• CARGO 1.1.4 is now out -with JBoss 7.1.0 support

    Hello, JBoss enthusiasts   This is Ali from the Codehaus CARGO team. I'm sending this short e-mail to tell you about the immediate availability of CARGO 1.1.4.   Why am I sending this? Well, since my last ...
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  • JBoss AS 5 -D versus --properties and 'jboss.platform.mbeanserver'

    One of my pet peeves about java is how long the command line can get with a bunch of -D options and so on.  It can make the output of commands like 'ps aux' exceptionally difficult to read.  Some properties,...
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    last modified by alanwevans
  • RUN script does not obtain server profile...urgent

    Hi All, Trying to start JBOSS AS 5.1.... running into this error: lStateException: Incompletely deployed: *** PROFILES IN ERROR: Name -> Error Profile: ProfileKey@6a46f764[domain=default, server=def...
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    created by jg123
  • Dump create before JBoss crashing

    Hi All   I want to create a jboss dump file before it crash (because of JVM issues or some other). Could you please let me know how to fulfill this requirement.   Thanks.
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    last modified by codevally
  • Domain wide adminstration console for Jboss application server.

    Hi,   I created a admin console for my use..now I am planning to put it as open source for people who might be interested..   It can be used for   1. Creating, deleting, starting, stoping servers on...
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    last modified by neeraj.dixit
  • Configure JBoss pre-processing of XML configuration files

    Hi guys,   JBoss appears to have some kind of non-standard (but cool!) facility for pre-processing XML configuration files. You can do...   <someProperty>${foo:bar}</someProperty>   ...and...
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    last modified by kennardconsulting
  • JBoss AS 5.1.1 GA Enterprise Edition and Community Version

    We have a third party developer who has tested his software under the Community Edition JBoss-AS 5.1.0.GA. Howver, we are running the RHEL version JBoss-AS 5.1.1-GA Enterprise Edition. Allthough I know most things are...
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    last modified by willemnoorduin
  • Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException      at java.lang.Class.cast(Class.java:2990)      at org.jboss.deployers.vfs.spi.deployer.JBossXBDeployerHelper.parse(JBossXBDeployerHelper.java:215)

    Hi Guys,   When i deploy my Web Application in JBoss 5.0.1 GA with Jbk 1.6 and Spring2.5, I get the below error.   Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException     at java.lang.Class.cast(Class....
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    last modified by cyberjack
  • Migration form JBOSS 5.1.0.GA to JBOSS 6.1.0.final

    Hi @ all,   I try to migrate my EJB application, which based on EJB 2.1, to JBOSS 6.1.0 final and have serval problems.   Before I can test the deployment of my application I must migrate my modifications...
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    last modified by suikast42
  • AS Upgrade dilemma

    Hi all,   We're running a few apps in productions sites around the world in 4.2.3.  We run Seam 2 and Richfaces 3.3.3, Hibernate etc.   We've got a serious problem with memory consumption blowing out ...
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  • Installing JBoss AS on a Windows Server 2008 R2

    How do I set up JBoss AS on a Windows Server 2008 R2?   I've been doing a lot of research on how to configure the right environment for my Windows server but I can't find anything substantial.  I was hopin...
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    last modified by ccmagrane
  • DeploymentException in jboss 5

    Hi,   I try to upgrade my application from Jboss version-3 to jboss version-5. I am getting some deployment excepion.     05:48:32,709 ERROR [AbstractKernelController] Error installing to Create: n...
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    last modified by dinsceg
  • JBoss EAP 5.1 Custom Deployers

    Hi All JBoss Gurus,   We had in house developed custom deployer(extending SubDeployerSupport) which will deploy *.jxl/*.jconfig files and expose each Category in JConfig as MBean. This setup is working good in...
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    last modified by dasmurali
  • jboss5.1+hibernate mappingDirectoryLocations have a problem?please help

    this is my hibernate xml file <bean id="sessionFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.LocalSessionFactoryBean">   <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource"/>   <property name...
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  • XA datasource (with failover) in JBOSS AS 5.1

    Hello,   For a JEE app running on JBOSS AS 5.1, I've set up a XA datasource (using JTDS to connect to a MS SQL 2008 database). The *-ds.xml file is shown below. I've set up database redundancy (2 SQL server inst...
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    created by baecks
  • !Admin access to the JMX Console?

    ( !, the unary negation operator... )   Good Morning!   Now, 10 months later, I would consider myself a "slightly trained monkey"...     I set up a JBoss AS 5.0 cluster for our Dev/Test enviro...
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    created by dafydd2277
  • [CLOSED] SunX509 TrustManagerFactory not available on AIX

    I am trying to connect our JBoss client to a third party's web servers over https.    So far I've tried the following:   1) Creating an all trusting trust manager in our code   2) Creating a ke...
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  • cannot deploy td-es-internal.war

    I want deploy td-es-internal.war to JBOSS AS 5.0.1 but many error thrown, I paste some portion of server.log here and hope it can help   2011-10-06 17:35:27,076 DEBUG [org.jboss.ejb3.deployers.Ejb3Deployer] (mai...
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    last modified by tong123123

    Hi All,        I have used eclispe memory analyzer tool to get the memory leak report.      After parsing the document i was able to get the following report.   ...
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    last modified by vittal.rao
  • How to simulation jaas login with jboss

    Hi All,   I have a web app in jboss,it's the way logged jaas.  Now , can be through the login from web page.   But, I want to as follows way login the web app in servlet.   LoginContext login=ne...
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    last modified by hardy.hu