• jboss 3.2.6 clustering issue with Singleton object

    Hello,   We are currently running jboss 3.2.6 clustered application of 4 nodes. There are two unix servers and two cluster jboss nodes on each. Let's name them node11, node12, node21 and node22.   We use s...
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    last modified by tumux
  • Listening to membership changes in AS7

    For cluster communication using JBoss API, On JBoss 6 and earlier, I'm looking up JNDI for org.jboss.ha.framework.interfaces.HAPartition object and use it to listen to / post cluster events. On JBoss 6 and earlier, HA...
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    last modified by suman.ganta
  • Cluster Standalone Jboss EAP6

    Hello,   I installed JBoss EAP6 on two physical nodes (2 different IP). I launch 1 jboss instance with standalone-ha.xml  on each node.   The first instance (named jbc-poc-1) output following warning...
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    last modified by ivankychung
  • Failed to start up second node jboss-5.1.0.GA with jgroups TimeoutException was thrown

    Dear all,            I have attached our configure file for clustering and the error log was thrown after start up Jboss.         ...
  • EJB clustering local interfaces -EAP 6.1

    I am attempting to run the JBoss cluster bench test found here https://github.com/clusterbench/clusterbench)   The session replication appears to be working but the ejbservlet is not working as expected (http:...
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    last modified by tzman
  • broadcast message in Cluster during failure

    All,   I am using jboss-eap-5.2.0. I have deployed this in a clustered environment, I have achieved HA (high availability).   Now if and when a node goes down - my intention is to broadcast this failure e...
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    last modified by deepak_a
  • Issue with Mod_cluster Load Balancing

    I'm trying to achieve client load balancing using apache httpd. My development environment consist of JBOSS EAP 6.1.0 and Mod_cluster 1.2.0.   I can able to access the application using the proxy address http:/...
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    last modified by bsudhananthan
  • Session replication not occurring across different hosts

    I am running into an issue with domain mode configuration. I have Apache 2.2 with mod_cluster, 1 domain controller and 2 host controllers running on a single pc for testing. That is 3 separate instances of JBoss Eap 6...
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    last modified by tzman
  • Jboss 7 in a whole instance level clustering and failover?

    Hi all,   Is it possible to configure a Jboss 7 in a whole instance level clustering and failover? The application I am going to build is a web service (jax-ws) calling a  remote statleless sesssion bean w...
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    last modified by dlin12
  • Jboss cluster cannot start in win 2003

          I setup the cluster envir in jboss as 7. using two servers in one group.and using full-ha profile.      This method is always worked in windows 2008 r2 server,but no...
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    last modified by sam.gu
  • Lock.tryLock() in suspecting node are hanging forever after false Failure Detection

    Hello,   We are using jgroups-3.0.3.Final as a cluster wide locking implementation in a cluster of two nodes. Our JGroups settings(simplified) is as follows: <config xmlns="urn:org:jgroups" xmlns:xsi="http://...
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    last modified by zxeka
  • Clustering parameters and "all" profile

    We are struggling to get a simple cluster with two nodes working.  I searched the "all" profile (which we are using) for parameters with the word "cluster" in them, and I found some where it was turned off. ...
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    last modified by mataratones
  • JMS Queue Cluster consumer doesn't works correctly

    HI   I have this client Client Jms               Queue queue = new HornetQQueue("testQueue");          ...
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    created by erasmomarciano
  • ClusterJMS Jboss7

    Hi I have this scenary   1) JBOSS A   --> ./standalone.sh --server-config=standalone-full_jms_cluster.xml   2) JBOSS B --> ./standalone2.sh --server-config=standalone-full_jms_cluster.xml ...
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    last modified by erasmomarciano
  • Look up based on IP in Cluster Nodes

    I've set up  two cluster nodes say node 1 and node 2. My need to look up Remote bean deployed in node 2 from node 1. I've tried to get Remote proxy by configuring below jndi properties.      ...
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    last modified by bsudhananthan
  • ClassNotFoundException ClusteredSingleSignOn

    Hello,   I'm running EAP 6.01, I configured Clustered SSO by insert  org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.sso.ClusteredSingleSignOn value into jboss-web.xml as described in section 15.4 of the development guide. ...
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    last modified by ivankychung
  • Configure logging to track cluster issues

    Hi, I developing a JSF 2.1 web application on JBoss AS7. I have some issues to run it in cluster mode, probably due to problems in code, something like make it some class/attirbutes serialized.   I want to know ...
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    last modified by gfernandez598
  • virtual host in domain mode for jboss as 7

          i setup the jboss as 7 (7.1.1 final) in our machine,added the one Server Group(My_Group) using full-ha profile,and i added the two servers(server01,server02) in  My_Group. Now,i wa...
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    last modified by sam.gu
  • deploy-hasinglton does not seem to restart on cluster merge (AS5)

    I am using AS5 and I have a number of SARs in my deploy-hasinglton directory. We have two nodes. For a test we disconnect the network cable from one of the machines. Both nodes are now running all the services in the ...
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    last modified by kc7bfi
  • Regarding Comaptibility in Cluster Mode

    Hi.   Just a few questions so that i can have a clear start and dont stuck up on the way.   1. Is Jboss AS 7.1  and infinispan 5.1.2 comaptible with java 1.7? 2. I will be using hibernate 3.5 and po...
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    last modified by mary.george