• How to package and deploy partially distributed app?

    Disclamer: I might be thinking about this entirely wrong, so if this seems like nonsense, that's why   I've been working on extracting a bottleneck from a huge spaghetti ball of a project into a separate war, a...
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    last modified by stylpe
  • JBoss Clustering with Lighttpd Load Balancing displays inconsistent behaviour

    PROBLEM We have two JBossAS 4.2.3 installed on separate machines and they are clustered. We also make use of Lighttpd that acts as load balancer, and is placed between our Tomcat servers (the Tomcat servers are not c...
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    last modified by rishabhjoshi
  • Clustered EJB Lookup using JGroups

    Hi All,   I have extended the Quickstarts ejb-remote: Remote EJB Client Example [http://www.jboss.org/jdf/quickstarts/jboss-as-quickstart/ejb-remote/] to call the EJB in a local   cluster.   It is...
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    last modified by mautner.adam
  • Step by step guide to setting up JBOSS 7 cluster on EC2 ???

    Help required :   Does anyone know of a step by step guide to provision a standalone cluster (standalone-ha.xml) cluster of jboss 7 servers on ec2.   I have the session data writing to s3 via s3_ping, but...
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    last modified by moco
  • java.util.ConcurrentModificationException occurs during session replication

    I have been using Vaadin without any issues in a single standalone JBoss AS 7.1.3 environment. When running two JBoss nodes in a cluster with session replication enabled, a ConcurrentModificationException (see stacktr...
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    last modified by sojourner48
  • Lost in the documentation UDP->TCP

    I hope I don't sound too much like an idiot here but I'm having problems establishing clustering/loadbalancing between two servers. I have installed 5.1.0.GA have done a few changes in the configuration mostly involv...
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    last modified by giddion
  • Clustering and failover

    hi i have installed mod cluster with apache and JBoss 7 and apache. the problem is that the response time is so long.   when i drop   <cache-container name="web" aliases="standard-session-cache" de...
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    last modified by fnossair
  • How to configure JBoss 7 + httpd + mod_cluster with ssl between httpd and JBoss

    Is there some article describing how to configure JBoss 7 + httpd + mod_cluster with ssl?            I found this document, but it think its using an older JBoss ver...
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    last modified by jairo.gubler
  • Jboss Server startup very slow

    Below are couple of lines from our log file not sure why it is looking at  .101.....152 which are not part of cluster and previously it used to start in couple of mins but now it takes around 10-15 mins. Please h...
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    last modified by kalakonda1986
  • High Availability of the Domain Controller

    Hello,   I would like to know how to set up high availability for the domain controller (as7). I guess i'd need two instances of the DC sharing a virtual ip address, used by the host controllers, but how would ...
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    last modified by jmfaerman
  • ClusterNodeSelector implemenation compatible with mod_cluster or Zabbix

    I was wondering if there was a ClusterNodeSelector for JBoss AS 7.2 (EAP 6.1) which has the same load balancing options as mod_cluster has. Or an implementation which has some better load balancing methods than just r...
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    last modified by jeroenvds
  • copy /push custom module to all the nodes in jboss clustered enviroment

    Hi,   I want to push custom module changes to all the nodes in clustered enviroment.   And  we are having some properties file that  should be copied to all clsuter nodes.   need a help.
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    last modified by softmahi
  • External Configuration Files Replication across Cluster

    Hi,   We are using external configuration file for our application. (Note: we are not bundled with the WAR!)   E.g. In standalone mode, this config file is kept under, [JBossInstallPath]\standalone\configu...
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    last modified by dmanibtech
  • why session is not replicated from master node to slave node

    why session is not replicated from master node to slave node , when master node goes down.     But if slave node goes down, session replicated from slave to master. on jboss 7.2.0 and infinispan 5.2.5 Final...
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    last modified by softmahi
  • How to set up a 2node failover cluster with JBoss5.1

    Hi!   How to set up a cluster where:   both the nodes are up and running, but at any given time only one node will serve the requests and the other remains inactive. When the active node goes down, the sta...
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    last modified by molek
  • How to set up a 2node failover cluster with JBoss7.0.2

    I need to set up a JBoss cluster with 2 nodes. Just need any one instance to run at a time. The other one whould pick up if there is a node failure. I believe this is called a failove model.   I am trying to cr...
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    last modified by akhilachuthan
  • Jboss 7.2 session replication issue in Clustered Environment

    One  thing observed  with jboss 7.2 , when slave node is receiving application requests and thats goes down session is replicated to master Node without any issues.   But if application requests are s...
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    last modified by softmahi
  • Windows 7 - Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 0: JVM_Bind

      We recently migrated to windows 7 and i am using JBoss-4.0.3SP1.   When i run my startup script to start my server i get the exception mentioned below,   ERROR [Util] exception is java.net.SocketEx...
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    last modified by neeelemab
  • modcluster unable to locate keystore file

    I understand someone already posted a similar issue in this forum https://community.jboss.org/thread/176677 but I still couldn't get mine working. I would appreciate if someone can shed some light on this issue.  ...
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    last modified by tchan-mb-ehealth
  • Achieving multiple and different clusters under a single Domain Mode setup in AS 7

    Please let me clarify what I mean by multiple and different clusters. My cluster setup resembles somewhat to the below architectural diagram.   You can think of two server groups existing : Server Group 1 - Se...
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    last modified by vbchin2