• Chainging node Startup options in a domain mode install

    I can't seem to find these settings anywhere when bringing up a node and how to change these options.  Can some one please help?     DEBUG [org.jboss.as.config] (MSC service thread 1-2) VM Arguments: -...
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    created by learnjb6
  • JBoss on Linux / Windows

    Which OS is best suited for JBoss in production, Linux or Windows ? Why ? Suji
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  • start jbpm suite on my mac

    I am completely new to this so forgive the novice question. I have downloaded eap to my mac and then jbpm suite. I used the installer for both Jar files. Then I opened my browser to localhost 8080 browser central and ...
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    last modified by bfriedmann
  • JBOSS 5.1.0 GA - Cluster won't form, depending on boot order

    Hello,   An application that I work with runs inside of a JBOSS instance, and I was recently asked to add in a second instance and custer them.  After coniguring the second instance, when I start it, it ref...
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    last modified by chrishowell
  • syslog over TLS

    Hello all I'm trying to configure my JBoss to send logs to a syslog server. It has a basic structure like this one:   <!-- Syslog events-->    <appender name="SYSLOG">   ...
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    last modified by setshocker
  • Unexpected error during load of:org.apache.http.params.SyncBasicHttpParams: java.lang.VerifyError: Cannot inherit from final class

    Dear Developers,   I am working on an IVR application for which Jboss needs to ugpraded from 5.1.0GA to 6.1.0 and when i upgraded the jboss, it was still throwing below error in the boot.log. Can someone please ...
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    last modified by vikram17.pec
  • Session Replication is not working in Jboss eap 6.1 with mod cluster

    Hi All,   I have configured cluster environment with jboss eap 6.1 and also I have added <distributable/> tag in web.xml file in war. I have started both the servers and then I accessed the application an...
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    last modified by kvnreddy008
  • Migration from Websphere to Jboss EAP 6.3.0

    While migrating from Websphere to Jboss EAP 6.3.0, There are some configuration configured on Webspeher and need to do same in Jboss. The following are the details 1. Enable service at server startup in following pat...
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    created by raghukanakala
  • How to replicate same shared library in jboss

    I have a common library (JAR) that shouldn't be part of any application (EAR). I need to use runtime with the common JAR file with application. It is easy to do in web sphere through Admin console, could you any one h...
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  • Increase HTTPHeader length in JBoss AS 6.1

    My apologies if this is a duplicate post.   I am running JBoss AS 6.1 and the application running on it is passing a header larger than what JBoss can accept.   I see in EAP there is a domain.xml that can ...
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    created by tacleal
  • Wildfly not writing corrent http version to access logs?

    Hi All, I setup http/2 with wildfly and even though Chrome reports I am getting http/2 response from wildfly it still reports http 1.1 in the access log. I am using latest 9.0.0 CR1 How do I fix?   Thanks! -Tony
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    created by tdanecito
  • Jboss Failover support without load balancing

    I have two Jboss instances installed on different servers. My aim is to manage a failover recovery between these Jboss instances. Load balancing is not needed. As I said I want to serve only one Jboss instance at a ti...
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    created by deryaaltuntas
  • ear deployment fails with JBAS014771: Services with missing/unavailable dependencies

    Hi, I am unable to deploy the ear file. I do not have any databases involved.   I have following entry in my standalone.xml : : <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:remoting:1.1"> <connector name...
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    last modified by ppgandhi11
  • HOW TO DEPLOY A working WAR file into JBOSS

    Hi, i'm a newbies to JBOSS 4.0.5 GA and i want to know how can i deploy the war file into the JBOSS. For instance, i use  hello.war file example.What i did was: 1)  copy the hello.war into C:\jboss-4.0.5\jb...
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    last modified by tuelip
  • Deploy an application to custom folder using Jboss CLI in EAP6.*

    Can we deploy any application to custom folder in EAP-6.* using Jboss CLI? e.g. default --> $JBOSS_HOME/profile/deployments/ custom --> $JBOSS_HOME/profile/deployments/custom/   because, if we deploy using ...
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    last modified by kuldeep11
  • Install Jboss DV on a remote Linux server

    Is there a documentation on how to install Jboss DV on a remote Linux server ? We are trying to set up a server for Jboss dv engine. We have already installed the Jboss DV , studio and Teiid designer on local machines...
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    last modified by smohapatra1984
  • Is a JDK required or is the JRE sufficent for wildfly 8.2?

    There is some discussion on our project of whether or not the JRE is sufficient for wildfly 8.2.  To me it is pretty clear in the documentation the JDK is required.   "WildFly requires JDK 1.7 or later" ...
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  • Domain cluster on different machines issue

    I have found this issue during Learning of JBOSS can anyone suggest the path forward: 03:57:20,785 INFO  [org.jboss.remoting] (MSC service thread 1-5) JBoss Remoting version (unknown) 03:57:21,377 ERROR [org.jb...
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    created by hemantloyal
  • jboss-as-maven-plugin CLI commands (add mailsession)

    I'm trying to find a way to add a mail session resource to my jboss-as-maven-plugin but I'm not really making a lot of progress.. Anyone has got some tutorial or something? I can't find any.. I've already created a st...
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    created by gregd002
  • Configure rotate-size for all log files

    Hi all! I've configured a rotate-size for server.log file and it works (jboss 7.2 standalone):   <size-rotating-file-handler name="FILE1">           ...
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