• JBPAPP-85 Discussion Thread

    Discussion of http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-85. Dominik tried replacing the JBC and JGroups in 4.0.5 to see if the error appeared in 4.0.5. It didn't. He also tried using the 4.2.0.CR1 protocol stack confi...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • FirstAvailable load balance policy loses target in serializa

    The electedTarget field in FirstAvailable is transient. So, if the policy is serialized the target will be lost and the next request will choose a different target. I'm wondering what the reason for making this trans...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • JBoss and NLB

    Hi, does Windows NLB (Network Load Balancing) just not interact well with JBoss clustering, or have other people gotten it to work? I'm trying to set up a set of machines as a JBoss cluster but also set them up as an...
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    last modified by evk
  • Distributed Lock Mechanism

    Hi guys, For Hibernate Search, I'm in need for a DLM (Distributed Lock Mechanism). Basically a way to acquire a lock, do some stuff and release a lock clusterwise. This is something that can be available and built on...
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    last modified by epbernard
  • Clustering tests in jboss5 trunk

    I'm getting closer to getting the full testsuite to run by upping the memory limits, but I'm stopping at the cluster-field-udp-SYNC tests: [server:start] C:\usr\java\jdk1.5.0_09\bin\java -cp C:\home\svn\JBossHead\j...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • Support for cross-cluster HAJNDI list operations

    HAJNDI implements the list and listBindings operations by listing what's in the replicated tree. It doesn't support creating aggregate lists of what's bound across the cluster. Is there a particular reason why that j...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • Getting rid of Subject mixin for FIELD granularity session a

    Bit of a post to myself to document some thoughts that I'm not going to deal with right away... The prescribed jboss-aop.xml for FIELD granularity session attribute POJOs includes introduction of a Subject mixin. Thi...
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    created by brian.stansberry
  • JBoss cannot find Windows NLB Virtual IP

    Hi, We are trying to use Windows 2000 Advance Server and Windows 2003 Network Load Balancing function for JBoss. We found that when I start JBoss, autodiscovery bind the system's IP Address, but it could not bind the...
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    last modified by jack.y.lin
  • JBAS-2520 - HASingleton stopping problem

    Discussion thread for: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-2520
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    last modified by adrian.brock
  • Use of JGroups Multiplexer in AS 4.2.0

    Bela, Vladimir and I had a discussion this AM and decided to defer integration of the JGroups multiplexer into AS 4.2.0. Primarily this because we want to ensure the issues discussed in http://jira.jboss.com/jira/brow...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • JBAS-3864 Discussion Thread

    Discussions related to http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-3864. Re: where things like # retry attempts should be configured: "Tomohisha Igarishi" wrote: "Brian Stansberry" wrote: I'd like to move away from co...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • Use jboss.partition.udpGroup in NamingContext

    Right now NamingContext defaults to 230.0.04 for the multicast address to use for auto discovery. The server defaults to ${jboss.partition.udpGroup:}. This is a bit of a mismatch. It leads to breakage in the ...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • farm deployment issue

    Hi is ther anyone who can help me to solve the problem. As i m new to clustering. i working on redHat linux 9 Here goes the problem Two jboss server instances are started on the local machine node1 and node2. wh...
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    last modified by mahesh_eru
  • 2 NICS 2 Networks, slow results

    Is there a way to specify 2 network cards for a specific purpose, I know using the -b option will bind jboss to the NIC that uses that address, but is there a way to configure the database to talk out a different NIC?...
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    last modified by jblaze
  • JBoss Farming and exploded ears

    We?re looking at migrating to Jboss for our main cluster (100+ instances), and would like to explore adding support for exploded archives to the farming deployment system. I understand the issues around that, such as ...
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    last modified by modoc
  • Choosing the running node for HASingletons

    As I understand it, all HASingletons currently run on the same (master) node. It would be interesting to make the decision of which node to pick policy based (e.g. dynamic pick the node with the most free memory, or s...
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    last modified by dimitris
  • Buddy replication and ClusteredSingleSignOn

    We currently share a cache for http session repl and clustered sso repl. This is problematic if buddy replication is used, as buddy replication isn't really appropriate for the sso use case. With clustered sso, the u...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • Testsuite changes

    Just an FYI on some stuff I'm doing that affects the way the clustering tests work. The following is currently in place in Branch_4_0 and will be moved to HEAD soon. Previously the clustering tests worked by creatin...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • Problem with deploy-hasingleton and applications

    deploy-hasingleton is deployed through a -service.xml It treats the whole directory structure as a single nested deployment. This means that if deploy-hasingleton contains applications they will often be attempted to...
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    last modified by adrian.brock
  • Convert HA-JNDI Proxies to Remoting (JBAS-3151)

    Just discussed with Tom Elrod: Where this fits in to the schedule depends on how it affects backward compatibility. If it can be introduced in the middle of the 5.0.x series without breaking the compatiblity guarante...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry