• WARN  [org.jgroups.protocols.TCP] JGRP000012: discarded message from different cluster xsite(our cluster is cluster).

    When I set up infinispan with cross site mode, I get this error. 10:19:38,082 WARN [org.jgroups.protocols.TCP] (jgroups-4,cache-am-v2-0.node.rcdn-dev.coi) JGRP000012: discarded message from different cluster xsite2 (...
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    last modified by haohong
  • How to disable the state transfer for the Cache mode INVALIDATION_ASYNC ?

    We get many errors for the state transfer, although we use the INVALIDATION_ASYNC cache mode and do not want the state transfer to take place between the nodes on the clusters. The errors are like below:   I supp...
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    last modified by chillax
  • Recognice of faild AUTH or SASL when starting CacheManager

    Hi together, i am trying to apply Security to JGroups (SASL or AUTH). When starting the CacheManager (infinispan.xml transport-stack refers to the jgroups.xml file with SASL or AUTH enabled), JGroups connects to an ...
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    last modified by dariosanna
  • Issue clustering embedded infinispan (spring boot) with Infinispan Server (9.4.4)

    Hi All   I have been trying to cluster an embedded spring boot infinispan instance with a remote standalone server node with no luck and was hoping someone here could help.   The error I'm seeing on the in...
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    last modified by soupy989
  • WFLYCTL0412: Required services that are not installed:" => ["jboss.datagrid-jgroups.factory.cluster"]

    When I want to upgrade my infinispan from 9.1.4 to 9.3.1, I got an error message. Our company infinispan running as a cluster in Openshift environment. Here is the error message: 2019-02-25 16:24:39,741 DEBG 'Infin...
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    last modified by haohong
  • CacheConfigurationException ISPN000343 thrown in 9.4.6, but not in 9.4.4

    After upgrading from 9.4.4 to 9.4.6 an org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException is thrown when building the DefaultCacheManager():   org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException: ISPN000343: Mus...
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    last modified by dariosanna
  • Upgrade keycloak from 4.3.0 to 4.4.0 fails on infinispan caches

    Hi,   i have two nodes setup in domain clustered mode, i am currently upgrading from 4.3.0 which is working fine to 4.4.0, after upgrade node1 keycloak-master starts without problems, but when i try to start nod...
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    last modified by pipoth
  • how to handle license increment and decrement across the node??

    sir, We are using 8.1.3 infinispan version for our java application clustering.We have cache that have licence increment value. but it always is not correct value because of concurrent processing.I know there is loc...
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    last modified by jaga244
  • How to identify the path of the configuration xml file

    Dear All,   I am a newbie to infinispan and would like to seek help about issue below. I tried to start a infinispan cache on an ejb, such that it should be shared among several applications.   @Singleton ...
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    last modified by trytrysin
  • Disable sync for specific entries in replicated-cache (Infinispan)

    Hi,   I am using replicated-cache to sync entries of Infinispan cache that is running on 2 Docker images. I face some technical problems, so I would like to disable sync for a specific cache entry. How to perfo...
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    last modified by jayaprabahar
  • IllegalStateException during the prepare phase of transaction

    I am running an Infinispan cluster (version 9.0.1) composed of two nodes (let's call them node A and B). I have a transaction in which I update several caches. Recently, I have been having problem with some transactio...
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    created by suenda
  • org.infinispan.util.concurrent.TimeoutException and system hangs

    Version : Infinispan 7.2.0 and Jgroups 3.6.1replicated cache Replicated cluster with 4 nodes       We have product which is deployed at multiple customers its working fine on all but one customer . W...
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    last modified by padate
  • JNDI lookups are failing on remote node in infinispan cluster

    We have a cluster of two nodes using Infinispan 9.3 with WF 14. When a change occurs to a cached value on node 1, node 2 begins executing the entry processor for the given key and that logic requires some JNDI lookups...
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    last modified by david01337
  • why i am getting exception like cache's entry  is in STATUS_MARKED_ROLLBACK() and  say "it is not in a valid state to be invoking cache operations on."??

    sir,   When i making load of request to cluster nodes,There was one node got down and another node was supposed to take over that requests.But failed lot of request.I could see exception like below when tried to...
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    last modified by jaga244
  • Infinispan: Why are my EntryProcessor's being serialized in 9.3? Why weren't they in 8.2?

    In our application, we were using infinispan 8.2 and started running our app in a clustered environment, beginning testing with 2 nodes. This appeared to work ok and we updated to WF 14 and tried using infinispan 9.3...
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    created by david01337
  • Hibernate L2 Invalidation Cache and GC

    Hello,   We are testing Infinispan as a L2 Hibernate Cache in SYNC Invalidation mode. Using version 8.2.4 and hibernate version 5.1.17. We start a two node cluster. testbox01 and testbox02. The following is our ...
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    last modified by thammoud
  • Performance issue when using ClusteredLock

    Hello, sorry by advance for my approximate english    I am facing perfomance issue with the clusteredLock API when i stress my application.   My cluster is composed of 2 members. My application pro...
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    last modified by khaza
  • infinispan modules for wildfly configuration

    hi, I'm following this guide Infinispan 9.3 User Guide,and i want enable groups and batch,i configured in standalone-ha.xml.   <subsystem xmlns="urn:infinispan:server:core:9.3">     ...
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    last modified by jorcx.liu
  • ProtoStream can't generate correctly proto file for byte[] field

    Hi again,   I think that I encountered another bug in ProtoStream.   I have an object with a field of type byte[]. If I only annotate the field with @ProtoField like this:       private...
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    last modified by dvlinh
  • How to use UnknownFieldSet with ProtoStream

    Hello,   I'd like to use ProtoStream for serialization between Client and Server Infinispan. So I annotated the classes with @ProtoMessage and @ProtoField to generate the proto file and the marshallers. I also ...
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