More control over the execution thread when receiving messages I investigating using HornetQ as a replacement message technology for a number of uses cases in our system and I have a specific requirement around control of the execution thread on which messages are received. ... In jboss7 clustered environment how to bounce HornetQ mbeans on failover. Is it required? Hi, In Jboss4, in a clustered environment we used to bounce(start/stop) queue mbeans on failover. It was done using "mejbStart", "mejbStop" methods. "ServiceModule=destinations-service.xml,j2eeType=MBean," "name=j... Stomp Benchmarking and Performance I'll start working on stomp performance improvement. First I need to get the benchmark tool working with hornetq. Currently there may be some issues here ... Building HornetQ I've been trying to build the hornetq project and having issues when it gets to building the docs. any hints on the maven error below? it says it timed out but the jar is accessible at the specified url and even thoug... After second failover the backup server does not go to sleep This HornetQ 2.3.11.Final (2.3.11, 123). I have two JBoss instances each with a live and collocated back up server. After I stop once server the failover happens and the backup server becomes live. After the s... HornetQ Peristence error Hi, Upon processing the message in the queue by the message driven bean, i get the following error message. has anyone seen thhis before or can anyone throw some light into why i am having this error and how i... How to delete specified message from the Queue where my HornetQ is embedded with jboss 7.1.1 as ? Hello, for hours I'm now trying to find a way to delete messages or a particular message (probably based on JMSMessageID ) from a JMS queue. I'm looking for someting like "removeAllMessages(QueueName)" and "removeMess... How to wait for HornetQ RAR deployment on AS7 Hi, I have a problem on SwitchYard JCA binding which is sometimes deployed before the HornetQ RAR is initialized. [SWITCHYARD-1789] JCAActivator should wait for the HornetQ RAR deployment - JBoss Issue Tracke... Netty 4 Integration Work Just started a thread to track the work. one-port support for HornetQ One of the main features planned for WildFly is to use a single port for all remoting access (including JMS). WildFly 8 will only have a single HTTP port opened and remoting clients will switch to their respec... Improving colocated servers Currently it is possible to configure a wildfly/AS server to have both a live and a backup HornetQ server, The configuration of this and how it works can be improved tho and this is what I am looking at. The f... move protocol managers into their own module. As part of Wildfly Integration (and product) they need to be able to remove protocols by just removing the modules or jars. currently HornetQ protocol managers are instantiated directly in the remoting service code me... Unsubscribing durable subscription via Stomp Hi, I am opening this thread, post discussion with Clebert. I was trying to "unsubscribe" subscription from my durable subscriptions (over Stomp). I found out that, this does not work. It does ... How to use HornetQ in SwitchYard We are going to use SwitchYard, jBoss 7.1 in our project. We need to know how to configure HornetQ in SwitchYard to use all its functionalities?? If there are any documents to use HOrnetQ+SwitchYard+jBoss 7.1 in a Pro... Is the user manual Absolutely right? I can find a function "addRole(),removeRole()" in class AddressControl? I can't find functions in source code of hornetq as the user-manual described , why? thank you first. A possible XA failover issue With a live/backup server pair running, the following events is expected to happen: 1) A client using a HA connection starts a XA transaction and 2) sends some messages 3) live crashes and backup becomes live... Divert has a bug? I configure a divert in hornetq-configuration.xml. One of the lines is "<exclusive>true</exclusive>". I send a large message and I see two files,one of them is received and the other is repli... JMS TCK status I'm creating this thread to report and discuss JMS TCK test issues: * com/sun/ts/tests/jms/core20/jmsproducerqueuetests/ This test fails at line com.sun.ts.tests.jms... HELP,HELP,import hornetq problem,how to read the source code of hornetq and understand it, what is the first to do ,and then...?question 2: can't import hornetq correctly? I want to grasp how the server works, flow path , understand the code ,I have down load the souce code hornetq2.3.0?? my maven is 3.0.5, and some wrong when import the source code of hornetq , can ... Fixing JMSBridge with HA connection issue If you configure and deploy a HornetQ JMS bridge whose source connection factory or/and target connection factory is HA, it will fail to work when a failover happens to any of the connections. The problem is that when...