• Jboss does not start after OS reboot with Runtime shutdown hook called, forceHalt: true

    All, I inherited this JBoss environment 4.0.3SP1. Our service provider asked us to reboot the server for maintenance. The server had not been rebooted for a year. After the reboot, we cannot start the JBoss applicati...
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    last modified by jishnukiwnar
  • Migrating ExternalContext defintion from 4.0.5 to 6.0.0 hangs AS on startup

    We're migrating from JBoss AS 4.0.5 to JBoss AS 6.0.0   and have the following ExternalContext defined in it's own xxx-service.xml file located in jboss_6.0.0/server/default/deploy   <server> <mb...
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    last modified by kjh21
  • Error Deploy Jar file

    Hi : When I deploy my jar I have this error (JBoss 5.1, Eclipse, Postgres)   23:40:16,867 INFO  [Ejb3DependenciesDeployer] Encountered deployment AbstractVFSDeploymentContext@17530067{vfszip:/E:/ProgramFile...
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    last modified by amien
  • Problem with Hibernate when migrating from 4.0.5 to 5.1.1

    Our application uses Hibernate 3.0.2 for the database access. It works properly on old JBoss 4.0.5 but on the new JBoss it tries to call the logicalColumnName method in NamingStrategy which is not even in the Hibernat...
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    created by kaneeec
  • Agi Implementation inside jboss Server

    Hi All,   How to implement asterisk Agi(Application Gateway Interface) inisde jboss server ?
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    created by techbrainless
  • Jboss Server starting heap issue

    I am having a problem staring up my Jboss Server it is giving me this error   Error occurred during initialization of VM Could not reserve enough space for object heap Could not create the Java virtual mach...
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    last modified by coolitdude100
  • org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: start operation failed on package jboss-service.xml

    Hi All,   We have suddenly started getting following exception at JBoss (version 4.3.2) startup   2011-02-09 17:30:59,737 ERROR [org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer] Could not start deployment: file:.../co...
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    last modified by vivekbawge
  • After some successful lookups, fail on lookup datasource from SAR (5.1.0.GA)

    hi I have a SAR deployed on my JBoss 5.1.0.GA scheduled to run a class called TempDirsRemover of 2 on 2 hours after 5 or 6 successful lookups, TempDirsRemover is throwing an exception while looking up my datasource ...
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    last modified by jaabax
  • setting httponly in JBoss 4.0.3SP1

    Hello   We use JBoss 4.0.3SP1 for web applications. I'm wondering what I can do to set session cookies going out to be secure and httpOnly. As a newbie in JBoss, I'd truly appreciate any helps/hints you may have...
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    created by yoshita
  • Vulnerability No.CVE-2010-3708 was announced in 2010, is there any problem in Jboss AS 4.2.2.GA ?

    CVE-2010-3708   ------ The serialization implementation in JBoss Drools in Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (aka JBoss EAP or JBEAP) 4.3 before 4.3.0.CP09 and JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform 4.2 and ...
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    created by mical316lee
  • Vulnerability No.CVE-2010-2474 was announced in 2010, is there any problem in Jboss AS 4.2.2.GA ?

    CVE-2010-2474 ------ JBoss Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) before 4.7 CP02 in JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform before 5.0.2 does not properly consider the security domain with which a service is secured, which might allow...
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    created by mical316lee
  • SecurityFAQ

    Security FAQs  Q1: Why cannot I access an ejb that has unchecked method permissions?   A1: The unchecked method permission only removes the requirement that the call have sufficient permissions in terms of...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • Deploy issue with ear having sar archive while upgrading Jboss 4.0 to 5.0.1

    Hi,   I am currently working over upgrading jboss for our j2ee application involving ejb2. The EAR file contains jar, sar and war. In my debugging so far I have found the timer services via Mbeans we have in .sa...
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  • Windows clock is running faster after starting jboss service

    System details:   IBM eServer x3500 Intel Xeon X5450 3.00GHz 4GB RAM Win2008 Server Standard SP2 (32Bit) JBoss: 4.0.5.ga   Problem: after starting the jboss server the system time starts to run faster...
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    last modified by jkanefey
  • Jboss AS 4.05 upgrade to JBoss AS 4.3.0

    Currently I am using Jboss As 4.0.4 and JBoss-eap 4.3, Now i want to upgrade Jboss AS to Jboss 4.3.0. Please provide me the details and compatabilities Jboss 4.3.0 with JBoss-eap 4.3. I need features also.   Tha...
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    last modified by prempalsingh
  • Effects of hard deployment in jboss As

    Hi,   Without restarting jboss, if I deploy my Wars/Jars are there any effects? I am using jboss-4.0.5.GA and SUN solaris OS.   Regards,
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    last modified by selfcare
  • Issue with Runtime.getRuntime().exec()

    Hi,   We are facing issues with Runtime.getRuntime().exec() function in the application. The application resides on Solaris 10 and using Jboss 4.0.4.GA.   Some of the application functionality uses the Run...
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    last modified by purvi_maru
  • rmi unicastremote object use

    what is use of unicastremote object in rmi. i doesn't extends the unicastremote object in server coding what happened...... pls tell me...........
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    created by cutibaluraja
  • How to call EJBs in JBoss4.0.5 from JBoss6?

    We have a application that has to run on JBoss4.0.5.GA, I'm writing the CDI application using JBoss6.0, I tried to use JBoss6 native RMI client to call JBoss4 and it report NamingException, if I put the JBoss4.0.5's j...
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    last modified by wangliyu
  • Jboss Version difference

    Hi, I have googled and found few difference between jboss version 4.x, 5.x and 6.x. Refer the below link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/5lz04gbgednz7ae/Jboss%20Version%20Difference.xls http://www.mediafire.com/?5lz0...
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