• Dynamic AOP and SEAM

    Hi, I have a problem with AOP on a webapp with SEAM POJO. I have java.lang.IllegalAccessException: Class org.jboss.seam.util.Reflections can not access a member of class fr.cpage.faces.test.web.pagebean.TogglePanel...
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    last modified by gerix
  • Adding a Mixin Dynamically

    Hi, I am brand new to JBoss AOP so please excuse me if my question is foolish. After reading the AOP docs I am unsure how, and indeed if it is even possible, to add a Mixin dynamically as one can an Aspect or Interc...
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    last modified by hutchinsons
  • jboss compile failing with   java.io.FileNotFoundException:

    I am using jboss maven aop to build my project.I am doing a simple test trying to introduce serializable adive to my pojo. here my jboss-aop <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <aop> <introduct...
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    last modified by miroconnect
  • new bee maven aop plugin strugling with org/jboss/aop/standa

    I am new bee trying to use maven-jbossaop-plugin for my project here is my pom , I am using java 1.6 <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:s...
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    last modified by miroconnect
  • Thank you and Help us learn how Feature Requests R gathered

    Thank you to everyone who completed the survey! We’re getting great feedback. If you haven’t already participated, please take a few moments to complete the survey located at the ...
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    created by plaurentphd
  • NoSuchMethodError: org.jboss.aop.ClassAdvisor$1

    Hi All I am using JBoss-4.2.3.GA, JBoss-Messaging-1.4.0.GA And JDK1.6.0_07. I am integrated the Jboss-messaging with JBAS and deployed my Application, the server started without any problem. Added the following j...
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    last modified by svr.vin
  • Help with pointcut

    Hi, I have a pointcut which intercepts all the method calls in thin package. Here is my pointcut: <bind pointcut="all(com.gm.tnt.ds.thin.*)"> <interceptor class="org.jboss.aspect.custom.MyMethodInterceptor...
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    last modified by csr1978
  • jboss-aop configuration help needed

    Hi, I am new to JBoss AOP concept and need some help in configuring it. I have a web application deployed to jboss server 4.2.0. I am trying to configure logging interceptor for the web application with aop. so far i...
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    last modified by csr1978
  • Is this possible to weave container classes?

    Hi All, From many days i am looking whether it is possible to weave Application Server Client Container classes. If joinpoints are defined at execution level for the methods defined within these classes. Is there an...
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    created by guericke
  • Transaction Demarcation and JBoss AOP 2.0

    Transaction Demarcation (see http://www.jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-9034) used to work with an older CR of AOP 2.0 (the aop CR17 used in JBoss AS 5.0.0.CR2) but it doesn't seem to work anymore with more with the 2.0....
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    last modified by mwringe
  • Advice Stack CNFE on *-aop.xml (AspectManager) Deployment

    @see http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4191798 One of our users is looking to add a client-side interceptor to the advice stack. As the class is not part of our distribution, it's not a...
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    created by alrubinger
  • bug or feature? methodInvocation.getArguments() empty array

    So the upgrade from jboss aop 1.5.6. to 2.0.0. did finally work. Now I have a question to a different behavior: public class Foo implements Interceptor public Object invoke(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable...
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    last modified by dermas
  • AOPC Error: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.jboss.aop.Aspec

    I am trying to upgrade jboss-aop-1.5.6.GA to 2.0.0.GA. Currently I am using the following libs in my eclipse project: - trove.jar - javassist.jar - jboss-aop-jdk50.jar In order to upgrade, I replaced those jars with...
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    last modified by dermas
  • jboss as and aop

    Hi all! i developed a java servlet and i tried to triger an aspect when executing it . the proposed servlet is very simple it just print a "hello world" messege . The aspect should write on a file a string i am usin...
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    last modified by moslem
  • Help us learn how Feature Requests R gathered

    My name is Paula Laurent. I am a Computer Science PhD student at DePaul University conducting research on soliciting and prioritizing requirements. The goal of this research is to find out about the current requiremen...
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    created by plaurentphd
  • Executable file created by install4j can not be run

    Hi, I have successfully used JBOSS AOP to do some standalone works, now I Encountered a critical issue, install4j can't wrapper jboss aop java applications(both precompiled mode and load time mode). When I use LOAD T...
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    last modified by cpsaop
  • The use of the file "jboss-aop.xml"

    Hello, My question is: When I use under the file "jboss-aop.xml" the tag "bind pointcut" I use dynamic AOP, or we couldn't considerate that I use "dynamic AOP" only in the case I use "HotDeployment" and "hotSwapping"?...
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    last modified by hou84
  • Prepare statement not picked up, am I missing something?

    I'm currently trying to get Dynamic AOP working in JBoss. Apparently, you need to prepare joinpoints. Here's what I'm using as source code: Main.java: package test; import org.jboss.aop.AspectManager; import org.jb...
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    last modified by rubenv
  • How to set a breakpoint for weaved classes.

    Hi all, Question about the breakpoints for weaved classes with aop compiler; I defined some rules with jboss aop for some classes in my project and these classes weaved successfully with jboss aopc after that I set ...
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    last modified by par_yosa
  • The use of Hotswapping

    Hello, My question is: Do the use of the HotSwapping allows the application to take into account changes in the code of the interceptor without having to click once on the "Run" under eclipse. For example, If we have ...
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    last modified by hou84