• Non-Blocking State Transfer v2

    This document has MOVED.  Please visit https://github.com/infinispan/infinispan/wiki/Non-Blocking-State-Transfer-V2   UPDATE YOUR BOOKMARKS!
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    last modified by manik
  • Non-blocking state transfer

    This document has MOVED.  Please visit https://github.com/infinispan/infinispan/wiki/Non-Blocking-State-Transfer   UPDATE YOUR BOOKMARKS!
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    last modified by manik
  • Asymmetric caches and manual rehashing design

    This document has MOVED.  Please visit https://github.com/infinispan/infinispan/wiki/Asymmetric-Caches-and-Manual-Rehashing-Design   UPDATE YOUR BOOKMARKS!
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    last modified by manik
  • Infinispan CLI

    This document has MOVED.  Please visit https://github.com/infinispan/infinispan/wiki/Infinispan-CLI UPDATE YOUR BOOKMARKS!
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    last modified by manik
  • Incremental optimistic locking

    This document has MOVED.  Please visit https://github.com/infinispan/infinispan/wiki/Incremental-Optimistic-Locking   UPDATE YOUR BOOKMARKS!
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    last modified by manik
  • Accessing infinispan cache across diffrent network

    Here we have situation in which we have one service which needs to be run in cluster mode for which we preferred infinispan for detection of services running on different machines and have data in concurrent mode. 1...
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    created by vinayakdk
  • Infinispan configuration

    i download infinispan recently. and unzip it and run guidemo.bat  but i have three question and need help from anybody can answer me and thankyou..   q1: how can i switch to different configuration file e...
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    last modified by medo
  • infinispan applicatios

    Hi ....i have some questions related to infinispan , thanks for everyone have answer or idea about them   q1: how i can switch to other configuration file in infinispan folder ?  i try to edit the file (runG...
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    last modified by medo
  • infinispan - newbie

    I am planning to use infinispan cache to load all reference/master data needed for my application. I presume I can use the warm cache strategy to pre load the cache with relevant data from the database. Since  th...
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    created by lives_78
  • How to create logical category or group name in infinispan - hotrod  server

    Hi,   We are doing POC, using Infinispan 5.1.6 version hotrod client server communication (RemoteCacheManager), we need create logical category/group name and put set of related key value pair under logical Cago...
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    last modified by burdeen_mohamed
  • connect 2 servers

    Hello! I want to join/connect 2 infinispan servers, running in 2 different machines. First, I run the first one with the script:      ./startserver.sh -p xxx -r memcached -c config.xml -Djgroups...
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    last modified by vigue
  • Cross Site Replication - design suggestions

    Note: the final design document for X-Site replication can be found here.   This document contain the design suggestions for the cross datacentre replication functionality in Infinispan (ISPN-1824). It is assum...
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    last modified by mircea.markus
  • [Proposal]Hot_Rod_Client_DOTNET .pdf

    Google Summer of Code project proposal for C#.NET based client for Hot Rod Wire Protocol.
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    last modified by sunimalr
  • JBoss AS7 - Infinispan

    Hi,   Currently I understand that Infinispan is configured within AS7+ through domain.xml or standalone.xml. Hence, it is embedded within the server instance. I am looking for a way to seperate the cache part fr...
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    last modified by ranga033
  • Infinispan cache question

    Hi Folks,      I am trying to setup a cache for my project with jboss-6.0.0.Final and infinispan. What I have done is below     a) added a new block in  ..\server\all\deploy\cluster\inf...
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    last modified by raymiller
  • infinispan 4.2.0 memory heap keep on increasing constant which cause server crash.

    Issue details :-   Infinispan 4.2.0  server heap memory utilisation is constantly growing above 80% of the allocated memory. though eviction is happening periodically but the memory utilization doesnR...
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    last modified by maniv