• Equivalent of SingleFileStore.maxEntries under WildFly's standalone.xml?

    Hi everyone,   Thanks for all your great work on Infinispan and WildFly! I'm trying to migrate the following programmatic cache configuration...   mCacheManager.defineConfiguration( "foo", new Configuration...
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    last modified by kennardconsulting
  • jbossweb-tomcat55.sar with wildfly 12

    Hi I have used jboss-4.0.5.GA version before and now I need to upgrade it to wildfly latest version. In old version I have used jbossweb-tomcat55.sar to deploy war files. In wildfly12 it has to do with undertow subsy...
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    last modified by rish
  • Infinispan 9.2.3 bom reference infinispan-remote 9.2.3.Final does not exist

    Hi, I might have got this messed up in my maven pom's, but I am trying to build an infinispan client which uses the hotrod client and are having problems importing the correct version in my maven project.   The...
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    last modified by andreas.oh
  • How to enable Jgroups logging in infinispan

    HI,I'm new to Infinispan and I am running a cluster with three asymmetric nodes.I wanted to track the requests which is sending in between the nodes like Failure Detection requests and TCP Ping.But these requests are ...
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    last modified by kngkarthi7395
  • How to manage infinispan memory in jboss?

    Hi I use infinispan local cache in wildfly 10 , i have a jee application that load large data into cache, after serveral minute and work with cache jboss freeze and reached to max heap size memory , how to manage loc...
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    last modified by alireza.alallah
  • WildFly 13, Hibernate 5.3 and Infinispan question

    The Infinispan embedded in WildFly 13 is not with full feature. My project uses Infinispan Query and CDI. So I place the Infinispan WildFly module in it. modules\system\layers\base\org\infinispan\hibernate-cache\ma...
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    last modified by seto
  • How to configure and use pessimistic lock in Wildfly10/EAP7 cluster?

    Hi guys,   I am trying to configure infinispan cache to use it as a cluster lock. Here is my config: <cache-container name="mt-cluster-cache">           ...
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    last modified by pahuang
  • Problem with capacityFactor=0 and restart of all nodes with capacityFactor > 0

    Hi, here is my scenario.   I have a only one DIST_SYNC cache, most of the JVM in the cluster are configured with capacityFactor = 0 (like the distibutedlocalstorage=false property of Coherence) and some node ...
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    last modified by enrico.olivelli
  • Infinispan blocking state during iteration through cache

    Hi all   We have spotted in our environment following blocking state in Infinispan. This leads to high CPU load and this load does not goes down.   One of our threads has stopped and this is line from its ...
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    last modified by tomas11
  • Cache-level notification is happened only based on number of owner??

    Dear sir,           we are using infinispan(8.1.0) in our java applications for failover. Distributed type of cache is used  to store  the state. We have a ...
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    created by jaga244
  • Cache-level notification is happened only based on number of owner??

    Dear sir,           we are using infinispan(8.1.0) in our java applications for failover. Distributed type of cache is used  to store  the state. We have a ...
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    created by jaga244
  • Cache-level notification is happened only based on number of owner??

    Dear sir,           we are using infinispan(8.1.0) in our java applications for failover. Distributed type of cache is used  to store  the state. We have a ...
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    created by jaga244
  • Cache-level notification is happened only based on number of owner??

    Dear sir,           we are using infinispan(8.1.0) in our java applications for failover. Distributed type of cache is used  to store  the state. We have a ...
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    created by jaga244
  • Infinispan concurrent modification exception after restarting a node

    Hi,   I just restart a second node in my cluster configuration, and I start getting errors for the infinispan:   12:12:57,249 DEBUG [org.jboss.as.config] (MSC service thread 1-3) Configured system properti...
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    last modified by carlosra85
  • Replication timeout for [server]

    Hi,   I am using Wildfly 10.1.0.final. I have setup cluster and domain which has master server and two slaves. I have followed guide (Clustering and Domain Setup Walkthrough - WildFly 10 - Project Documentation ...
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    last modified by hasithajayan
  • How scalable is Continous Query?

    Hi, We have a mobile app deployed on a fleet of 100000 android smartphones. I'm trying to find out if it's possible to create as many continuous queries. Each user (delivery driver) needs, for example, to request al...
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    last modified by youcefhilem
  • About org.infinispan.infinispan-hibernate-cache question

    This is previously maintained by Hibernate Team and now maintained by infinispan team. But it's not included in the infinispan wildfly modules.
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    last modified by seto
  • Cache with JpaStore constantly queries database

    Hi,   first of all, I am using Infinispan 9.2.2.Final and you find my cache configuration attached.   I start my cache at application startup. When I later retrieve the cache using embeddedCacheManager.ge...
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    last modified by mobe
  • Continuous query with graph-oriented data model

    Hi,   I am using Neo4j as long term data store and I would like to use Infinispan for a specific use case : subscriptions/notifications. Users can ask to subscribe to a specific part of the graph, and whenever ...
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    last modified by rico13
  • ISPN000453: Attempt to define configuration for cache X which already exists

    Hi all!   I am running into this most obscure error for Infinispan 9.2. I am using a default WildFly12 setup for Intellij IDEA. The first time after loading my project, I start the server and all is good and art...
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    last modified by wieberinsma