• XA Recovery

    Hi folks. I'm running JBoss 5.1.0 and WebSphere MQ's JCA resource adapter on x86 Linux, with a MDB pulling messages from a WMQ queue and putting them to a response queue under an XA transaction. This all works fine. &...
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    last modified by benr
  • Embedded .rar in a .ear, is it supported?

    Hello,   I'm not having any luck embedding a .rar in a .ear.  I posted all the details here http://community.jboss.org/thread/160613.  Does jboss still support embedded resource adaptors?   Thank...
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    created by dwayne
  • JBoss As 5.1.0.GA Switch DefaultDS to Oracle DS

    hi all, I found many topics about this problem but they can't help me. What  I did : 1. copy oracle jdbc driver. 2. remove hsqls datasource file from deply. (alos i remove hsql database jars from library) 3....
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    last modified by grdzeli_kaci
  • Seam app hangs under heavy load (InUseConnectionCount goes very high)

    Hello, I have a problem with a Seam app: under heavy load it hangs.   Monitoring the InUseConnectionCount I noticed that after 20-30 mins it goes very high blocking all the application server (JBoss AS 4.2.3.GA...
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    created by demetrio812
  • 'No ConnectorMetaData found for mdf' when embedding rar in ear

    Hello,   I am having some difficulty when trying to embed a rar inside an ear.  When the rar and ear are deployed separately, they seem to work fine.  This is the exception I get when the rar is embedde...
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    last modified by dwayne
  • Jboss 6.0 + PostgreSQL Datasource + security-domain + CallerIdentityLoginModule : Can i set max number of pools?

    Hello and merry Xmas to all. Being a jboss user (starting from 3.0.3, still deployed in some remote locations) for the the last 10 years, I have succesfully set up a new test system Jboss 6.0, postgresql 9.0.2, openjd...
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    created by panixgr
  • using Cloudscape/Derby as Datasource

    Hello! I want to use Cloudscape/Derby as a Datasource for my ejbs and jms. can any one can explain me how to configure the xml files to work with Cloudscape/Derby? Thank you, Netanel
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    last modified by ware
  • Jasypt and JCA -ds.xml files

    Has anyone integrated Jasypt (http://www.jasypt.org ) with -ds.xml files? We use the method described at http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=EncryptingDataSourcePasswords but this seems like it might be a simpler...
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    last modified by evanschnell
  • Embedded JCA with Glassfish

    Hi,   I'm working on the integration of IronJacamar (1.0.0.Beta3) with Glassfish (2.1.1). The aim being to use something else than Glassfish (maybe Tomcat) and continue to use our JCA connectors.   The pro...
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    last modified by stackpeek
  • ResourceAdapter.start

    I was doing some testing with ironjacamar-1.0.0.Beta3 and I noticed that ResourceAdapter.start is called after a ManagedConnectionFactory instance is configured and after the called to ManagedConnectionFactory.setReso...
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    last modified by traffic
  • Bean Validation

    I was doing some testing with ironjacamar-1.0.0.Beta3 and I noticed that the @NotNull built constraint didn't validated a configuration property that was null.  I also noticed that the ValidationMessages resource...
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    last modified by traffic
  • How to create a raw socket connection pool in jboss

    Hi all, I'm new in Jboss. I have a question above. Can you tell me that: 1> I can or I cannot 2> If I can, how ? or I must find in where?   Thanks a lot!
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    last modified by alexpr
  • JGeometry.store and multiple connections

    Hi,   For some reason, I am getting the following error:     Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Cannot construct ARRAY instance, invalid connection at oracle.sql.ARRAY.<init>(ARRAY.java:141) at or...
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    created by runner1
  • Custom/Wrapped JDBC Driver for DataSource

    I have an application which need to look up the database password each time a new connection is created.  In a standalone application using Hibernate, this is easy: I just set the property hibernate.connection.pr...
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    last modified by rbroberts
  • Another injection issue

    Hi,   I'm trying to set up the "File System Adapter" like shown here http://docs.jboss.org/jbossas/jboss4guide/r4/html/ch7.chapt.html First I build the rar-archive and moved it to the deploy-folder together wit...
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    last modified by jensmander
  • Classcast Exception using Oracle Blobs(10g) and JBoss 4.0

    Hi all,   Im using oracle 10g and JBoss 4.   Im getting the following error :       java.lang.ClassCastException     : oracle.sql.BLOB     Conn = DBConnector.getCon...
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    last modified by satwika.chandra
  • Question for the ResourceException: Interrupted while requesting permit! Waited 0 ms

    Hi all,   I am observing the error "ResourceException: Interrupted while requesting permit! Waited 0 ms" in the peer node in the cluster when main node (the first node started in the cluster) is crashed unexpect...
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    last modified by niefeng
  • Newbie: ORB Notify Channel Source JCA

    Hi Guys,   I've created a small JCA Source that is connecting to a Corba Notification channel as push. The connector itself works fine but I guess that I've missed something basilar into ORB setup. With a fresh...
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    last modified by starblazer74
  • Failed to enlist resource with Generic JCA-Adapter

    Hello,   I've written an generic jca-adapter, while testing getting a connection for this adapter from a stateless session bean the following exception occurs.   The environment:   Linux openSuSE 11....
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    last modified by arakasi69
  • DEBUG [org.jboss.resource.deployment.RARDeployment] Error getting attribute AvailableProcessors

    I am getting an exception as below in my application. Can any one help me what is the reason?? Is it configuration issue or connection related?? Where can I find those attirbutes?? Is it JMX issue?? JCA issue?? any ...
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    last modified by vinprabhu