• jsf 1.2 and jboss 6.2 java.lang.InstantiationException: org.jboss.as.weld.webtier.jsf.WeldApplicationFactory

    Hi,   I am trying to run jsf1.2 on JBoss6.2 I come to the following exception   20:57:12,026 ERROR [org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[jboss.web].[default-host].[/bookstore6]] (ServerService Thread P...
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    last modified by binko.georgiev.binev
  • Exception Cause: Class 'org.jboss.weld.jsf.WeldPhaseListener' is not an instance of 'interface javax.faces.event.PhaseListener'

    I am pretty new to JBoss. So please excuse me if I aks newbie questions. I am currently trying to run the JavaEE5 bookstore6 project under JBoss. Currntly I am at the follwoing exception   Source Document: jar...
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    last modified by binko.georgiev.binev
  • optimistic lock occured and the transaction rolled back.

    After the application is started , while performing some operations, the error page occurred.In the mean time optimistic lock exception is observed in the log and the transaction was rolled back.   How to procee...
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    last modified by sai12345
  • Warning: JBoss 6.1.0.Final seems incompatible with Java 7u2 on Win32

    Hello Collegues,   it seems as though the JBoss AS 6.1.0.Final would not be compüatible with Java 7 Update 2 on Windows 32 (maybe also other acrh's).   Even a completely emtpy installation fresh fr...
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    last modified by ktnagel
  • How to update JBoss [EAP] 4.3.0.GA_CP08 on Windows 2008 R2

    Hi All I have to update the actual Jboss version on a Windows server 2008R2 used as a BlackBerry Enterprise Server, there I have installed the Java 6 update 31 and the SE development kit 6 update 31. Due to a vulnera...
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    last modified by aselhage
  • Error while migrating jboss 5 EAP to jboss 6.1.0 Final(Community Version)

    11:47:17,365 ERROR [AbstractKernelController] Error installing to Start: name=jboss.j2ee:ear="1system.ear",module="accessright-entities.jar",service=EjbModule state=Create mode=Manual requiredState=Installed: java.lan...
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    last modified by aakash.doshi292
  • Node CPU usage/load spiking

    Hi all,   I have a number of nodes that are running JBoss 6 on it and an application hosted on it. Lately, I have seen that most/all of them have been have been complaining about high CPU usage and load and this...
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    last modified by jeunii
  • pring + Apache CXF + Maven Soap service error in Jboss 6

    DEPLOYMENTS IN ERROR: Deployment "vfs:///D:/jboss-6.0.0.Final/server/default/deploy/SpringWebServiceTest.war" is in error due to the following reason(s): java.lang.RuntimeException: Neither any mapped-name/lookup/jndi...
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    last modified by shaileshkarwa

    Deploying ejb jar in jboss6. Hit with this exception , any inputs ? Full stack trace in the attachment.   22:47:18,966 INFO  [remoting] JBoss Remoting version 3.1.0.Beta2 22:47:19,040 INFO  [TomcatDep...
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    created by stpvk15
  • Logging Deployments

    We run JBOSS on Windows Server, and deploy EAR files.  We have an audit request to log all .ear file deployments throughout the year.  Can someone point me to the correct documentation for configuring this f...
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    last modified by brentpinkston
  • Application specific logs being captured in server.log

    Hi,   Our application specific logs are being captured in server.log. Application has been recently migrated to Jboss 6.1.0 Final AS  from Jboss 5x.   Any help on this is much appreciated.   Tha...
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    last modified by chaitanyacsk
  • JBoss EAP 6.2 domain mode not starting up

    Hello there,   I've installed the JBOSS EAP 6.2 on my local and tried to start the jboss as domain mode (domain.sh). I'm getting the below error :     2015-10-27 06:12:55,438 INFO  [org.jboss.mod...
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    last modified by prasadde
  • Memory tuning INSIDE Jboss AS/Wildfly?

    I'm fighting an uphill battle on tuning memory.  From what I can see, nearly all the memory tuning in Jboss AS/Wildfly is done OUTSIDE Jboss AS/Wildfly.  I.E.  systemd, tuned, etc   Does this impl...
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    last modified by kkinney
  • Problemi di login

    Salve,   lavoro su una applicazione web scritta con jBoss 6 che si appoggia alla base dati Oracle 11.2. E' utilizzata da un Contact Center. Mi segnalano che due operatori non riescono a collegarsi. Non riescono...
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    last modified by colpao
  • What webapp do you suggest to make a small test connection the webapp to oracle for performance test?

    Hi guys, im going nuts trying to get this!, i need to use ANY-KIND-OF-WEB-APP for Jboss (it has to be if possible 6.3 EAP),  after i upload the webapp to the suse jboss server EAP 6.3, i will link it to Oracle 11...
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    last modified by leomachado666
  • Jboss EAP 6.2 crashed silently

    We are using jboss-eap-6.2 in which multiple web applications are deployed in it. JDK used is jdk1.7.0_51 and linux version is SUSE Linux.   From past few months we are facing issue with JBoss server, the JBoss ...
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    last modified by arunav.sinha
  • does jboss does hot deployment on its own while it is running ???

    we found something strange behaviour in our jboss applicaiton server. Application seemed to have running fine, meanwhile we could see the following logs logged. Since then application stopped responding from the end u...
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    last modified by neethal
  • Deployment Issue in Jboss5.1

    Hi All,   I'm trying to deploy my application in JBoss 5.1. Getting below error and tried ma luck googling the same but not able to resolve the issue.   2015-09-22 17:25:56,900 ERROR [org.jboss.kernel.plu...
  • Optional autocommit

    Hi,   I have an application which is currently running in glassfish server  with autocommit as true. In some areas my application is explicitly calling connection.commit() and few places no connection.commi...
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    last modified by bharath.polanki
  • Books about JBOSS 5.1.0 GA or higher

    All:   I'm a newbie with JBOSS and work won't send me to any classes right now. So can any of you recommend any good reference books about JBOSS? They will let me buy a book or two. I'm using version 5.1.0 prese...
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    last modified by dwmreg