
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    last modified by danielnuss