• What means (MSC service thread 1-4) No ConfigurationProviders were registered

    hi chaps,   I'm working on a EJB-Project using AS.7.1.Final. Since I migrate from AS.4.2.3.GA I always get those strange messages:   (MSC service thread 1-4) No ConfigurationProviders were registered: Rewr...
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    created by gsanders
  • Deployment "AAASessionBeanLocal" is in error due to the following reason(s): ** NOT FOUND Depends on 'AAASessionBeanLocal' **

    I am upgrading JBoss 5.1.0 to Jboss 6.1.0 and for some EJB3 beans i m getting deployment exception.   Please find below stacktrace     Failed to load profile:: org.jboss.deployers.client.spi.Incomplet...
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  • Logging best practice

    I've always heard and seen articles that says to turn off console logging in production for performance. Question is, if JBoss is started as a service, or through a script, and the log messages are not displayed on sc...
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    last modified by lachen
  • Rewrite properties for servlet root context

    Dear all,       Now, I am beginner for jboss rewrite properties. I have been created two jsp/servlet projects. Both of projects' context path is "/" and servlet mapping is /abc.   ...
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    created by htetnyi
  • How do I view contents of jboss queues?

    Hello All,   I'm a new jboss user.  Our hospital is now using jboss as part of our infrastructure.  This particular system is for medical records.   I understand that Jboss uses "queues".  M...
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    created by boblc123
  • Jboss AS7 admin console not loading

    Hi,      I have installed the Jboss application server 7 and configuring it for the first time. I am using it on Windows 2003 server.       I have executed the sta...
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    last modified by neeraj.tati
  • testing

    db issue
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    created by icarusdb
  • how do I see server configuration file name through cli?

    Could somebody enlighten me how do I read current server configuration file through CLI? I see in /path all directories used by server but I can't find the place server configuration file name is being held.   T...
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    last modified by akostadinov
  • How to connect to Mysql table in java?

    I am hosting a spring application on JBoss7.1AS standalone on my dev box and mysql on OpenShift. Using port forwarding, i am able to connect to mysql.   The issue is when i am trying to connect to mysql in thr...
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    last modified by ravitadi
  • Is Quartz already cluster aware?

    Hello all,   I had a quick search on the forum, so apologize if I didn't see a similar topic about it.   I'm working on an application deployed on JBoss 5.1, and developers now need to move it in a cluster...
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    last modified by a.novarini
  • Maven JBoss-as: standalone/deployments remains empty

    Hello Comunity:   I have just installed Maven 3.1.1 and JBoss 7.1.1.Final. I can start the JBoss (using standalone.bat), and I could verify the Maven installation (using mvn -v). Everything OK so far. Then I ha...
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    last modified by alan_2013
  • Communicate and url redirect between instances

    Dear all,      I am struggling with url redirection and communication between instances. Let's say, I have two jboss instances(node1 and node2) running with port 8091 and 8092 on same jboss serve...
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    created by htetnyi
  • why is logging not showing in the log file when method is called from a xhtml page?

    background: I have a method that returns a list.  the method getNexusMembers()   @Name("nexus.functionManager.manageFunction") @Scope(ScopeType.CONVERSATION) public class ManageFunctionAction implements ...
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    last modified by bhoman
  • The DataSource is UNKNOWN run state

    Hello,   I'm new to JBoss ... I have installed jboss-5.1.0.GA and run it in default environment Before running it, I've put under JBOSS_HOME/server/default/libmysql-connector-java-5.1.10-bin.jar and I've taken f...
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    last modified by frankv
  • How to login programmatically from inside the JBoss 7 server?

    Hi guys,   I have some code that needs to login programmatically.   The code is running inside the application server in a thread that isn't managed by JBoss AS. It is neither a Web container thread, an EJ...
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  • indicate the data source over the instances

    Hi all,        I am trying to test JBoss 5.1.0 multi-instance and data source configuration.   1) I would like to know could I reference the data source file(**-ds.xml) in other instanc...
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  • Running Client

    Hello, I believe that I have the JBoss server running since is starts without any errors. I am running JBoss on Madrake linux using jdk 1.3.1 and jboss 3.0.3. I am having two problems getting the client to connect. O...
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    last modified by dmoffett
  • What is JNP

      "clajoie" wrote: Okay I see JNP referenced in a whole lot of places. What is it exactly?
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  • jboss 7 mysql subsystem connecton problem

    hi, 1. i would like to create mysql base as default for jboss 6.1. i assume i should put mysql connector jar (5.1.15) in  jboss/modules/system/layers/base/com/mysql/main directory(?) 2. i create in same directo...
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  • SIP servlet isn't loaded at deployment

    Hey,   I am trying to initial some classes via a SIP-servlet. For that I am using a sip.xml for my mss-2.0.0.FINAL-jboss-as-7.1.2   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <sip-app xmlns="http://ww...
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