• the future of JBeret-UI?

    Hello,   I a planning to use JBeret (and JBeret-UI) for a new project and while there seems to be active development on JBeret the JBeret-UI submodule seems to be more or less outdated (the last commit ap. 3 ye...
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    last modified by crettig
  • Project JBeret CI

    jamezp set up the CI jobs (thanks James!) for project JBeret at https://ci.wildfly.org/project.html?projectId=JBeret   It currently has the build run on Linux and Windows platforms every time a PR is submitted....
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    created by cfang
  • Possible errors when running batch jobs with WildFly 12

    I recently ran into the following errors when running a batch job web app with WildFly 12.  Basically it failed to clone the batch job definition object with jboss-marshalling 2.0.4.Final.  The easiest fix i...
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    last modified by cfang
  • DevConf.us 2018, August 17-19, Boston, USA

    https://devconf.info/us/   DevConf.us 2018 is the 1st annual, free, Red Hat sponsored technology conference for community project and professional contributors to Free and Open Source technologies at the Boston ...
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    created by cfang
  • cassandra

    Helllo,   Is it plannig to add cassandra suppot do jberet? We have mongo suppor now, so cassandra would be great.   Regards sw
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    last modified by mistrz_7
  • WildFly 12 Final is now available!

    WildFly 12 Final is now available!  For more detail, including new EE8 features and other improvements, see:   WildFly 12 Final is now available! · WildFly   WildFly 12 Final includes jberet-cor...
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    created by cfang
  • jdbcItemWriter

    I am having a issue inserting anything into one of my tables and have spent about 6 hours trying to figure it out. I have included the writer jsl and data, and the straight java I used that works. For the life of me I...
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    last modified by richardmoore
  • CassandraItemReader, CassandraItemWriter & CassandraBatchlet in jberet-support

    CassandraItemReader, CassandraItemWriter & CassandraBatchlet have been implemented in jberet-support.  They will be formally available in the up-comming jberet 1.3.0.Final release.   CassandraItemReader...
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    last modified by cfang
  • ItemProcessor skip record

    Is there a way to throw an exception in the ItemProcessor and have it trigger the SkipReadListener? I want to write out unreadable records and records that cannot be reformatted written to the same error file.   ...
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    last modified by richardmoore
  • Chunk listener and errorHandler for read/write/error counts

    We have spoken about creating read/write counts with the listener in a chunk. But I need to increment the skip count or have an error count when there are errors during the parse of the BeanIOReader (errorHandler) and...
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    last modified by richardmoore
  • Interactive Learning: Java EE Batch Processing with OpenShift, WildFly & JBeret

    The interactive learning course for batch processing with OpenShift, WildFly & JBeret is now live  at the following URL.  I encourage everyone to check it out, explore various features in JBeret and Open...
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    created by cfang
  • @JobScoped, @StepScoped and @PartitionScoped can now be used on TYPE, METHOD and FIELD

    JobScoped, StepScoped and PartitionScoped are custom CDI scopes implemented in JBeret to provide more fine-grined scoping specific to batch applications.  In JBeret 1.3.0.Beta7 and earlier releases, only TYPE tar...
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    last modified by cfang
  • jberet-rest-api module split into jberet-rest-commons and jberet-rest-api modules

    As mentioned it in JBeret 1.3.0.Beta7 release announcement thread, jberet-rest-api module (in 1.3.0.Beta6 or earlier) has been split into jberet-rest-commons and jberet-rest-api modules starting 1.3.0.Beta7.  Now...
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    last modified by cfang
  • jmsItemReader

    I was looking at the JmsItemReaderWriterBase code and noticed that destination is built first, then connectionfactory, and lastly the connection. I had to write my own jndi so I am confused. The steps I have to go thr...
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    last modified by richardmoore
  • JBeret 1.3.0.Beta7 Released

    JBeret 1.3.0.Beta7 was released on Dec 11, 2017.    Release Notes: Release Notes - JBoss Issue Tracker   Some highlights in this release: * added support for remote chunk execution in a clustered ...
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    created by cfang
  • Active job

    Hello, I have jbatch job that do hard work, every 10 minutes transfers few hundred thousand records from one table to another. Before start job I check the number of active instance this job. If they are active job I...
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    last modified by mistrz_7
  • JdbcItemReader->Writer fail after upgrage 1.1.0.Final to 1.3.0.Beta6

    Hello,   After upgrade from jberet-support from 1.1.0.Final to 1.3.0.Beta6 (but it doesn't work with 1.2.0 too) my old JdbcItemReader->Processor->JdbcIterWriter stopped working. This process is a little tr...
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    last modified by mistrz_7
  • jsonItemWriter

    What is passed to the jsonItemWriter? Reason I ask is, suppose I want to use the beanioreader use an itemprocessor to reformat that bean into another bean and have the jsonitemwriter write out the results. What am I r...
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    last modified by richardmoore
  • How to send emails from a Java EE Batch Job

    How to send emails from a Java EE Batch Job - Stack Overflow   Interesting discussion at SO, posting here for reference in case someone encounter the same problem.   Just to be clear, that discussion is no...
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    last modified by cfang
  • intro-jberet application in OpenShift Online

    I recently created my OpenShift Online free starter account, and deployed intro-jberet sample application based on WildFly 10.1 image, just to try out various batch processing operations in the cloud.  The sampe ...
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    last modified by cfang