• How to stop JBoss AS upon rar deployment failure.

    Hi,       I have a .rar file in my Jboss AS 4.2.3 GA, the problem is even the .rar deployment failes my jboss is still running. How can i stop or avoid running jboss if my rar deployment failed.
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  • Configure Jboss to send email notification while unexpected shut down's or any crash

    Hi All,   How to configure Jboss to send email notification while unexpected shut down's or any crash?   i referred the below link, but it doesn't work for me, https://community.jboss.org/thread/172704 &#...
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    last modified by sirajasm
  • Email configuration in Jboss for sending the mail notification to client when the jboss unexpectedly gets shut down or any crash

    Hi Everyone,   I am new to Jboss. I have an requirement like "Need to configure email in Jboss for sending the mail notification to client when the jboss unexpectedly shut down or any crash (JVM Memory)".  ...
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    last modified by smkm1988
  • StartJBossOnBootWithLinux

    How do I Start JBoss AS 7 / JBoss EAP 6 on startup (as a service) with Linux? See How to install JBoss AS 7 as a Linux service. How do I Start JBoss AS 4, 5, 6 on startup (as a service) with Linux?  Overview...
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    last modified by ozizka
  • How to clear a stuck MDB

    I am currently experiencing a rare problem in an applicaiton that I have developed where an MDB is becoming completely stuck inside a call to a netive method. In most cases everything works fine, and the native method...
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    last modified by stuartw
  • expired, with active children in jboss, how to find the object holding the sessions

    In production we are seeing lot of sessions with "expired, with active children" status, how can we debug more in to this, taking heap dump and analysis is the only option we have now?   Thanks, Tijomon Mathew
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    created by tijomonmathew
  • JBoss Messaging Message setTimeToLive();

    Dear All,   i am having the MDB client which Place the message into a queue, which set by timeToLive on that JMS Producer. But typically this is working fine in jboss 4.2.3 (Jboss MQ). But not woriking in Jboss ...
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    created by rosansamuel
  • Blocking session creation for search engines(GoogleBot,Yahoo,MSN)

    Hi,   Due to the high number of search engine visit, our application is creating large amount of sessions in our application and it consuming lot of our resource how can we avoid this scenario like allow search ...
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    created by tijomonmathew
  • check id jboss 4.2.3 running or not

    Dear All,,, How can i check if jboss 4.2.3 running or not programmatically, In another word. i would like the app or the system to notify me if this service stoped. thx
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    last modified by haithamnor
  • I am using NTLM Filter Authentication and I am getting NtlmHttpFilter: <DOMAIN>\<USER>: 0xC000006D: jcifs.smb.SmbAuthException: Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password. problem

    Hi All,   I am using JBOSS server and JSF Framework in my application and I am getting authentication problem while login into the application.   The problem is in windows 7 OS…prompting popup wind...
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    created by venkateshjboss
  • get datasource information from code

    Hi all,   I defined my datasource and deployed it. Now I need get username and password information from my servlet.   I get Datasource instance but I don't know how get information on it.   .... In...
  • JBoss 4.2, log4j: use more than one jboss-log4j.xml (or a folder for configurations)

    Hi there   We currently are trying to centralise our configurations, and one very-nice-to-have-thingy would be to have something like a "log4j-configuration-folder", similar to the deploy-folders which are confi...
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    created by slowfly
  • fail over and load balance in jdbc url

    Hi,   I use below jdbc url in my application running on jboss 4.2.2 version.   <connection-url> jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(LOAD_BALANCE=ON)(FAILOVER=ON)(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=db02-vip)(P...
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    created by ahem.shaikh
  • How to use reportsevice.xml in place of reportds.xml

    Hi i am using Jboss as 4.3 server ,up to now i am using ds.xml to connect my DB where i mention database connection details,it is working fine but i want to use service.xml to connect with DB ,but i am not able to co...
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  • EntityManager from JNDI: persistence.xml vs @PersistenceContext

    Hello,   As far as I know there are two ways of registering an entity manager in JNDI:   1. According to JBoss documentation the property jboss.entity.manager.jndi.name declared in persistence.xml "gives y...
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    created by olliegator
  • Procedure to migrate a web application from JBoss 4.2.3 to JBoss 6.0 EAP

    Hello,   I am JBoss newbie. We have JBoss 4.2.3 in which there are a couple of web applications deployed. The web applications are packaged as WAR files. I am not able to find detailed instructions of migrating...
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    created by vdamaraju
  • Usage of jboss tmp folder(JBOSS_HOME\server\default\tmp\)

    Could anybody please clarify the below regarding Jboss tmp directory(JBOSS_HOME\server\default\tmp\)?   1) What is the use of jboss tmp folder?   2) Can we remove some files from jboss tmp folder without s...
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    last modified by imranbaseer
  • Jboss-4.2.2.GA startup slow

    10:15:01,528     10:21:05,243,we can see from the log, about six minutes slow the startup, anybody know the reason?   10:15:00,430 INFO  [RARDeployment] Required license terms exist, view...
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    last modified by diwayou
  • MBean to find the JMX connector port for individual servers in a partition?

    Hi all,   I am programmatically connecting to a JBoss server in a partition (containing more than 1 servers) using the JMX service URL with "1090" as its remoting port (by default in JBoss 6). I need to find th...
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    created by ankprasa
  • Access session from DatabaseServerLoginModule for jBoss 6?

    I am migrating an application from 4.2.3 to 6 and have extended DatbaseServerLoginModule.   In that code, I access the session using HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) PolicyContext.getContext("...
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    last modified by cgwhiteside