• Connection config-properties are ignored

    Hi all,   I have a problem with our resource adapter resp. it's deploymen in JBoss 7.1.0.CR1b: the <config-property> tags are ignored. In the source code I've seen that the part handling these properties i...
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    last modified by dimonv
  • MDB with Oracle AQ via Sun Adapter

    I have integrated Oracle AQ with JBoss 4.0.2 using the rar of Sun Adapter. I can send messages to a queue but I have some problems in using an MDB that reads from a queue. The MDB is BMT because the adapater doesn't ...
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    last modified by ryandavid
  • ActivationSpec.setResourceAdapter called twice on the same ActivationSpec instance

    I'm running jboss-as-7.0.2.Final.  And I have a situation where setResourceAdapter is being called twice on the same the ActivationSpec instance.  I have three MDBs accessing the same resource adapter instan...
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    last modified by traffic
  • Come JBoss with a implemented JCA for access to file system?

    Hi, Come JBoss with a implemented JCA for access to file system o must i to implement my own JCA??? Thanks
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    last modified by keruke
  • Ironjacamar, IBM JDK and javax.xml.stream.XMLInputFactory

    Hi all,   Tried Ironjacamar in embedded mode, Version 1.0.0Final on IBM JDK and got:   Caused by: javax.xml.stream.FactoryConfigurationError: Provider com.sun.xml.internal.stream.XMLInputFactoryImpl not f...
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    last modified by liegler.maurer
  • How to programmatically create datasource without configurin

    Hi, we are migrating from weblogic to JBoss. So far things are working well, but recently we encounter a show-stopper. Part of the application code creates new datasources dynamically. In weblogic, JMX MBeans api are...
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    last modified by dkoon
  • Calling matchManagedConnections and getInvalidConnections

    Hello, I generated resource adapter by code generator (1.5 JCA spec, no transactions, no datasource, outbound) and I'm not able to call generated matchManagedConnections() and manually added ValidatingManagedConnectio...
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    last modified by pjuza
  • class loading of an inbound resource adapter?

    Hello,     I have just written an inbound resource adapter and everything seems to work fine with it. When I deploy my RA to the JBoss 7.0.1 AS, the container calls the ResourceAdapter.start(BootstrapContex...
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    last modified by kgrunert
  • Prepared statement cache statistics

    Hello, I can not find any way to get statistics of prepared statement cache in jboss 4.2, 5.1, 6.0. Is there any mbean or some other way that I'm missing?
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    created by tehehe
  • ManagedConnectionFactory Life Cycle

    Hi, I deploy the rar file by placing it in the deployment folder in jboss as 7. Later deploy my war file. This connector in bound to a jNDI location by definition inside standalone.xml. When it is deployed the cre...
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    last modified by gmkumar2005
  • maven dependency setup.

    I really fairly new to JCA development so maybe I am just not looking in the right places; so I want to apologize if the questions is too fundamental. But with what little example I've found from the 1.0.6-Beta distri...
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    last modified by amberjboss1999
  • Validator problems

    Hi guys,   I've been having a go at running the validator using the standalone ironjackamar and have run into a bit of a problem (on both windows and linux).   Firstly, the JEE classes are not in the class...
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    last modified by mphillip
  • SFTP JCA connector for JBoss 6?

    Hi,   I'm building a Spring 3.0 app that is running on JBoss 6.x. I have a need for my application to access files (get and put) via sftp. Having never done this before, I did some research and found that Spring...
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    created by benze
  • IronJacamar

    The IronJacamar container The IronJacamar container is a Plain Old Java Object (POJO) implementation of the Java Connector Architecture (JCA) specification in the Java EE Enterprise edition.   Home:  http:...
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    last modified by jesper.pedersen
  • Problems changing DefaultDS

    JBoss Version is 4.2.0.GA I searched the Wiki and forums for a solution to this problem. I've seen two other posts with the same problem but nobody responded with a solution to I'll try. I'm trying to change the Def...
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    last modified by drathnow
  • (JCA PoolFiller:) Unable to fill pool

    Hi,   Last weekend we had the following error: 2010-10-29 17:10:10,987 WARN  [org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.JBossManagedConnectionPool] (JCA PoolFiller:) Unable to fill pool org.jboss.resource.JBossR...
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    last modified by wdijkerman
  • HttpSession -> Database connection

    Hi,     I have to work with an Oracle Database and the PL/SQL uses a lot of temporary tables (per database connection) so having connections handed to you randomly from a connection pool will probably be an...
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    last modified by nickarls
  • WebSphere MQ issue

    Hi, I'm running a web app in JBoss AS 5.1.0 with WebSphere MQ 7 configured as a JCA resource.  The application works well pushing/popping messages on and off the queues.  Recently during some load testing w...
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    last modified by rbiresch
  • re-authentication and pooling

    Hello, I have seen several topics in the JCA forum discussing different issues, which could be solved by the re-authentication feature. I guess in our situation this is also the case. We are using a third party JCA ...
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    last modified by dimonv
  • unable to get a connection from jboss Connection pool

    Hi I'm using SQL Server 2005 data base and I configured the data source in sql-ds.xml for jboss , the config contents are as follows <local-tx-datasource> <jndi-name>CEDDS</jndi-name> <connectio...
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    last modified by arekatla