• Books about JBOSS 5.1.0 GA or higher

    All:   I'm a newbie with JBOSS and work won't send me to any classes right now. So can any of you recommend any good reference books about JBOSS? They will let me buy a book or two. I'm using version 5.1.0 prese...
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  • Jboss 5 in Cluster

    Hi All,   I am new to jboss. I am trying to configure jboss 5 in cluster with 2 node on different server's. Protocol used is tcp with MPING ( autodiscovery : enabled ). Jboss starts successfully, but we gets bel...
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    last modified by diligent
  • JBoss 5.2 classloading question

    Hi All,     I am having problem where a given jar file is not getting picked in my application.  My app is deployed in an external location and i package the code as a jar file and place it in <WAR_...
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    last modified by phanivyr
  • JBoss WorkManager configuration

    Hi,   I have now work manager configuration as follows: <bean id="taskExecutor" class="org.springframework.scheduling.commonj.WorkManagerTaskExecutor"> <property name="workManagerName" value="wm/defau...
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    last modified by chaatna
  • Script twiddle.sh

    I copied scripts on Linux(fedora) with Windows (Jboss 5.1) run: ./twiddle.sh -uadmin -ppass -s get "jboss.system:type=ServerInfo" FreeMemory |awk '{split($1,a,"="); print a[2]}' Failed to initalize pl...
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    last modified by manti
  • Possible reason behind deployed war file corruption

    Hi All,   Today I found that application deployed on one of two node cluster stopped working abruptly. On checking the logs I found below error which points me to the possible reason.   DEPLOYMENTS IN ERR...
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    last modified by say_hi_ravi
  • upgrade 6.1 to 6.2?

    we just finished an EXTREMELY painful 'upgrade' from JB5.2 to JB6.1 (eap). We had a huge number of issues, and many lingering bugs. I see that 6.2 (eap) was put out a few weeks ago, but i'm on the fence as to if we sh...
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    last modified by gjlloyd
  • Unable to see the JMS message in JBoss AS 6.1.0 Final

    I have deployed EAR file into JBoss AS 6.1.0 Final and server started without any errors/warnings. But when I send a soap request from cleint side the MDB is not getting/publishing the message. The JBoss server is idl...
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    last modified by jamespun
  • Throwing Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver though I added mysql connector jar files to the classpath

    Caused by: org.jboss.resource.JBossResourceException: Failed to register driver for: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver; - nested throwable: (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver from BaseClassLoader@3cbd93{VFSC...
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    last modified by sreenathac
  • JBoss5 custom metadata files

    With new Microcontainer, its Deployers and JBossXB, it's super easy to write some custom metadata along with its matching/handling deployer. We use different files to add to deployment information, ranging from perf...
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    last modified by xmedeko
  • JBoss Configuration files for discovery

    Hello gang, I am working for a company which specialises in discovery and dependency mapping of application. I am working on an algorithm to discover JBoss.   Currently,  I am at the stage where I'm tryin...
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    last modified by discovery
  • Context initialization failed while starting jboss-eap-5.1

    Hi, Getting "Context initialization failed" Error while starting jboss-eap-5.1. Same code and configurations are working fine in jboss-5.1.0.GA.  jboss-5.1.0.GA is installed on my local windows pc and jboss-eap...
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    last modified by raja_java
  • VersionOfTomcatInJBossAS

    What version of Apache Tomcat ships with JBoss Application Server    JBossAS version Ships with Tomcat Servlet Spec JSP Spec 3.2.3 4.1.29 2.3 1.2 3.2.4 5.0.26 2.4 2.0 3.2.5 5.0.26 2.4 2....
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    last modified by jfclere
  • What is the diff between Jboss EAP and GA versions. I need to download jboss eap 5.1.From where I can download this? Can you please provide a link?

    What is the diff between Jboss EAP, AS and GA versions. I need to download jboss eap 5.1.From where I can download this? Can you please provide a link?
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    last modified by kkpraveen
  • Migration from jboss 5.1 to jboss eap 6.3.0

    Greetings ..   We are trying to migrate ejb 2.0 from jboss 5.1 to 6.3.0 .. I am using  standalone server to test out the code and its dependencies ..   I am seeing some "java.lang.ClassNotFoundExcep...
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    created by vp889x
  • TransactionStickyLoadBalancePolicies

    Introduction First of all, what is transaction sticky functionality about? The aim is to: Enable both remote user transaction and EJB invocations within a user transaction to hit the same server for the duration of t...
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    last modified by wdfink
  • Why the JBoss any version not support automatic  encryption of the Database password ?

    I worked all the JBOSS versions 4/5/6 all the versions why the Database password not encrypting automatically once server restarted. Is there any process for the same.
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    created by durgarajnarendra
  • JBoss 5 virtual machine

    I'm attempting to change my virtual machine size. The console log shows the same size no matter what java options I change, run.bat run.conf, run.config.bat. Where do I need to change my java options?   Thanks.
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    created by wcheckle
  • Jboss4.2.2- Malicious files under bin folder

    Hello everyone,   I am having a tough time in deleting and restarting our production servers very often because of the malicious files coming and piling under jboss/bin folder. (Please see the attached screensh...
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    last modified by amoskanakam
  • JBoss Windows Service - Err: Could not obtain connection to any of these urls: localhost:1099

    Hi All, I am getting the following error while shutting down one of the JBoss 5.1 instance which runs as a windows service. I am not seeing any error while starting the instance though. I am not having any issue in t...
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    created by jayashree.a2010